Blog - 2012 ArchiveIsraeli Embassy Christmas statement controversy, Dec 2012 My site is banned in Iran ![]() My site is banned in Iran.
Pro-Israel rally in Dublin, 25 Nov 2012. ![]() A mother protecting her child during a rocket attack in Israel, Nov 2012. From here.
Gaza war, Nov 2012 ![]() Israeli baby injured in Hamas rocket fire, 15 Nov 2012. This was no accident. Hamas, unlike Israel, deliberately targets civilians, and is proud of it.
Anti-Israel idiots in Canada
used this picture
on a
poster for a demo against Israel,
not knowing it was an Israeli baby.
U.S. election, 6 Nov 2012. Americans re-elect Jimmy Carter. Abu Hamza leaves the UK to spend the rest of his life in a federal supermax prison in the USA
Britain finally gets rid of Abu Hamza, 5 Oct 2012. A great day for British sovereignty. Every decent British person celebrates.
The anti-Israel "charity" Trocaire Innocence of Muslims death threats ![]() Kill those who incite violence ... in me!
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs proposes Irish ban on Israeli goods, Sept 2012 All members of Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade support ban on goods from Israeli settlements, Sept 2012. They listened to submissions from the anti-Israel Christian group EAPPI. Shame, shame on Ireland. ![]() Membership of the Joint Committee as at Sept 2012. It includes the anti-Israel David Norris and Mark Daly.
The "Innocence of Muslims" riots, Sept 2012
![]() The defining photo of the Obama presidency? The maker of Innocence of Muslims is taken away at night to discuss parole violations. Yes, it seems he did violate parole. But the optics of this are really bad, and will travel round the Islamic world. The image this sends of America is terrible. Why not send police to guard his house, and the parole officer can visit for a chat in daytime. See many other captions.
Michael D. video goes viral among lefties, Aug 2012
![]() Michael D. Higgins at a candlelit vigil in 2004 mourning the death of the Jew-killing terrorist Yasser Arafat. I don't think this guy is in any position to be calling someone else a "wanker".
Reasons why America is the greatest country in the world: The Sikh temple shooting, Aug 2012 A new dark ages begins for Mali A new dark ages begins for Egypt ![]() The Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Cairo, as viewed by Israeli pilots as they flew over Egypt unimpeded in the Six Day War in 1967, having destroyed the Egyptian air force in one morning. It looks like the idiot Egyptian people have voted for Israeli jets in their skies again. Image from here.
Israel-Palestine in a nutshell:
The left and "civility" Republican crimes EU fiscal union referendum, 31 May 2012 ![]() I followed Libertas in voting No. I blame the EU and monetary union for the Irish crisis. Joining the euro was clearly a mistake for Ireland. Indeed the euro looks like a mistake for the whole EU. And the Irish government made the taxpayer take on massive private debts to save the euro. But why save the euro? If the euro doesn't work, end it or leave it. If the EU doesn't work, end it or leave it. I have no emotional commitment to either. But none of the main Irish parties are Eurosceptic. Instead they are going the other way, signing us into an increasing EU fiscal union as well as EU monetary union. Is there no party that will put Ireland first?
Things that make me ashamed to be Irish:
![]() Sign the petition against the boycott.
Cenk Uygur of "The Young Turks" show is an Armenian Genocide denier Boris Johnson re-elected Mayor of London, 3 May 2012
The anti-counterjihad Beslan comes to France: Islamic terror attack on primary school
The left's support for tyranny and terror
Chris Andrews The Communications Co-ordinator for Amnesty Ireland is a Sinn Feiner. For 25 years, the Middle East correspondent for the Irish Times was a Muslim. And they never told us. Disgusting - Ireland to honour Che Guevara The Islamic street disgraces itself yet again Syrian uprising Michael D. Higgins welcomes Chinese vice-president, 20 Feb 2012
![]() Hilarious: Our anti-American President Michael D. Higgins protested the visits to Ireland of elected U.S. Presidents Reagan and Bush in 1984 and 2004. But apparently the unelected Vice-President of China is fine. From Chinese state TV, 21 Feb 2012. Fr Eugene O'Neill of Belfast nails Michael D. in a beautifully worded piece: "I .. found it interesting in the last few days to see the touching of the hem of the Chinese vice-premier by Michael D Higgins who I remember as a schoolboy was out protesting against Ronald Reagan. We know China's human rights record - still the biggest executioner in the world, oppression of massive numbers of Christians, Falun Gong or anyone opposed to them - don't we have values beyond the economy?" Classic!
Alfred O'Rahilly The burning of libraries
Current blog: Blog archive:
Contents pages: The West - The Universal civilization
![]() Liberal democracy everywhere. No exceptions. End tyranny everywhere. End all non-democracies on earth. ![]() End communism! Democracy now in North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and China! ![]() Stop the jihad now! End the 1,400 year Islamic violence against infidels. Peace on earth. Stop the jihad.
![]() End Islamic law everywhere. Freedom of religion now in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Nigeria!
![]() Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. From The Religion of Peace. ![]() Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004, my vote for greatest US President ever. The man who won the Cold War for the free world. The man who destroyed communism. The man who destroyed the Soviet terrorist state and the Soviet Empire. The man to whom we owe our freedom.