After the wall of lies in the Irish media in Apr 2010 about the
Wikileaks airstrike video,
there was a further wall of lies in the Irish media about the May 2010 "Free Gaza" flotilla violence.
The Gaza flotilla clash of 31 May 2010 is one of the most violent incidents that any anti-Israel westerners have ever been caught up in.
Nine anti-Israel activists were killed when they
violently attacked Israeli forces boarding their boat.
Irish anti-Israel activists were in the same flotilla.
It is clear from video footage, though,
that the Israeli soldiers would have been killed if they had not opened fire.
First, don't try to kill armed men:
"Because while you might think that legal activism includes attempted murder, the nice men in uniform think that attempted murder should result in sudden death. And when that happens you will realize that fanatical passion for your poorly thought out cause and a medieval weapon are no match for trained law enforcement officers who have guns and know how to use them."
Second, expect "disproportionate" response, you moron:
"Once you have a weapon out, then you have put words such as "non-violence" or "pacifist" or "youth" aside. You have given up the moral protection of presumed innocence, for a life and death struggle. And if you do not have the stomach for the consequences of that struggle, then you should not raise that knife or that stone. ...
It is also written in the codes of common sense, that only the attacker can be guilty of disproportionate violence, not the defender. It is the business of the defender only to repel you with as little damage to himself as possible. If you have a rock, you should not expect him to put down his gun, and throw rocks at you. ... This is not a duel of honor, but an exchange of force intended to result in injury or death. His business is ... to dispatch you as quickly as possible."
Most radicals are really crap at killing armed, trained opponents:
"The difference between violent activists and law enforcement and soldiers, is that violent activists want to kill people, but lack the necessary skills
... when the blooded radicals complain about disproportionate force, what they're really doing is whining about how surprisingly hard it is to kill people.
The average radical, lefty or Islamic, is as stupid as he is vicious. His cleverness exhausts itself in invective and rhetoric, which he discovers has surprisingly little application in a firefight. What is left is a would be murderer who rather late in the game discovers that he is trying to kill people, who are better at killing than he is."
The radical Turkish Islamists of the IHH reveal the day before (30 May 2010)
that they are planning violence. Bülent Yildirim,
leader of the IHH,
"And we say: "If you send the commandos, we will throw you down from here
and you will be humiliated in front of the whole world."
If they board our ship, we will throw them into the sea, Allah willing!"
The whole speech is full of "Allah" and martyrdom.
When later asked by
to respond to this video,
he said:
"I spoke correctly there ...
we're not denying it. If we organised another boat
and Israel attempted to illegally invade it,
we'd use our right to passive resistance.
We'd throw them into the sea."
That would be "passive resistance" apparently!
The violence was all on the ship operated by the radical-Islamic Turkish IHH group.
None of the other ships were violent.
On the Turkish IHH ship, groups of passengers surrounded Israeli soldiers and beat them with metal poles and chairs, and threw one soldier over the side of the ship. Some passengers grabbed pistols from the IDF soldiers and opened fire.
Arab Media Reports on Flotilla Participants
- exhaustive links
on the large number of Islamist jihad supporters in the flotilla.
Membership of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Links to Hamas, Hizbullah and the PLO.
Support for Islamic terror in Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Support for Al-Qaeda.
Nice company the Irish useful idiots keep.
MEMRI TV Clips on the Gaza Flotilla.
Clip on May 28, 2010 shows what is coming:
"Yesterday, the commander of the fleet said: 'We will not allow the Zionists to come near us, and we will wage resistance against them.' With what will they wage resistance? With their fingernails. These are people who wish to be martyred for the sake of Allah."
Raed Salah
Among the participants was
Raed Salah,
who promotes the
blood libel against the Jews:
"We are not the ones who allowed ourselves to eat a meal based on bread and cheese soaked in children's blood."
In 2003, Raed Salah also wrote this
poem: "You Jews are criminal bombers of mosques / Slaughterers of pregnant women and babies / Robbers and germs in all times / The Creator sentenced you to be loser monkeys / Victory belongs to Muslims, from the Nile to the Euphrates."
The violence only came from one ship
- the ship operated by
the radical-Islamic Turkish
led by
Bülent Yildirim.
The IHH has been
of links to Islamic terror,
including links to
Al Qaeda.
The IHH in
openly referred to the Iraqi jihad fighters as
"the brave freedom fighters who resisted the invasion.
The freedom fighters crashed one [US] airplane and 18 [US] helicopters."
Bülent Yildirim, head of the Turkish IHH,
with Hamas'
Khaled Mashaal, 2009.
Bülent Yildirim of the IHH
with Hamas'
Ismail Haniya, 2010.
Bülent Yildirim of the IHH
hands the key of a convoy vehicle to Hamas'
Ahmad Kurd, 2010.
Islamists on the flotilla heading to Gaza, 30 May 2010, chant about the
Battle of Khaybar in 629 AD,
when Muhammad slaughtered the Jews
and ended the Jewish presence in Arabia.
(Muhammad also took
one of the captive Jews
as his "wife"
after he tortured and killed her husband.
He consummated his "marriage" that very night.)
One Islamist here says she joyfully expects
if she does not reach Gaza.
Copy here.
Islamist on the flotilla says
they are all planning in advance to fight the Israelis.
He hopes to be a martyr.
and search:
When Israeli forces boarded one of the ships, they were attacked with
gunfire, knives and clubs.
7 soldiers were injured, 2 severely.
They responded with live fire,
and killed 9 of the anti-Israel activists.
Five of the six ships were boarded without violence.
Only on one ship
(operated by the radical-Islamic Turkish IHH group)
did passengers respond with violence
and fatalities occurred.
Later, on 5 June 2010, the ship of Irish useful idiots, the
MV Rachel Corrie,
was boarded by Israel without violence.
The violence on 31 May 2010 was caused by the Turkish IHH, not by Israel.
The 9 killed:
The 9 killed were all Turks (one is technically
and all IHH activists.
One of those killed was
the Islamist politician
Ibrahim Bilgen.
Another of those killed was Islamist journalist
Cevdet Kiliçlar,
who ran the IHH website.
He was friends with Afghan jihadis
said he hoped to emulate them.
His widow
"He really wanted to go [to Gaza] to be a martyr."
The Hamas flag was draped over his coffin.
Israeli soldiers' injuries:
Israeli soldiers' injuries:
One soldier was shot in the abdomen.
Another soldier was beaten until he lost consciousness,
and was only saved from death by his comrades.
Another soldier was thrown off the deck onto a deck below, and suffered
a seriously fractured skull.
A brutal ambush at sea, 31 May 2010:
"The passengers that awaited them on the deck pulled out bats, clubs, and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked. The fighters were nabbed one by one and were beaten up badly
The commandoes were equipped with handguns but were told they should only use them in the face of life-threatening situations.
At one point, the attackers nabbed one commando, wrested away his handgun, and threw him down from the top deck to the lower deck, 30 feet below. The soldier sustained a serious head wound and lost his consciousness."
Abduction of Israeli soldiers by the Islamists:
More details of the fighting.
"There were reports that passengers who attacked the Israeli boarding party had been dragging three captured commandos into the hold of the ship when the shooting broke out."
One witness
said that:
"activists initially wounded and captured four Israelis from a first wave that boarded the ship. A second wave of troops tried to storm the ship after the four were taken below decks."
Gates of Vienna
says this
"may explain why things turned ugly on the Mavi Marmara: the Israelis were facing a potential hostage situation.
The [Islamists]
intended to capture Israeli prisoners - which are a coveted resource among Palestinian mujahideen - and the [IDF]
were determined not to have four repeats of
Gilad Shalit
in Palestinian hands".
Ramallah lynching of Oct 2000
would also surely have been on the soldiers' minds.
The Freedom Flotilla fraud, Washington Times, 1 June 2010, notes that Israel never expected violence:
"The main lesson learned from the incident on the ship Mavi Marmara is: Don't bring a paintball gun to a knife fight.
The Israelis boarded with paintball guns, tasers, tear gas and other nonlethal weapons. They expected the usual highly choreographed dance in which they board the ship and take control of it while the activists link arms, sing the Palestinian terrorist equivalent of "We Shall Overcome," take photos and issue press releases about the latest "Zionist atrocity.""
But they were met with violence by the Islamists.
"Pundits who reflexively denounced Israel for "disproportionate force" were blaming the wrong side. Had the terrorist sympathizers on the ship not incited the violence, no one would have been killed. There were no casualties on other ships in the flotilla where people did not resist."
The Islamists are to blame for the violence and deaths.
Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad, 1 June 2010.
"the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties.
Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.
The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian.
it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla."
3 flotilla fatalities 'dreamt of martyrdom', 2 June 2010.
"Before boarding the Marmara, Ali Khaider Benginin told his family he dreamt of becoming a shahid. Turkish press reports two other slain flotilla participants expressed similar wish. A Dutch activist arrested on flotilla suspected of ties with Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood".
"Turkish government backed extremists", 9 June 2010.
"The [IHH] operatives, who acted according to a clearly-defined internal
hierarchy, boarded the ship in the port of Istanbul without undergoing
a security inspection as opposed to the other passengers, who boarded
in Anatolia after a full inspection."
This program simply tried to get at the facts.
What a refreshing change from the BBC's anti-Israel news coverage.
Most of its material was not new, of course, but has been on sites like this for months.
But it was not looked at by the anti-Israel crowd,
who were therefore
absurdly shocked by
this program.
"Free Gaza" activists attack the Israeli forces as they land on the Turkish IHH ship.
As John McGuirk says:
"Being attacked with knives and sticks and iron bars made live fire almost inevitable."
Violence on the Turkish IHH ship.
Weapons found on board the Turkish ship.
More here.
The weapons
(and here
and here)
metal rods, slingshots, knives, smoke torches, wrenches, electric saws, gas masks, and molotov cocktails.
The moral of the story for the western anti-Israel peaceniks is:
Next time, don't invite the Turks.
Hezbollah slingshots found on the ship.
From here.
Lebanese ship
with apparent Hizbullah involvement:
"Lebanese model and pop star Haifa Wehbe was banned by Hizbullah from boarding a female-only ship headed for Gaza".
"Last month,
a group of Scandinavians
pulled up anchor from a Swedish port and set off toward the Middle East under the pretense of delivering humanitarian aid. The Nordic fog may have clouded their choice of destination. The moral compass of these self-proclaimed human-rights activists steered them to the Gaza Strip, not Syria."
No flotillas are headed for Syria, despite the fact that:
"The conflict in Syria has ... claimed roughly four times as many victims in the past 20 months as were killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the past 20 years."
"Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised: It's much easier to face news cameras in Tel Aviv than bullets in Damascus.
Indeed, Israel is the luxury destination of choice for this type of "human-rights activist." In Israel, these weekend revolutionaries are free from the dangers of arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and execution that abound in the totalitarian states that make up the rest of the region."
"Far from criticizing the tyrants of the Middle East, the flotilla crowd often joins hands with them. Just this May, the British activist group Viva Palestina
enjoyed the hospitality of Bashar Assad, making a pit stop in Syria on its way to trying to enter Gaza. Around the same time that Assad's thugs were gearing up for their massacre of children in Houla, members of Viva Palestina were proudly tweeting their whereabouts and posting photos on Facebook of themselves next to the regime's representatives."
British Muslim arrested carrying knives near Prime Minister's office in London in April 2017
was on Gaza flotilla ship in 2010.
The suspect was named as Khalid Omar Ali, who was on the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
In 2018 it
that in 2014
one of the "Free Gaza" radicals
said that another radical, not the IDF, started the clash
by seizing an IDF soldier's weapon.
"He was responsible for some of the deaths on board the Mavi Marmara.
Had he not disarmed an Israeli terrorist soldier, they would not have started to fire."
The leader of the depraved "Viva Palestina" convoy (right) is welcomed by a member of the Assad regime (left)
as the convoy arrives in Syria, May 2012.
From here.
Also here.
"We'll make the world /
Abandon reason ..." "Ooh, we'll stab them in the heart /
They are soldiers, no one cares /
We are small, and we took some pictures with doves ..." "We are peaceful travelers /
we're waving our own knives ..."
The kind of flotilla I could support:
An interesting counter-jihad response to the Gaza "freedom" flotillas.
"Freedom From Jihad Flotilla"
(or the
"Audacity of The Infidel")
says it will sail to Islamic states and
rescue people oppressed by sharia and jihad. "The mission is the first attempt by free citizens anywhere in the world to come to the aid of non-Muslims persecuted for their faith in Muslim countries."
"Shut up, go back to Auschwitz!"
- The reply of one of the flotilla ships
when the Israeli Navy asked them to stop.
"Jihad, jihad, jihad!"
another ship.