The modern jihad against the West will go on for decades, if not a century.
It has been enabled by international travel and immigration.
So it will not go away.
9/11 was when most of the West first realised what was happening.
After a good reply under Bush after 2001,
the West faltered.
America chose an appeasing leftist,
Barack Obama.
The result was a massive increase in terrorism
both in the Islamic world and in the West.
Unfortunately, America's turn towards Obama in 2008
threw away victory in Iraq.
Iraq, which seemed won,
got much worse under Obama.
The Iraqi jihad rebranded as ISIS,
set up a state, and started a genocide that shocked the world.
Arab Spring
brought almost nothing good,
and Obama seemed to side with the Islamists,
especially in the disgusting
Egyptian Revolution.
The Biden era
marks a new decline in the West's power
and new hope for the global jihad.
Governments and regimes come and go,
but the appeal of Islamic oppression (sharia) and violence (jihad) is timeless.
Globalisation has brought these backward ideas to the western world,
and they will not go away.
Even if the Middle East is contained,
the struggle between Islamists and free people
will continue in western cities.
The culture war,
with abuse and ridicule of Islam,
may play the most important role.
This is a long war. It will be going long after my death.
Victims of jihad:
A mother weeps for her baby,
killed at
Beslan, 2004.
Deposing the Taliban government of Afghanistan in 2001 was a good day's work.
Staying on to try to make
Afghanistan a better society was a noble idea,
but was almost impossible.
After 20 years of allied occupation, at no point was Afghanistan even "Partly Free".
Afghans don't want freedom.
They want other things.
The "new" Afghanistan was based on sharia, making a mockery of the western soldiers who died
to build something better.
Western polical correctness and weakness meant a lack of will to stand up to this
and force Afghans to adopt something better.
And finally in 2021 the US under Biden abandoned Afghanistan altogether
and surrendered to the Taliban.
For sure, Afghanistan got less terrible under US control,
but not enough to justify the sacrifice in blood and treasure.
After 20 years of allied occupation, at no point was Afghanistan even "Partly Free".
What a failure of policy.
The rise of Obama in 2008 gave the jihad new heart.
Afghanistan, which seemed won,
got much worse under Obama.
Trump wanted out at all costs. He shamefully signed a
deal with the Taliban
in 2020.
His endgame might have been as bad as Biden's. Who knows.
Nothing could have prepared us for how bad Biden was.
This front has gone well.
Al Qaeda have been decimated by drone attacks.
They have failed to mount decent attacks against the West,
while the West slaughters them relentlessly.
Mokhtar Belmokhtar reported dead multiple times, latest Oct 2015
(Algerian Civil War and Al-Qaeda butcher).
Al Qaeda magazine,
Oct 2010, admits that Bush hammered them after 9/11:
"It is no longer possible to operate by the methods of the old model, through the 'secret regional-hierarchical' organisations, especially after the September 11 events and the onset of the American campaigns, where the great majority of the existing secret organisations were destroyed."
Obama continues to hammer them with drones.
The Jawa Report
on the demise of
Anwar al-Awlaki
in 2011.
Deposing the democidal monster Saddam was a good day's work.
Staying on to try to make
Iraq a better society was a noble idea,
but it now seems impossible.
Iraqis don't want freedom.
They want other things.
Accepting that disappointment,
Iraq could at least have been kept as a friendly, unfree client state with US bases.
But Obama threw even that away.
Iraq liberated. Saddam deposed.
Greatest military victory of the West since the end of World War Two in 1945.
Iraq was given a great gift by the West - the chance of a better society.
But the chance was squandered in jihad against the infidel troops
and a maniac sectarian war.
The satanic
Iraqi "resistance"
plumbed depths of evil rarely seen in the modern age.
All four of the British ISIS "Beatles"
are captured or killed.
One killed in a drone strike.
One jailed in Turkey, then extradited to the UK.
The other two extradited to the US to begin decades of hell in federal prison.
Freedom House
still lists Iraq as "Not Free" in 2018,
15 years
after Saddam was deposed.
What a dreadful failure.
Deaths per year from terrorist attacks 2002-2011 in the five worst countries.
The cause of the terror in all five: Islam.
From Global Terrorism Index.
This index is by a left-wing group that shows us a graph of
all terror (Islamic and non-Islamic) over time,
refuses to show us a graph of all Islamic terror
over time.
The above is as close as we can get to a graph of Islamic terror.
The jihad is the great, modern, global, post-communist movement of tyranny, terror, oppression and democide.
It fills a great need for an anti-freedom movement, after the end of communism.
It is still growing. It got a huge boost with the election of Obama in 2008.
Charts from RAND report, June 2014.
The neo-con dream after 9/11 was that Muslims would embrace freedom.
Afghanistan, Iraq and the Arab Spring show the reality - that most Muslims do not want freedom.
They want other things.
Egypt gets rid of dictator.
But then elects the Muslim Brotherhood.
They are in turn deposed.
But there is little evidence that the Egyptian people have changed.
The appalling opinions of the Islamic world.
Poll of 2012, released Apr 2013.
The problem with reforming the Islamic world is that most Muslims do not want to be free.
They want sharia oppression, not freedom.
Egyptians get rid of the dictator Mubarak.
And then elect
Muslim Brotherhood
Mohamed Morsi,
who says the Jews are
descendants of apes and pigs.
North Korea explodes nuclear bomb, 2006.
The Pakistan, North Korea and Iran nuclear weapons programs
are ultimately the means by which Islamist terrorists will get nukes
and set them off in western cities.
The defeat of Arafat's barbaric intifada
was a big win for the Israel front of the global jihad.
A combination of defence (the wall)
and offence (air strikes, incursions)
ended Arafat's evil intifada.
The Palestinians lost.
The monster Arafat died.
The West Bank became relatively quiet.
Hezbollah and
Hamas continued to attack on the Lebanon and Gaza fronts.
For some years it was thought they were deterred.
Then suddenly came the unbelievable disaster of the
7 October massacre in 2023.
An unbelievable failure.
A huge win for the jihad.
This can only be set right by a huge defeat for the jihad, the total destruction of Hamas.
Even after Hamas is destroyed, the
jihad against Israel by other actors
will not end until a change in Palestinian, Arab and Islamic culture.
There will be no single day of victory, only a slow loss of interest in the struggle by the enemy.
And the new thaw with the saner Arab countries shows what such a change may look like.
Trump's Israel-Arab peace deal may be the biggest breakthrough in decades.
While pursuing peace with the saner Arab states,
Israel should be in no hurry to reach any deal with the Palestinians.
Trying new things, as in the Gaza pullout, or the 1990s Peace Process, achieves nothing
and often makes things worse.
So don't bother.
The Palestinians must change.
Arafat dies, Nov 2004.
A monster and a butcher.
If only he had died in 1985.
UAE normalises relations with Israel, Aug 2020.
With Oman and Bahrain and Egypt following.
The biggest change in Israeli-Arab relations since before 9/11.
This could be a real turning point for the region,
as Arab countries accept Israel is here to stay,
and supporting the Palestinian "struggle" is pointless and bad for the region.
Islam continues to grow in the West.
The Western left, foolishly, continues to indulge it rather than treat it with the ridicule
they reserve for Christianity.
Reactionary religious law is creeping back all over the West, under the guide of "sensitivity"
to primitive third world culture.
This is the one thing that will save us all.
That Islam is criticised, ridiculed, mocked, satirised and picked apart
in the non-stop, worldwide torrent of criticism and disrespect
on the Internet.
This abuse really started in 2001.
And it will change the world.
Never before in the history of Islam did it have to deal with the endless abuse and criticism
that it has to deal with now.
Any young Muslim growing up today is only a few clicks away from
every sort of argument against Islam - from the scholarly to the comical.
It cannot be stopped, and anyone who thinks this won't change Islam is being very short-sighted.
So at the same time that the western left is pandering to the most
reactionary Islamist immigrants,
the Great Islamic Apostasy is actually beginning.
The left has got it wrong again.
The Internet does not obey the left,
and it will criticise and mock Islam forever.
And if this makes Islam collapse like communism, so much the better.
Islam has lasted 1,400 years because it has never had to face criticism or mockery.
All critics and satirists were killed.
That era is now over.
Can Islam survive the next 50 years of
Internet memes?
This meme refers to the lyrics of
"Call Me Maybe".
More memes!
Ayman al-Zawahiri Christmas message.
A spoof in which, after reading the Koran and the New Testament,
al-Zawahiri loses his faith and becomes a Christian.
"What Islam Fears - Laughter".
An atheist
reacts to a Muslim crackpot
talking about the
Punishment of the Grave.
Islamic religious crackpot:
"And that scorpion is so much poisonous that .. there is a .. This is a true story by the way."
Atheist [laughing]:
"Are you sure about all this?"
Imagine if the West had a Reagan as a leader.
A leader that would try to bring down the Iranian regime.
A leader that would endlessly
attack Iran and other enemies in unexpected ways,
cause them great expenditure,
start rebellions in their countries
and mount up endless problems for them,
in the way that Reagan caused endless trouble for the Soviets.
The Iranian regime would be gone by now
if the American people had elected such a leader
instead of the hesitant Bush
and the useless Obama.
Imagine if the West had a leader who stood up for
the values of the Western Enlightenment,
and defended our freedoms as superior to any society based on religion.
Imagine a leader that vowed that no western soldier will ever die for a sharia state,
that no western aid will ever go to a sharia state.
That only secular democracy is acceptable.
The West could do so much more in this war.
The West could win, if it really tries.
Victory is possible, if we ever get a Reagan.
The correct response is to escalate.
To demoralise them, humiliate them, and make them lose all hope.
They say:
"The delay in similar operations happening in America has not been
because of failure
to break through your security measures."
Yeah, sure.
As Richard Fernandez says:
"The enemy is even now dying at our feet, where we should kick him and kick him again."
Jihadis die in large numbers in Iraq:
Angels and Intelligence Estimates
by Charles Krauthammer,
October 6, 2006
Al-Qaeda says
4,000 of its recruits have been killed in Iraq since
liberation in 2003.
Yet at the same time there has been not a single large terror attack in the US.
In fact, in 5 years now there has been no major attack in the US.
"It is clear that one of the reasons we have gone an astonishing five years without a second attack on the American homeland is that the most dedicated and virulent jihadists have gone to Iraq to fight us,
as was said during World War I, 'over there'."
I wouldn't want to give the jihadi scum any ideas, but:
Maybe the jihadis are wasting their time in Iraq.
Maybe they have allowed themselves be distracted by a pointless war
(Iraqis hate them and will fight them forever).
Maybe the jihad should have ignored Iraq
and concentrated on following up 9/11.
All that jihadi energy wasted.
All those young jihadi lives lost - for nothing.
Maybe the enemy is just being stupid, like Hitler invading the Soviet Union.
Let's hope so.
Victor Davis Hanson
on the debate as to whether Iraq is creating more terrorists,
or whether it is drawing in the world's terrorists to fight and die:
"We have taken apart two-thirds of al-Qaeda
and forced it to spend its youth and treasure in Iraq, not here.
At the same time, al-Qaeda finds itself in the unenviable position of fighting Iraqi Muslims
to stop democracy. Who accomplished that? The diabolic George Bush?
Genocide existed before we invaded Saddam's Iraq, a regime without any chance of reform.
Now terrorists like moths to a searing flame are flocking there and in most cases being incinerated.
They show their true colors in trying to destroy a government voted in by the people.
When rats flock to a tray of
few say that the poison created rats out of thin air and made the problem worse."
"Right now about the only place in the world - not in Egypt, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia -
where large number of Muslim fanatics and terrorists are being killed is in Afghanistan
and, yes, Iraq. I am not of the persuasion that
D-Con trays
create, rather than merely draw out, rats,
although the results are often messy and smelly,
and reveal a seemingly endless supply of such pests
that we scarcely knew were deep within our walls."
On the fact that no second 9/11 has yet taken place:
"Tragically few will credit the US military in the next decade
should we not have another 9-11 attack or something far worse.
We know Islamic fascists and their autocratic supporters wished such slaughter;
their only problem, once the US military took the offensive,
was an increasing inability to carry it out.
It is my belief that our soldiers in both Afghanistan and Iraq
have saved tens of thousands of American lives,
by routing the Taliban and scattering al Qaeda, and by removing Saddam Hussein and changing the entire landscape of the Middle East"
"Five years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden waits in vain for a Muslim 'awakening'.
The lure of the West is just too powerful a force."
"Yes, there is a small, if growing, number of Muslims who are attracted to 'al-Qaedaism' in its largest sense. But the truth is that out of a total of 1.6 billion Muslims, very few have joined terrorist organisations.
In countries that have suffered violence, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq, there has been a strong counter-reaction to the atrocities of recent years. The number of young men attracted by violence in the UK is larger than it was a decade ago, but is still statistically insignificant.
If bin Laden's 'awakening' has started, it is taking a long time."
In a century's time, Islamism will be gone. And the West will still be here.
Suicide of the West
by Theodore Dalrymple,
reviews some pessimistic books,
but then notes that the future is rarely predictable:
"Will these books appear to have been unduly alarmist in half a century's time?
I certainly hope so, and indeed suspect that it might be so.
We have had many perils and predicted apocalypses before.
Islamism, and indeed (in my belief) the whole of Islam,
is potentially very vulnerable to the corrosive effect of the intellectual acid-bath
of rational criticism."