Trocaire is the third world charity of the Irish Catholic church.
For some reason, in recent years
the Catholic church has developed a left-wing, anti-Israel, anti-American "foreign policy".
It is all very well the Catholic church having obnoxious left-wing politics.
I am not a member of it anyway.
But the Irish taxpayer is forced to pay to
fund the church's anti-Israel, anti-American charity Trocaire.
I am forced to pay for the Catholic church's anti-Israel campaigns.
Click on the "charity" Trocaire's
front page
in Oct 2012, and this is what you see.
And I am forced to pay for this!
As at Oct 2012, only one country in the world is mentioned on the front page
of this supposed charity ... Israel!
Click on
Trocaire's Facebook page in June 2014 and this is what you see.
The actual banner is anti-Israel.
With jihad and massacre raging across Iraq and Syria and Nigeria, this is the most important issue in the world
for Trocaire.
Creepy and disturbing.
Trocaire have bad politics about almost everything.
They do not even understand the cause of poverty.
Trocaire doesn't seem to understand the cause of poverty:
Trocaire seeks to address causes of poverty
- letter by Trocaire's Justin Kilcullen, January 23, 2005,
shows the inability of left-wing charities to understand poverty.
He lists the root causes of poverty as:
"unfair trading practices, human rights abuses, conflict and inequality",
again missing the two main causes,
lack of democracy
and lack of capitalism.
Trocaire and Goal clash on Sudan, August 8, 2004
- Trocaire's opposition to military action
to stop the Sudan genocide.
It seems to me that this lefty charity
cares more about restraining US power
than they do about saving lives.
Action on Sudan, August 8, 2004
supports all possible action to stop the Sudan genocide.
"The Security Council has once again proved itself to be out of touch
and continues on its downward spiral into redundancy.
Bush and Blair were prepared to commit troops to prevent persecution
in Kosovo and Iraq and they must do the same again."
Until Trocaire reforms:
Do not give money to Trocaire.
Give your money to GOAL
In fairness, Trocaire called for a
of Sudan in 2001.
See also here.
As well as attacking Israel,
Trocaire also
spend your money
banging on about
climate change.
Why can't they just stick to the third world?
"In the last three years, we have seen 10 million people displaced by floods in Pakistan, 13 million face hunger in east Africa, and over 10 million in the Sahel region of Africa face starvation."
He absurdly claims that climate change is responsible for 300,000 deaths a year.
And yet funny how none of these deaths are in the West, isn't it?
Funny how "climate change"
only affects people living under governments that stifle economic freedom and political freedom.
What a coincidence.
He complains about the problems of farmers in Kenya, but he never mentions that
The Heritage Foundation
ranks Kenya as "Mostly Unfree"
in economic freedom.
He has no interest in the real causes of poverty.
Trocaire's anti-American, anti-Israel demo.
During the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war,
Trocaire organised this
protest at the US Embassy in Dublin
on 31 July 2006,
trying to get the US to pressurise Israel.
(And engaging in some US-bashing of its own.)
Why not protest at the Iranian Embassy
in Blackrock, Co.Dublin?
After all, they're the aggressors, they started the 2006 war,
they want to exterminate Israel,
they arm Hezbollah, and they could end the war by surrendering.
From here.
Also in picture is the anti-Israel
Michael D. Higgins.
Trocaire are so anti-Israel that often it is the only
specific campaign displayed on their web front page.
Given the long history of Catholic hatred for Jews,
it is rather distasteful for a Catholic church charity to campaign so hard against Israel.
Can't Trocaire just stick to the third world?
Gaza strip: An open air prison?, Justin Kilcullen, 16 August 2005.
The article consists entirely of criticism of Israel.
The Palestinians are not criticised.
Israel has sealed off the Gaza strip just for fun, it seems.
No mention of Hamas.
No criticism of Hamas and suicide bombings
and the shooting of settler children
in their beds.
No criticism of the endless Islamist jihad to destroy Israel
and set up an Islamic tyranny.
What is this politicised rubbish doing on Trocaire's website?
calls on
"the EU to remove all of Israel's trade privileges until it lifts the blockade"
of Gaza.
The article is utter nonsense.
None of the 4 things will bring peace.
No. 4 (drop all security measures in Gaza)
will massively escalate the war in Gaza.
It would lead to a bloodbath.
Nos. 1 to 3 (do various things that the terrorists want)
will escalate the war in both Gaza and the West Bank,
by making the jihad against Israel believe it is winning and victory is near.
I picked a random day
on 6 Sept 2024
to drop in on the Twitter account of
Caoimhe de Barra,
CEO of Trocaire.
Of her latest 20 tweets on that random day:
18 out of 20 were attacking Israel.
Left-wing Irish charity Trocaire
campaigns against the life-saving
Israeli wall.
There is no mention at all of Islamist terror!
"The wall does nothing to achieve a more peaceful Middle East",
they claim, ignoring the fact that
that is exactly what it has done.
It's a 3 minute ad for why you should not give money to Trocaire.
more anti-Israel videos from Trocaire.
Irish charity
figures out how to bring peace to Israel.
The answer is not to end Islamism, sharia, jihad, racism, anti-semitism, incitement and Islamic terror.
It's not for the Palestinians to adopt parliamentary democracy, human rights,
free speech,
freedom of sexuality
and freedom of religion.
No, peace can be achieved
"by ending the building of illegal settlements by Israel."
That's all you need!
Apparently, these
"illegal settlements"
are the reason why the Arabs have
repeatedly tried to exterminate the Jews
since 1948.
Hamas executes people without trial, Sept 2022.
Amnesty Ireland and Trocaire, who have opinions on literally everything in Israel, decline to tweet about it.
Garry Walsh, Israel/Palestine Officer at Trócaire, is a former leading member of the
rabidly anti-Israel IPSC.
(Hat tip for discovering this: Barry Williams.)
Garry Walsh on twitter.
The list of people he follows on Twitter gives you an idea what is in his head.
(And what the Catholic charity Trocaire now stands for.)
The list includes:
The Catholic "charity"
Trocaire has direct access into the Catholic schools of Ireland,
in which they can spread their anti-Israel message.
2011 Trócaire Human Rights Summer School:
Secondary students aged 16-17 visit Trocaire
to learn bad anti-Israel politics,
all funded by the Irish taxpayer.
From here.
2007 Trócaire Human Rights Summer School:
Secondary students aged 16-17 are told they should oppose the life-saving
Israeli wall,
which may have saved 1,000 lives so far.
Ignorant anti-Israel propaganda,
organised by Trocaire,
paid for by
the Irish taxpayer.
From here.
Anti-Israel propaganda in Catholic secondary schools in Ireland, paid for by the Irish taxpayer.
From the Trocaire propaganda pack for schools:
The Palestinian girl here has to go through "a military
checkpoint" every day.
For fun.
Because the IDF likes wasting time.
It is never mentioned why she has to go through a military
The closest we get is
"when they are 18 they have to join the
army and protect these settlers".
Protect them from what?
But no.
"Case Study 1" is just more anti-Israel propaganda.
There is no balance at all.
TV interview in 2011 of
92 year old
Palestinian woman.
Her father took part in the
massacre of the Jews in 1929
in Hebron.
celebrates the massacre,
and hopes for a greater massacre of the Jews in the future.
Israeli journalist
Sarah Honig
came across a group of Irish school children in Dec 2012 in
Cahersiveen, Co.Kerry,
who were raising money for "Palestine"
on an official school activity.
Honig wrote about it in the Jerusalem Post.
It was a Trocaire collection.
They were using Trocaire material at school.
So it is clear they were being taught Trocaire's anti-Israel viewpoint.
That is not in doubt.
The dispute is over whether, as Honig claimed,
some of them also made anti-semitic remarks.
She says:
"I was buttonholed by three boisterous teenagers in Santa hats, carrying a collection box
and big signs reading "Free Palestine." ...
I asked: "Free Palestine from whom?"
The cheery trio's swift answer was unambiguous: "The Jews.""
When she queried where the money would go, they said:
"What do you have against Palestinians? What have they done to you? They are only against Jews. Jews are evil."
One of them said that the Jews "crucified our Lord."
Their ignorance was almost total:
"I asked if they knew of the Palestinian Authority's and Hamastan's persecutions of Christians, but my youthful interlocutors
had never heard of the Palestinian Authority and didn't know that Palestinians are overwhelmingly Muslim."
Honig also claims that their teacher said they were helping the Palestinians because
"Jews stole their lands."
The school,
Coláiste na Sceilge,
responded (see below), and they deny that anyone was anti-semitic.
Though it is hard to imagine Honig made it all up.
In the absence of a recording,
I think we have to regard the anti-semitism claim as unproved.
But there is no doubt this was an anti-Israel demo.
The collection was at the corner of Church St and O'Connell St, Cahersiveen.
See street view.
From here.
The principal of the school denies Honig's allegations.
The Kerryman, 30 Jan 2013.
He reveals that they were using Trocaire's anti-Israel materials.
Some points:
I don't think he can criticise a newspaper for printing a photo of what is, after all,
a political demonstration.
"I don't think the Principal of a school that has its pupils canavassing publicly can criticise a newspaper for printing a picture of the street gathering in proper context."
He claims they are "unbiased"
and "neither pro Palestinian nor pro Israeli"
but this cannot be true if they are using
lesson content provided by Trocaire.
There is no balance in Trocaire's material.
"Balance" would require having
Trocaire give the pro-Palestinian side,
and having someone like
Alan Dershowitz
to give the pro-Israel side,
and letting students make their minds up.
He did not mention what pro-Israel material they use,
so I suspect there is not any.
The Kerryman editorial, 30 Jan 2013.
It sounds like a strong attack on Honig, but they rather weaken their case on two points:
They claim
that the Palestinians are "oppressed".
That doesn't really describe the conflict.
They further weaken their case by accepting that the students may have "made some remarks"
which would have been made
"in a spirit of exuberant, youthful protest".
So they are saying Honig could be telling the truth?
In the absence of a recording, we may never know what happened.
I think I have to be agnostic on the antisemitism claim.
But I certainly don't think schools should be organising pro-Palestinian demos.
The Israeli embassy wrote a reply in The Kerryman, 6 Feb 2013.
The school, if they really want to show they are balanced, should ask the embassy for material
to give the pro-Israel view.
It is not right for them to only give the anti-Israel view from Trocaire.
Even when explaining why Trocaire idiotically got involved in Israel in 2002,
they never explain what was going on in 2002:
endless Palestinian terror attacks on innocent and vulnerable Jews.
Not mentioned at all!
There were
"unprecedented levels of military confrontation and restrictions on the
movement of Palestinians imposed by the Israeli army"
for no apparent reason.
Just because Jews are cruel, I guess.
This Is Palestine (2017),
anti-Israel video from Trocaire.
"Lastly, I condemn a disturbing, growing problem in recent years, namely the politicisation of charity, whereby NGOs such as Trócaire have become manipulated, within and without, by those with a radical left agenda which demonises Israel as the cause of the problems in the Middle East. As we have all seen over the past two years of the Arab Spring, with tens of thousands of Arabs slaughtered by other Arabs, this is clearly an absurdity."
The Israeli ambassador, 11 Oct 2012, on the corruption of Irish charities like Trocaire into radical-left political fronts.