Blog - 2010 ArchiveHappy Christmas and New Year from the Islamic jihad that has been raging for 1,400 years. Jihad attacks in the 2010-11 holiday season:
There were also jihad plots for Christmas attacks that were foiled:
And that's just for this holiday season alone! And that's not even all the attacks and plots, just the major ones! In reality, the killings roll on all year, every year, and have done for 1,400 years. And they will never end. The jihad of 2011 begins: The bombing of Christians in Alexandria, Egypt, 1 Jan 2011.
Remember Adam of Baghdad Remember Adam Udai of Baghdad, a 3 year old Christian boy who stood up to the satanic jihadis in the Baghdad church attack, Oct 2010.
![]() Adam Udai. See larger image. An American Dominican Sister wrote: "Among the victims of this senseless tragedy was a little boy named Adam. Three-year-old Adam witnessed the horror of dozens of deaths, including that of his own parents. He wandered among the corpses and the blood, following the terrorists around and admonishing them, 'enough, enough, enough.' According to witnesses, this continued for two hours until Adam was himself murdered."
My list of the greatest Irish people ever ![]() Edmund Burke.
Wikileaks Americans now prefer Bush to Obama, Dec 2010 "Someday .. the darkness fades away" "Someday" by Nazanin Afshin-Jam. Someday Islamism, like Communism, will fall.
Republicans take House of Representatives. Republicans take the House of Representatives. Democrats suffer the biggest loss of seats of any party since 1948. A robust judgement on Obama's left-wing policies. (Well what did people expect when they voted for him?)
Hurray for the Tea Party:
Glenn Beck's hilarious Gloat Fest 2010 [starts at 1:18]. The kind of stuff you can't get on Irish radio.
Mid-term elections, 2 Nov 2010. Looking forward to Obama defeat. As a non-American Westerner, I want to see a strong, assertive America that is aggressive in defending the West - the freest part of planet Earth. A weak American President is no good for America - and no good for the West either. That is why the end of the era of Obama can't come soon enough. The 2010 mid-terms are not the end, but hopefully the beginning of the end of the Obama era. It will be great fun to watch this weak, gullible, yet patronising President finally get some real opposition. Americans realise they made a foolish mistake in that exciting campaign of 2008, but they can start to put it right now. ![]() I think it is not an exaggeration to say that I believe in a strong America more than the US President does.
Outrageous lies about the Jawa Report, Oct 2010 Richard Boyd Barrett is quoted by Al Qaeda, Oct 2010 ![]() Richard Boyd Barrett quoted in Al Qaeda magazine.
Environmentalism as religion
![]() "No Pressure", an environmentalist film, Oct 2010, that jokes about murdering eco-sceptics, including children. This is a genuine film. There are greens so deranged that they thought people would like this.
Phoenix lies about me, Sept 2010 "International Burn A Koran Day", 11 Sept 2010 I do not support "International Burn A Koran Day". But it should be legal in a free society. The more Islam reacts to this kind of thing with threats and violence, the more of this kind of thing there will be.
Stoner counter-protester foils a Koran burning, giving birth to a nonsensical music video.
Terror-lovers protest Tony Blair (who brought peace to Ireland), Dublin, 4 Sept 2010 ![]() "Freedom for Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan. End the Occupation. Victory to resistance". Placard in open support of the jihad resistance in Iraq, Israel and Afghanistan, carried at the Irish "Anti-War" Movement protest against Blair.
The RIRA bomb Derry, Oct 2010.
Counterjihad heroes come home
Incredibly moving. You just know these men are great fathers.
The Quilliam Foundation list of UK Islamists, leaked Aug 2010 Cameron's dreadful speech in Turkey, July 2010 Some random summer horrors Somali Islamists kill 74 people watching World Cup in Uganda, 11 July 2010. Somali Islamists kill two men for watching World Cup, 12 June 2010. Taliban hang 7-year-old boy to punish family, June 2010.
The first movie since 9/11 showing a fictional Islamist attack on the US. The first movie since 9/11 showing an Islamist nuclear attack. The first movie since 9/11 supporting the homeland FBI's fight against Islamism. Trailer for Unthinkable (2010).
Irish reaction to the Gaza flotilla clash ![]() Protester at the anti-Israel demo, Dublin, 31 May 2010, wears a t-shirt that says "Death to Israel" in Hebrew and Arabic.
Gaza flotilla clash, 31 May 2010 "We Con the World" sums it up. I love how it drives the lefties like Kos, HuffPo, Sullivan and Bock nuts. "We are peaceful travelers / we're waving our own knives ..."
Four Lions, May 2010 Trailer for Four Lions.
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, 20 May 2010 ![]() Fascist students in Lahore, Pakistan issue death threats over "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day". UK election, 6 May 2010 Good news:
Bad news:
I get to defend Obama South Park and the Muhammed depiction issue, Apr 2010 ![]() From The Simpsons episode 460, April 25, 2010.
2007 Iraq airstrike video, released Apr 2010
After the journalists walk out of shot, a group of armed insurgents is clearly seen, armed with an AK-style rifle and RPG, clearly about to launch an attack on nearby US ground forces. It is obvious why US forces attacked this group. There is nothing illegal about this attack.
Irish Islamic terror plot: New charges, Apr 2010
Obama is furious with Israel over some trivia, Mar 2010. Obama wants America to have no allies. MPAC.IE (Islamic extremists in Ireland)
Cinema - Reviews Che Guevara ![]() T-shirt from here.
College View letter
Geert Wilders prosecuted by Holland for his intemperate criticism of Islam, Jan 2010. I am not a fan of Wilders. But that is beside the point. In a free society, what he says should be legal.
![]() Fascists protest against Geert Wilders, Oct 2009.
Blasphemy law introduced by idiot Fianna Fail government in Ireland. Comes into operation on 1 Jan 2010. Shame on Fianna Fail. Shame on the Greens. Shame on the PDs. Shame on Dermot Ahern.
![]() Repeal the blasphemy law! Defend the right to criticise religion. Stop Sharia law in Ireland!
Bring back Bush
Bush at Ground Zero, 14 Sept 2001.
Current blog: Blog archive:
Contents pages: The West - The Universal civilization
![]() Liberal democracy everywhere. No exceptions. End tyranny everywhere. End all non-democracies on earth. ![]() End communism! Democracy now in North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and China! ![]() Stop the jihad now! End the 1,400 year Islamic violence against infidels. Peace on earth. Stop the jihad.
![]() End Islamic law everywhere. Freedom of religion now in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Nigeria!
![]() Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. From The Religion of Peace. ![]() Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004, my vote for greatest US President ever. The man who won the Cold War for the free world. The man who destroyed communism. The man who destroyed the Soviet terrorist state and the Soviet Empire. The man to whom we owe our freedom.