Blog - 2009 ArchiveJihad at British universities
Tzipi Livni, Israel's former Foreign Minister, threatened with arrest during visit to Britain, Dec 2009. Consider Britain's bizarre standards:
Free the US Navy SEALs charged with punching enemy fighter Ahmed Hashim Abed (alleged leader of the 2004 slaughter and mutilation of Blackwater contractors in Fallujah).
![]() The mutilated bodies of the Blackwater contractors killed at Fallujah in 2004 are hung from a bridge. One of them was a former US Navy SEAL. And we are meant to care if the leader of these barbaric killings is assaulted?
Obama agrees to Afghan surge, Nov-Dec 2009. Good for him. Despite his awful rhetoric, he may not be such a disaster after all. Let us try to keep alive a scrap of hope.
![]() MQ-1 Predator drone, of the type that President Obama is using to assassinate jihadis without trial. Despite his awful rhetoric, he's not all bad.
More on Obama Body Count.
Irish sailor held briefly by Iran. Irish priest released in Philippines. Irish aid worker released in Sudan. In defence of Israel
Beltway sniper executed, 10 Nov 2009. The first Islamist terrorist executed in the USA since 9/11.
The worst Islamist terror homeland attack in 7 years happens months into Obama's watch, Nov 2009
"You don't deserve to live you Jewish bastard!" - Email from Ruairi McCool, Nov 2009 The BNP on Question Time, Oct 2009
Abu Ghraib Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize, Oct 2009
Vote No to Lisbon, 2 Oct 2009. Show your anger at FF. And express your opinion about the undemocratic nature of the EU.
A final goodbye to LGF, a once great blog.
Should the West give up on Afghanistan? Muhammad Ali visits Ireland, Aug-Sept 2009 Prominent British novelist threatened for criticising Islam, Aug 2009 The Nigerian Islamofascists, Boko Haram ("Education is Sin") The Irish economy Darius Guppy defends Iran, Aug 2009 The media bias for Obama The Mehdi Hasan affair, July 2009 Disgrace: Irish government introduces working blasphemy law, July 2009. This is the most shameful FF vote since 1985. This is the most shameful Green vote ever. This is the most shameful PD vote ever.
Blasphemy law meeting, Wynn's Hotel, Dublin, 25 May 2009. I make a contribution from the floor at 4:14 to 5:27.
Obama, as expected, is a partisan and divisive President. As predicted, the doctrinaire leftist Obama is not something new and post-partisan and unifying. Rather he is partisan, divisive, and increasingly unpopular. One would never guess this from reading the European media. Consider the following:
Iran's bid for freedom is crushed It looks like the bid for democracy in Iran has been crushed by the regime (for now). One can't help feeling that:
![]() The weak, half-hearted Obama seems not to care whether the USA's no.1 enemy is toppled or not. Michael Rubin on Obama's "realism": "Realism is about maximizing U.S. interests. Preserving an enemy regime is not realism. It is simply stupid. We should not be throwing a lifeline to the Islamic Republic, the fall of which would enable Iran to emerge as a force for moderation in the region, and allow the Iranian people to take their rightful place among nations."
Andrew Klavan on Obama's weakness, 22 June 2009: "Compare, if you can bear it, President Ronald Reagan's response to the 1982 crackdown on the Polish union Solidarity by the Soviet Union: "The struggle in the world today for the hearts and minds of mankind is based on one simple question: Is man born to be free, or slave?" ... In less than a decade, in startlingly large measure because this one idea found so mighty a voice, the Soviet Union was gone." Israeli Premier, Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with the moral clarity that Obama lacks: "The Iranian regime oppresses is own people. ... The Iranian peoples' courage in their search for liberty is something that deserves notice from free men."
Support Iran's Freedom Revolution
The 1979 Iranian regime falling would be perhaps the greatest event in the world since the fall of the Soviet Empire in 1989. It would be by far the greatest event of Obama's presidency. It would remove the nuclear threat to Israel and Europe. It would remove the sponsor of Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria, and the killer of American and British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would deal a mortal blow to Islamism and jihadism worldwide. Everyone should verbally support the revolt. Though after the bloodbath in Iraq when the West tried to help the Iraqis, no one is directly going to help the Iranians gain their freedom. They will have to do it themselves.
The death of Iranian protester Neda Soltani, June 2009. The Iranians have to fight for their freedom. Wish them luck.
The Stoning of Soraya M. (2009). The first movie since the massive Islamist attacks of 11 Sept 2001 to actually depict Islamism. This tough new movie reminds us why the Iranians are struggling to be free of the vile clerics who control their lives. Eight years we had to wait since 2001 for the first movie about the reality of Islamism. Why? Because it is politically "incorrect" to talk about it.
The Stoning of Soraya M. (2009), about the stoning to death in 1986 in Iran of Soraya Manutchehri, a 35-year-old mother of seven.
Local and European elections, and by-elections, June 2009 Local and European and Dublin Central and Dublin South. Good news:
Bad news:
Good news: Mary Lou McDonald gone. Her party is the political wing of the IRA, which has killed nearly 2,000 people. Her party supported the Nazis in WW2. In 2003 she made a speech honouring a Nazi collaborator. Above in the video in 2008 she is attacking Israel as it struggles against Islamist aggressors (who, by the way, also supported the Nazis). Elections, June 2009. Punish Fianna Fail and the Greens for the blasphemy law!
Before the blasphemy law, I was going to vote FF in the local election, European election and my local Dail by-election. Because of my anger at the blasphemy law, FF lost all my votes. ![]() Fianna Fail threw away my otherwise certain vote with their offensive blasphemy law. Outrage: Blasphemy law proposed in Ireland, Apr 2009. Insults to non-existent fairytale "gods" to be punishable by law. Fianna Fail assault on free speech and freedom of religion. Start of sharia law in Ireland.
![]() The game "Faith Fighter". The kind of thing FF are proposing to make illegal. Click to play the game.
Racist UN conference, 20-24 Apr 2009
![]() Boycott Durban 2 I asked: "Will Obama have the guts to?" The answer: Yes! Credit where it is due to Obama!
Some inter-linked topics Debate with John Pendlebury Terrorist assault on Ireland, Mar 2009 Dissident republicans, who no one would vote for, and who don't have the guts to stand for election, try to drag Ireland back into the abyss.
![]() Cengiz Azimkar, killed by the RIRA in Mar 2009 as they try to start a war that no-one wants.
Religulous The first proper Iraq War movie. The first Iraq movie in which the Islamists are the bad guys. The first film supporting the American troops in Iraq. The first film supporting the British troops in Iraq.
Trailer for The Hurt Locker (2009). At last, after 6 long years of anti-war propaganda films, this is the first real Iraq War movie. After 6 years of trying to help the enemy win during wartime, Hollywood waits until America has won the war before allowing the first movie supporting the troops. See other trailer. Geert Wilders banned from Britain. Showing of Fitna banned in Britain. Opinion polls show his party as the most popular in Holland. I am not a fan of Wilders. But that is beside the point. In a free society, what he says should be legal.
Left-wing children's TV 200th anniversary of birth of Charles Darwin, the man who discovered where humans came from.
![]() Darwin in 1842. From here.
"Living organisms had existed on earth, without ever knowing why, for over three thousand million years before the truth finally dawned on one of them. His name was Charles Darwin. To be fair, others had had inklings of the truth, but it was Darwin who first put together a coherent and tenable account of why we exist." "He was the first living creature to understand what life really is. ... This kind, gentle old man was reviled by the orthodox and died plain Mister Darwin, but will be honoured till the end of our species."
If God does not exist, is life meaningless? Obama arrives, Bush leaves, Jan 2009 ![]() I think America has just elected another weak, naive Jimmy Carter, and the West's enemies will be resurgent and triumphant on his watch. I would love to be proved wrong. From cafepress.com.
A grim warning of the dangers of green extremism The Irish left protest about Gaza Israeli offensive against Hamas in Gaza, Dec 2008 - Jan 2009 Summary: Israel left Gaza in 2005. All Jews were expelled. And yet the Palestinians got worse, not better. They looted their own infrastructure, elected Hamas, continued teaching their children to hate Jews, and did not stop but rather escalated terror attacks on Israel. Conclusion: Israel ending the occupation won't bring peace. It will make the violence worse, not better.
![]() Rockets fired at Israel from Gaza, 2000-08. Note how rocket attacks escalate after Israel leaves Gaza in 2005. See full size.
Current blog: Blog archive:
Contents pages: The West - The Universal civilization
![]() Liberal democracy everywhere. No exceptions. End tyranny everywhere. End all non-democracies on earth. ![]() End communism! Democracy now in North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and China! ![]() Stop the jihad now! End the 1,400 year Islamic violence against infidels. Peace on earth. Stop the jihad.
![]() End Islamic law everywhere. Freedom of religion now in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Nigeria!
![]() Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. From The Religion of Peace. ![]() Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004, my vote for greatest US President ever. The man who won the Cold War for the free world. The man who destroyed communism. The man who destroyed the Soviet terrorist state and the Soviet Empire. The man to whom we owe our freedom.