Mark Humphrys (politics)


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Blog - 2008 Archive


Who Would Jesus Kill?

An important message for Christmas 2008, thanks to Holocaust-denying fascist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, chosen to give the "Alternative" Christmas message on trendy, left-wing, anti-semite friendly, British TV station Channel 4, Dec 2008.

Who Would Jesus Kill? Apparently, Jesus would kill THE JEWS. And the Christians.

  • Israeli ambassador: "In Iran, converts to Christianity face the death penalty. It is perverse that this despot is allowed to speculate on the views of Jesus, while his government leads Christ's followers to the gallows."
  • Rod Liddle asks a good question: "Can you imagine, for even the briefest glimmering of a nanosecond, Channel 4 issuing a similar invitation to President George W Bush? It is unthinkable; it would not remotely occur to the executives."

Dec 2008 -
At Christmas, western Christians should (but don't)
 remember the persecution of non-western Christians
  by Islamists and communists worldwide.

VI (Victory in Iraq) Day, 22 Nov 2008

Because Bush won't declare it. Because Obama will never declare it. Because the enemy will never declare it. Because the left will never declare it. Because the media will never declare it.

We declare Victory in Iraq. America and its brave allies, led by President George W. Bush, have delivered a crushing blow to the evil, oppressive global jihad. Tens of thousands of jihadi idiots died for nothing. They threw away their lives for nothing - for a worthless cause that has been simply abandoned. The jihad has given up in Iraq, and has retreated back to Afghanistan and Pakistan where it is trying desperately to recover morale. But every jihadi can see what has happened. The jihad lost. The Iraq War is over, and the good guys won.

No thanks to that weak-kneed defeatist Barack Obama. As Blackfive says: "the incoming President tried his damndest to lose the war and should not be allowed near a celebration".

What the allied troops deserve but will never get.

See full size. From here.
WW2 photo from here.
Iraq photo from here.

Iraq - Is it too late for Obama to prevent victory?

Bali bombers executed, Nov 2008

 Obama wins  U.S. Election, Nov 2008  


U.S. Election Debate, DCU, 20 Oct 2008

  • Motion: "That this house would vote for Obama".
  • For: Kate Fitzgerald (Democrats Abroad), Emmet Ryan (journalist).
  • Against: Tony Allwright, Mark Humphrys.
  • The motion was (of course) carried.

  • See Tony Allwright's account.
  • Kate Fitzgerald of Democrats Abroad wasn't just against the war - she cast aspersions on the American military. It was interesting that the American from Democrats Abroad was attacking the honour of American soldiers - while the two foreigners (Tony and I) were defending them. As Tony puts it: "of what other country do its mainstream representatives abroad attack the country and snub those few foreigners who dare to defend it?"

  • Shockingly, Kate Fitzgerald took her own life on Aug 23, 2011, after a long struggle with depression, age only 25. RIP.

Chinese Olympics,
Aug 2008.

From The Onion.

(unlike the 
far right
 and the
 far left)
 want everyone in the world to be free:

Matt Harding does a silly dance all over the world.
A glimpse of a beautiful future when everyone in the world is free.

Ireland votes No to EU treaty, June 2008

I voted No to the Lisbon Treaty myself. I'm not totally against the EU. I just want it to be a loose alliance of sovereign nations, not a united superstate under the rule of unelected and unaccountable continental elites. I resent the EU's lack of interest in democratic accountability, and regard its cause as the fact that democracy is still a new concept in continental Europe, whereas unbroken democratic traditions are much older in places like Ireland, Britain and America. For example, Lisbon itself was the capital of a non-democracy when I was young.

Bertie Ahern retires

The US military

Mohammed Hamid found guilty on terror charges, Feb 2008

Britain's Greatest Idiot   supports sharia law, Feb 2008

The Ezra Levant case, Jan 2008

"She's a thug. You're a thug."
Ezra Levant sticks it to government censor and sharia enforcer Shirlene McGovern.

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Election 2016




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Contents pages:




The West - The Universal civilization



Liberal democracy everywhere. No exceptions.
End tyranny everywhere.
End all non-democracies on earth.


End communism!
Democracy now in North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and China!



Stop the jihad now!
End the 1,400 year Islamic violence against infidels.
Peace on earth. Stop the jihad.

End Islamic law everywhere.
Freedom of religion now in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Nigeria!





Islamic terror attacks since 9/11.
From The Religion of Peace.

Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004, my vote for greatest US President ever.

The man who won the Cold War for the free world. The man who destroyed communism. The man who destroyed the Soviet terrorist state and the Soviet Empire. The man to whom we owe our freedom.


Politics      Religion      Since 1995.      New 250 G VPS server.

Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).