Mark Humphrys (politics)


Barack Obama - The worship of Obama - Child worship

  Young children

Older kids

Bullying children to worship Obama

Obama in children's books

Child worship of Obama

When children talk about politics, they usually talk nonsense.

And when children start worshipping some political leader, something deeply disturbing is going on.

Child prays for (or is it to) President Barack Obama.

Young children

Children worshipping President Obama, primary school, Burlington, NJ, Feb 2009.
"He said that we must take a stand; To make sure everyone gets a chance; Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama;
He said red, yellow, black or white; All are equal in his sight; Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama"

Children worshipping President Obama, primary school, Feb 2009.
This is The Obama Song by "Mr. B and the students of Room 8".
Also here.

Kindergarten children worship Obama.
"Barack Obama is Our New President"
Harmony Leland Elementary School, Mableton, GA.
Video formerly here.
See lyrics.

"Sing for Change"

Video of Obama child followers, "Sing for Change".
Originally from here (from this user).
Search for YouTube copies and all copies.

  1. Song 1 lyrics: "We're gonna spread happiness; We're gonna spread freedom; Obama's gonna change it; Obama's gonna lead 'em; We're gonna change it; And rearrange it; We're gonna change the world." (Of course their parents support Obama because they want him to stop spreading freedom to Arabs and Muslims.)
  2. Song 2 lyrics: "Now's the moment, lift each voice to sing; Sing with all your heart! For our children, for our families, Nations all joined as one. Sing for joy and sing abundant peace, Courage, justice, hope! Sing together, hold each precious hand, Lifting each other up; Sing for vision, sing for unity, Lifting our hearts to Sing!"
  3. Song 3 lyrics: "Yes we can; Lift each other up; In peace, in love, in hope; Change! Change!"

Other songs of worship

President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!
President Obama--We say
Yes we can!
President Obama--I say
Yes I can!
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!
Barack Obama--Oh yes he rates,
The first Black President in the United States!
He's smart and he's--so so good!
He'll lead this country as he should!
He wants us all to work together,
To make this country even better!
Prez' Obama says--"Yes We Can!"
Make the US better--hand in hand!
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama

Obama worship song sung by school children in Columbia, MD, Sept 2009.
See the school's unconvincing reply.

Who is our 44th President?
Obama is our 44th President
Who is a DC resident?
Obama is a DC resident
Resident, President

Whose favorite team is the Chicago White Sox?
Obama's favorite team is the Chicago White Sox
Who really thinks outside the box?
Obama really thinks outside the box
Outside the box, Chicago White Sox
Resident, President

Who really likes to play basketball?
Obama really likes to play basketball
Who's gonna answer our every call?
Every Call, Basketball
Outside the box, Chicago White Sox
Resident, President

Whose famous slogan is Yes we can?
Obama's famous slogan is Yes we can
Who do we know is the man?
Barack Obama is the man
He's our man, Yes we can!
Every Call, Basketball
Outside the box, Chicago White Sox
Resident, President
Who won a grammy for "Dreams of my Father"?
Obama won a grammy for "Dreams of my Father"?
Now can you guess who's a famous author
Barack Obama is a famous author

Famous Author, Dreams of my Father
He's our man, Yes we can!
Every Call, Basketball
Outside the box. Chicago White Sox
Resident President

Who wants to go to college at Yale?
Malia & Sasha will go to college at Yale
Who'll make sure they won't fail?
Barack & Michelle know they won't fail

They won't fail, they're going to Yale
Famous Author, Dreams of my Father
He's our man, Yes we can!
Every Call, Basketball
Outside the box, Chicago White Sox
Resident, President

Obama worship song sung by children at Tipps Elementary School in Houston, Texas, Feb 2012.
Isn't this all a bit stale now? Do people really still believe this stuff?
It is also amusing that the school's memo giving the lyrics was full of errors in spelling and grammar. (I have corrected them above.) Some school this is!

Older kids

Video of Obama child followers, "Obama Kids to Voter Moms".
The only actual argument made by the children in the entire video above is basically: "Vote for Obama because he's black."
The best reply to this daft argument is: "Vote for Palin because she's a woman."

5th graders at Gotham Avenue School worship Obama.
Video formerly here.
See lyrics.
"We believe in Barack Obama; He loves you and he loves your mama; We believe in Barack Obama, yeah; With all the change he's building; Gonna bring hope to the children"

7th graders worship Obama.
"Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video 7th Grade Version"
See lyrics.

Teenagers worship Obama at school in Toronto, Canada, Feb 2009.
See their site.

Obama child followers.
Oh how wonderful it would have been if these creepy, patronising young people had been disappointed in the election!

Bullying children to worship Obama

Obnoxious teacher, Diatha Harris (misspelled as Diantha Harris), tries to bully school children in class into supporting Obama.
The only bright side is: You can see that the children don't like it. They look like 1950s children having Catholicism beaten into them.

Obama in children's books

Just like children's books about Mao or Kim Il Sung, deranged left-wing Americans have been writing creepy children's books about their God-King, Barack Obama.
Search for these on Amazon and Google.

Barack Obama propaganda books for children, Agence France-Presse, Mar 18, 2009.

A reading from the children's book about the God-King, Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes (2008).
Click to play.

Extract from Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope portrays the Messiah's "community organizer" work as heroic.

Another creepy children's book, Barack by Jonah Winter (2008).
Image from here.

Obama propaganda already being forced on American children in their school books, Oct 2008.
From here.

Return to The worship of Obama.

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