But unfortunately, he comes with a foreign policy.
He is in fact one of the main Irish opponents
of the West's two frontline states -
America and Israel.
You would think he would have some sympathy for
the brave American and Israeli
troops fighting the gay-hating, gay-torturing, gay-murdering, religious maniac
But no. All he does is attack them, often in viciously intemperate and angry language.
The idea
that Norris should be President of Ireland
is madness.
Imagine a U.S. Republican Presidential visit with the divisive, intemperate anti-American Norris as President.
Imagine the Irish insults to Israel for 7 long years with Norris as President.
If he becomes President, he will make Ireland hated in America.
He failed to become President, but it was cold comfort since
Michael D. Higgins
became President instead.
Freedom of sexuality in Israel
- It is, of course,
the only country in the Middle East where Norris could live in peace
- the only country where he would not be persecuted
for his sexuality.
Hard to believe now, but Norris
was pro-Israel in the 1980s.
He had a long relationship (until 2001) with a gay, far-left, self-hating Israeli,
Ezra Nawi,
and sadly eventually Norris' views became strongly anti-Israel.
David Norris attacks Israel - the precious oasis of sexual and religious freedom in the Middle East.
All across the region, gays are persecuted and murdered.
Only in Israel are gays free.
And yet Norris endlessly attacks Israel, and uses offensive "Nazi" language about it.
Photo from here
photos of
Pride Parade 2008, Tel Aviv.
See other Israeli parades
(both gay and straight/mixed).
Irish Senate, 23 Mar 2004.
Norris supports sanctions against Israel
for killing the monster
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin:
"We should not be trading with a rogue state."
He gets a lot of support in the Senate.
Nobody defends Israel.
Norris on Israel,
Irish Senate, 20 May 2004
- "There is one thing that we can do. There is a human rights protocol attached
to the external association agreement of the European Union. Since we hold the Presidency of the EU,
why do we not operate that and remove the special status awarded to Israel?"
He gets a lot of support in the Senate.
Nobody defends Israel.
Norris on Israel,
Irish Senate, 5 July 2006.
He describes Gaza as
"an open-air concentration camp".
Note this is after the Israelis left!
This is after all the Jews (9,000 of them) were ethnically cleansed to satisfy the Palestinian
Muslim supremacists.
This is after the Palestinians were free to set up their own working state.
And yet somehow they are living in a "concentration camp".
Norris has a bizarre understanding of democracy.
He thinks that just because the majority of people vote for something,
it must be "respected":
"It is a frightening comment on democracy that because we do not like the people who are elected,
we can get rid of them. I do not particularly like Hamas.
As a gay man, I am certain I would not last ten minutes with them.
However, that does not mean I can countermand the sovereign authority
given to Hamas by the people of Gaza."
For me, human rights always trump
democracy and sovereignty
(that's why I'm not a leftist).
Hamas do not believe in human rights.
So I couldn't care less
how many people voted for them.
Attacking them and deposing them is always legitimate.
Democracy is a means to an end, the end being a free society.
Democracy is not something inherently good.
Rather, it is the only statistically reliable means
discovered so far of establishing and
maintaining a free society.
David Norris says Gaza is
"an open-air concentration camp".
Yes, I remember the shops and restaurants in Auschwitz were just like the above.
Although you probably could not get the iPhone at the shops in Auschwitz.
Hezbollah terrorist flag openly displayed at anti-Israel march, Dublin, Apr 2008.
From here.
David Norris spoke at this march.
The IRA in 1940
attacks Britain's criticism of Nazi concentration camps.
Instead they point to conditions in Derry Jail.
From the IRA's
War News, 6 Jan 1940.
Irish people who don't know what a "concentration camp" is
are still with us today.
Here's how he criticises a religious totalitarian organisation
that wants to kill him for being gay:
"I am not naturally disposed to support Hamas,
about whose origins and policies I have serious reservations.
However, I would point out:
(a) Hamas was legitimately elected ..."
and so on.
Can you imagine him confining himself just to saying
he has "serious reservations"
about America or Israel!
He claims Hamas was
democratically elected
(in an environment where
the opposition is shot)
and then he complains that the Jew-killing terror group Hamas
"was boycotted and further financially punished
... Shamefully, the European Union, including Ireland, collaborated in this."
He doesn't say the existence of Hamas is shameful.
He doesn't say the decision by ignorant Palestinian people
to vote for gay-killers is shameful.
No, apparently it's shameful that Ireland boycotts Hamas!
What's shameful, in my opinion, is that Ireland
gives any aid to Palestinian authorities at all,
and has a Palestinian embassy at all
(Fatah or Hamas, it's all the same).
Norris uses "evil" and "Nazi" language about the Catholic church:
About Hamas he merely has "serious reservations", but the Catholic Pope - now that is real evil!
Contrast Norris' weak criticism of Hamas (who actually kill people)
with his
robust criticism of the Pope.
He blames the Pope for anti-gay violence - despite the Pope never having called for any violence.
He said Pope John Paul II was
"an instrument of evil, as far as I'm concerned".
He said that John Paul II's utterances are "calculated and deliberate wickedness".
He said about then-Cardinal Ratzinger:
"behind him is Ratzinger, who is, in his mindset, a nazi."
What an offensive, divisive, polarising man.
Perfect Presidential material!
"Evil" is not a word that should be used for religious fundamentalists who may have nutcase beliefs but
do not kill anyone.
"Evil" is a word that should be reserved for the likes of Hamas.
As David Quinn says:
"one wonders whether Senator Norris would call the Dalai Lama an ''instrument of evil'' as the Dalai Lama, too, disapproves of homosexual acts."
Norris uses "Nazi" language about Israel:
It's not just the Catholic Pope who is a "Nazi".
Norris on Israel's attack on Gaza, 6 Jan 2009:
"the massive bombardment from land, sea and air of a civilian population besieged and entrapped within a tiny area carries such sinister resonances of the
destruction of the
Warsaw Ghetto."
12 Jan 2009
he expands at length on why Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto.
Shamefully he compares
the Jew-killing genocidal terrorists of Hamas
to the brave
Warsaw Ghetto resistance.
He says Gaza is similar because in both:
"Resistance has been organised by commando groups and this has been met by the unleashing of a massive mechanised assault."
What an offensive, divisive, polarising man.
Perfect Presidential material!
Norris on Gaza, Feb 2009:
"It is unspeakable. I said this was a blitz and that it was like the Warsaw Ghetto.
They do not like that but that is what it is."
For the benefit of poorly educated people who might take their history from
people like Norris:
The Nazis killed 300,000 Jews in Warsaw alone
even before
the final liquidation in 1943
where they killed a further 70,000 Jews.
The Nazis killed 90 percent of all Jews in Warsaw.
The Nazis killed 90 percent of all Jews in Poland.
Not to mention the fact that the Jews of Warsaw committed no crime against Germany,
whereas the government of Gaza fires rockets at Israel constantly.
Le Monde
cartoon of 2002 compares
the Israeli attack on Islamic terrorists at
Jenin, 2002
(53 dead, almost all Islamist enemy fighters)
the Nazi attack on the innocent Jews of
Warsaw, 1943
(70,000 dead, almost all civilian men, women and children).
Search for more copies.
Consider also the following:
The Nazis had already killed 300,000 innocent Jews in Warsaw
(and more elsewhere in Poland)
even before 1943.
The Nazis killed 90 percent of all Jews in Warsaw.
The Nazis killed 90 percent of all Jews in Poland.
They killed 3,000,000 innocent Jews in Poland
(and more elsewhere in Europe).
shows the uncanny similarity of the IDF and the SS.
As David Norris says, Gaza is just like the Warsaw Ghetto!
The Israelis are just like the Nazis!
A Palestinian woman
in Gaza
suffers serious burns in an accident.
Despite the endless terror attacks from Gaza on Israelis,
she received compassionate permission to enter Israel for hospital appointments,
where Israeli doctors and nurses kindly treated her.
That's just like what the Nazis would do!
And, oh yes, she responded by trying to kill them. (She tried to suicide bomb the hospital.)
Yes, the Palestinians are really just like the Jews in World War Two!
"Hamas in their own voices".
When it comes to people who actually are anti-semites, nazis, totalitarians, fascists, terrorists and racists,
Norris merely says:
"I am not naturally disposed to support Hamas,
about whose origins and policies I have serious reservations.
However, I would point out:
(a) Hamas was legitimately elected ..."
About Hamas he merely has "serious reservations", but Israel and the Vatican - now that is real evil!
Like Hitler, the Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments, February 28, 2010, describes the Jews as sub-human bacteria.
Norris compares the Israelis to the Nazis and says Israel is committing genocide. Irish Senate, 15 May 2012.
He praises
Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore's disgraceful call for an Irish boycott of
goods from Israeli settlements
(but not goods from China).
Norris says about Gilmore:
"He has gone further, and under questioning, he said that he would consider it appropriate for Ireland to use its situation, while it holds the Presidency of the EU, to advance the issue. The matter is being stalled by Germany because of its bad conscience having destroyed one Semitic race in Europe it has now set about the systematic assistance of the destruction of another Semitic race in the Middle East. It is very refreshing that our Tánaiste has had the courage, as a Deputy Leader of a small country, to stand up for a very, very oppressed people."
So Israel is committing genocide (against who?) aided by Germany.
What a fanatic Norris has become.
I would love to know what the body count of this alleged "genocide" is.
1 million?
In one sentence, Norris insults Germany and Israel in a way that would take decades to forgive.
Perfect Presidential material!
Norris on America,
Irish Senate, 5 July 2006.
Hamas, which kills Jews and gays,
and wants to exterminate them all,
is: "the legitimate Government" of Gaza,
while the US government, which runs a tolerant free society, is:
"the dark shadow of the criminal regime entrenched in Washington
which has spread its plague all over the world".
Why left-wingers have even an ounce of sympathy for
reactionary Islamic religious fanatics is beyond me.
It makes no logical sense.
People like Norris certainly make left-wing politics seem to be based on emotion
rather than reason.
David Norris, Feb 2003,
supports Mary Kelly, an Irish
of a U.S. military plane at Shannon.
"May I also say that if I thought the action of Mary Kelly would help to stop the war or prevent the deaths of innocent Iraqi civilians, I would drive to Shannon Airport this minute with a hatchet on the back seat of my car."
David Norris
(left) and
Michael D. Higgins
at an anti-US protest, Mar 2006.
They stand in front of signs portraying America as demonic
and U.S. President Bush as a monster.
They are supporting Irish
Deirdre Clancy (centre),
who attacked a U.S. military plane at Shannon airport.
See large size.
Can you imagine a Tea Party Republican Presidential visit
with either of these two anti-Americans as Irish President?
David Norris (in brown) supports Irish
of U.S. military equipment
at their trial,
Oct 2005.
David Norris supports Irish
of U.S. military equipment,
Nov 2005.
Norris wanted to arrest elected U.S. President George W. Bush when he visited Ireland.
And some people think Norris would be a good Irish President!
David Norris on Bush,
Irish Senate, 20 May 2004
- "here we have a criminal involved in war crimes
it is unparliamentary to allow that man to remain unimpeached
He is a war criminal."
Norris discussing whether President Bush could be arrested on his visit to Ireland,
Irish Senate, 23 June 2004:
"I ask the Leader to seek an opinion from the Attorney General on the status of President Bush while he is in this country. Some senior lawyers have suggested he might be vulnerable to arrest because he has clearly broken international law."
European leftists actually calling for the use of force (arrests, military action)
against America and Israel:
Norris and the Greens exemplify the "dreamworld"
and "postmodern paradise" that much of Europe lives in,
totally detached from reality
since they have for so long been
children protected
from the harsh world by America.
I wonder if, in the future, some European government
(Belgium maybe?) will actually
get so detached from reality that they
will try to arrest or attack the US President.
Certainly, I would support US military action against
any country that did this.
Norwegian government party calls for "military action against Israel", Mar 2011.
If it came to it, I would support Israel against Norway.
Why does Norris not call for the arrest of Obama?
Now Bush is gone.
But why does Norris not call for the arrest of
Why the double standard?
Kandahar massacre, March 2012.
US soldier kills 17 innocents.
If Bush was in office, Norris would say the blood was on his hands.
Why does Norris not call for the arrest of Obama?
When David Norris calls for
Obama to be arrested as a war criminal,
please tell me here.
Poster from the above anti-US protest in Ireland.
See full size.
From here.
David Norris
at anti-US protest, 2006.
Close-up of above picture.
"I am effete and proud of it. I am also a lefty pinko. I was told that by no less than our mutual friend, Kader Asmal, and coming from him, it was the greatest compliment I ever received in my life. Myself and Deputy Michael D. Higgins are two old lefty pinkos. I am an effete lefty pinko and I was part of the commentariat as well for a period."
- David Norris
sums it up in his usual style in Mar 2007.
"Effete" is fine,
but a "lefty pinko" will be a divisive, damaging President.
"I regret that there seems to be some confusion between the terms "Jewish" and "Israeli". ... it is dangerous and we need to be aware of the dangers of unleashing anti-Semitism.
In London,
Hasidic Jews
demonstrated at the cenotaph against the blockade, holding up placards calling on what they call the "Zionist" state to cease a criminal occupation and siege. That must be borne in mind, as must the work of
Mr. Ezra Nawi
and Professor Jeff Halper,
an Israeli citizen and very distinguished academic ...
on a previous flotilla, there was an
83-year old holocaust survivor
who is critical of Israeli policies in the area, which should protect anybody who takes an interest in this matter from the charges of anti-semitism."
- David Norris
attacks Israel at the
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs,
3 June 2010.
despite his alleged knowledge of Israel,
is impressed by
Neturei Karta
(the "Hasidic Jews" he refers to).
Hat tip
John Connolly.
"16 people on both sides have died in the Israel-Palestinian conflict this year. 16! And people still claim 'genocide' with a straight face."
Derek Hopper, 20 Oct 2013.