The Iraqi "resistance"
Saddam's 30 year tyranny
fell in 3 weeks
when it came up against the U.S. military
and its allies in 2003.
Saddam has been captured and executed
his sons have been killed.
Given this stunning record,
no "resistance" has the slightest chance of defeating the U.S. military,
ending democracy,
and restoring tyranny.
The resistance can't win an open military fight.
They can't win an election
(because nobody supports them).
So why do they exist?
They exist because of fantasy Islamism.
Fantasy jihadi Islamism is a suicidal, messianic belief system
that will fight the free countries forever (or at least until Islamism's destruction),
because it is in its nature.
The chances of success do not seem to matter.
They do not seem to care that
the vast majority of Iraqis hate the resistance
and support the
They do not care that
90 percent of Iraqis
support U.S. military attacks on the resistance.
They do not care that
nobody in Iraq wants the totalitarian Islamist state that
they are fighting for.
The jihadis are coming to Iraq because this is where the front is
in the war on the infidels.
It is depressing that these people exist,
but maybe this was inevitable.
The war had to take place somewhere, and better here than in the streets
of America.
will always want to kill the infidels.
It is its very nature.
If not here, then somewhere else.
It will never end, until Islamism is destroyed.
Showing it is everything to do with
and nothing to do with "occupation" or American "crimes",
the Iraqi jihad continues long after the Americans have left Iraq.
Suicide bomber blows up truck in primary school playground, Iraq, Oct 2013.
The Iraqi "resistance"
- The Iraqi jihad 2003 to 2011 (when US left).
See category.
- The Iraqi jihad 2011 to date.
- The butcher
and religious psychopath
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
- The "resistance" is a mix of Iraqi and non-Iraqi jihadis, Baathists,
Sunni supremacists,
Arab fascists
and other haters
of human freedom.
- Polls have regularly shown that most Iraqis hate the jihad "resistance".
Most support killing them.
- The worst killers were non-Iraqi:
foreign jihadis fighting to enslave Iraq.
2005 article:
"U.S. and Iraqi authorities say suicide drivers are invariably foreign fighters. Officers here said
they knew of no documented case in which a suicide attacker turned out to have been an Iraqi."
'Martyrs' In Iraq Mostly Saudis, Susan B. Glasser,
Washington Post, May 15, 2005.
Most Iraq Suicide Bombs by Foreigners, Jun 30, 2005.
- "The vast majority of suicide attackers in
Iraq are thought to be foreigners - mostly Saudis and other Gulf Arabs
- and the trend has become more pronounced this year with North Africans also streaming in"
- "Authorities have found little evidence that Iraqis
have been behind the near-daily stream of suicide attacks over the past six months"
- "Since 2003, less than 10 percent of more than 500 suicide attacks
have been carried out by Iraqis,
according to one defense official."
Iraq's national security adviser, July 2007, says:
- Nearly half of the foreign detainees held in Iraq are Saudis.
- The majority of the suicide bombers and
"those who drive the vehicles to blow up our innocent civilians, Iraqis, are Saudis."
Photos of the torture and killing of prisoners by the Iraqi "resistance"
Osama Bin Laden says Iraq is crucial, 2006.
He tells the Iraqi jihadis:
"Stay steadfast and don't leave Baghdad,
otherwise all the capitals in the region will fall to the crusaders".
Maybe Al Qaeda made a terrible mistake by choosing Iraq as the main theatre for this war.
They have lost most of their leaders and thousands dead,
and they have failed to follow up 9/11.
in response to the argument that there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq before 2003:
"We have to fight them. Everyone agrees on that. Well, aside from Truthers, I guess. I think almost everyone agrees that we shouldn't fight them on our soil, so let's assume for a moment you are right. (Assume) Where would you have rather fought them? In the hills of Afganistan? Tucked away in Pakistan? Why not, say, Iraq?
If AQ wants to meet there at high noon (and they did - but you don't have to take my word for it, listen to their videos - they call[ed] it the front line of jihad against USA), why not beat them to a bloody pulp there? Sounds like a plan, Stan. And more importantly, looks like that plan worked."
- A true Iraqi martyr
- He gave his life to save his village mosque from a suicide bomber.
"As the murderer dressed in women's clothes walked purposefully toward his target, there was a village man ahead. But under the guise of a simple villager was a true Martyr, and he, too, had his target in sight. The Martyr had seen through the disguise, but he had no gun. No bomb. No rocket. No stone. No time.
The Martyr walked up to the murderer and lunged into a bear hug, on the spot where we were now standing.
The blast ripped the Martyr to pieces which fell along with pieces of the enemy. Ball-bearings shot through the alley and wounded two children, but the people in the mosque were saved. The man lay in pieces on the ground, his own children having seen how his last embrace saved the people of the village."
- Some day, in an Iraq free of jihadi terror, there will be statues to martyrs like this.
This claims to be a map of every car bomb in Baghdad 2003-2014.
The source is unclear (see discussion at the above link).
But the barbarism of the Iraqi resistance is clear.
Letter from the Mayor of Tall 'Afar, Iraq
to the men and women of the
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment,
who liberated his city from the "resistance" in September 2005:
- "To the lion-hearts who liberated our city from the grasp of terrorists
who were beheading men, women and children in the streets for many months."
- "Our city was the main base of operations for Abu Mousab Al Zarqawi.
The city was completely held hostage in the hands of his henchmen.
Our schools, governmental services, businesses and offices were closed.
Our streets were silent, and no one dared to walk them.
Our people were barricaded in their homes out of fear; death awaited them around every corner.
Terrorists occupied and controlled the only hospital in the city.
Their savagery reached such a level that they stuffed the corpses of children with explosives
and tossed them into the streets in order to kill grieving parents attempting to retrieve the bodies of their young.
This was the situation of our city
until God prepared and delivered unto them the courageous soldiers of the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment,
who liberated this city, ridding it of Zarqawi's followers after harsh fighting,
killing many terrorists, and forcing the remaining butchers to flee the city like rats to the surrounding areas,
where the bravery of other 3d ACR soldiers in Sinjar, Rabiah, Zumar and Avgani finally destroyed them."
- "I have met many soldiers of the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment;
they are not only courageous men and women,
but avenging angels sent by The God Himself
to fight the evil of terrorism.
Officers and soldiers alike bristle with the confidence and character of knights in a bygone era.
The mission they have accomplished, by means of a unique military operation,
stands among the finest military feats to date in Operation Iraqi Freedom,
and truly deserves to be studied in military science.
This military operation was clean, with little collateral damage,
despite the ferocity of the enemy.
With the skill and precision of surgeons they dealt with the terrorist cancers
in the city
without causing unnecessary damage."
- "Let America, their families, and the world be proud of their sacrifice for humanity and life."
Kurds have similar praise for the US soldiers
when their bereaved families came to visit Iraq in Nov 2006:
"The next morning, a plane flew the families into Arbil,
the capital of the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.
There, they said, their sons were treated as liberators
and the parents welcomed as heroes.
As guests of the Kurdistan Regional Government, the parents visited a parade of politicians and government ministers who thanked them for their visit -- and their sacrifice.
Many told the families their sons were martyrs"
- "Wherever they traveled, fellow mother Debra Argel Bastian ...
handed out wallet-sized photos of her son ...
One mother tucked the photo into a framed picture of her two sons and husband, who had also been killed during Saddam's rule.
"Now your son is my son,"
the woman told Bastian.
She broke down crying."
- '"I needed to make that trip," said Bastian ...
"All of us were very, very disappointed in the media coverage over the war.
I had so many avenues that were telling me different, that there were good things happening in Iraq, that they were just reporting the bomb of the day."'
- Christianity in Iraq.
In 2003-2011, the Iraqi "resistance" killed or expelled
the majority of the ancient Christian population of Iraq.
- Fr. Ragheed Ganni
of Mosul
was killed by the Islamic supremacist "resistance" in 2007.
They ordered him to convert to the religion of Islam, but he refused.
- The Archbishop of Mosul
was killed by the Islamic supremacist "resistance" in 2008.
Iraqi resistance slaughters 58 Christians at church in Baghdad, 31 Oct 2010.
- See videos.
Robert Spencer
contrasts the martyrdom of the Christians with the "martyrdom" of the Christian-hating suicide killers:
"Contrasting ideals of martyrdom on stark display ...
Those ideals have clear and far-reaching implications for the character of their respective cultures, societies, and civilizations".
The Iraqi resistance described their attack on defenceless Christian women and children thus:
"The Mujahedeens raided a filthy nest of the nests of polytheism, which has been long taken by the Christians of Iraq as a headquarter for a war against the religion of Islam and they were able by the grace of God and His glory to capture those were gathered in and to take full control of all its entrances".
Yes, I'm sure it was very hard for heavily-armed, fit young savages to round up harmless women and children for slaughter.
It really speaks to the glory of your "god" that you were able to do that.
As Iraqi security forces stormed the church, the jihadi scum
surrounded themselves with Christian children
and detonated their suicide explosives.
- History of the Jews in Iraq
- In 2003, there were only 20 Jews in Baghdad.
Nevertheless, the brave Iraqi resistance still managed to
track them down
to kill them.
A Jewish female dentist, one of the last Jews left in Iraq, said that:
"her husband was kidnapped by Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants in 2005, and was most likely murdered."
It is just like the attack on completely irrelevant Jews
in Mumbai, India, by Pakistani Islamic terrorists in 2008.
- Or, on a wider scale, it is like Hitler's drive to exterminate
millions of irrelevant, rural, peasant Jews
in Eastern Europe
- who could not possibly, even under the most ludicrous conspiracy theory,
have had any influence on Germany.
- For years I included among the many horror stories
on this page the story of the Iraqi resistance
shooting a whole family of children in bed in Sept 2009.
For the sake of accuracy, it must be noted that this attack turned out to be
apparently a domestic killing.
The killing of Nick Berg
in 2004
shows the face of the Iraqi "resistance".
Perhaps the defining image of the Iraq War.
This is a war between good and evil,
and the left is on the side of evil.
Graphic images
here and
The killer of Nick Berg was
the religious psychopath Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.
Justice came calling for him
in June 2006.
Letter from the foreign Islamofascist "resistance" leader
Musab al Zarqawi
(also here)
to the leaders of al Qaeda, Jan 2004,
shows how hard it is for them to organise
a "resistance" in liberated Iraq:
- "Many Iraqis would honor you as a
guest and give you refuge, for you are a Muslim brother;
however, they will not allow you to make their homes
a base for operations or a safe house.
People who will allow you to do such things are very rare, rarer than red
There is no doubt that our field of movement is shrinking and the grip around the throat of the
Mujahidin has begun to tighten.
With the spread of the army and police, our future is becoming frightening.
Despite few supporters, lack of friends, and tough times
- Amazingly, he has decided that almost all Iraqis
are the enemy.
"after much inquiry and discussion, we have narrowed our enemy to four groups:"
- "Americans"
- "Kurds these are a pain and a thorn,
and it is not time yet to deal with them. They are last on our list"
- "The Iraqi troops, police, and agents"
- "The Shi'a in our opinion, these are the key to change.
Targeting and striking their religious, political, and
military symbols .."
He thinks the only hope is in starting a Sunni-Shiite civil war.
- And this animal wonders why the Iraqis don't like him.
- He notes that the Shi'a
"have supported the Americans, helped them, and stand with them against the Mujahidin. They work
and continue to work towards the destruction of the Mujahidin."
- He worries that they are even losing the Sunnis.
He is terrified of Iraqi democracy and self-determination:
"they have succeeded in splitting the regular Sunni
from the Mujahidin. For example, in what they call the Sunni triangle, the army and police are spreading out in
these regions, putting in charge Sunnis from the same region. Therefore, the problem is you end up having an
army and police connected by lineage, blood, and appearance to the people of the region.
How can we kill their cousins and sons and under what pretext, after the Americans start withdrawing? The
Americans will continue to control from their bases, but the sons of this land will be the authority. This is the
democracy, we will have no pretext."
- They may have to give up.
One more huge loss for Islamofascism
in a stunning series of losses since 9/11:
"we can pack up and leave and look for another land, just like it has happened in so many lands of jihad. Our
enemy is growing stronger day after day, and its intelligence information increases. By god, this is suffocation!
We will be on the roads again."
- Again, the total destruction of Iraq in civil war is his only hope,
and what he is fighting for:
"So I say again, the only solution is to strike the religious, military, and other cadres of the Shi'a
so that they revolt against the Sunnis. Some people will say, that this will be a reckless and irresponsible action
that will bring the Islamic nation to a battle for which the Islamic nation is unprepared. Souls will perish and
blood will be spilled. This is, however, exactly what we want, as there is nothing to win or lose in our situation.
The Shi'a destroyed the balance, and the religion of God is worth more than lives. Until the majority stands up
for the truth, we have to make sacrifices for this religion, and blood has to be spilled. For those who are good,
we will speed up their trip to paradise, and the others, we will get rid of them."
- How easily Islamofascism turns to butchering other Muslims.
He describes the Shia Muslims as "vile infidels":
"If we are able to deal them blow after painful blow so that they engage in a battle, we will be able to reshuffle
the cards
This is what we want. Then, the Sunni will have no choice but to
support us in many of the Sunni regions.
When the Mujahidin would have secured a land they can use as a base
to hit the Shi'a inside their own lands
As far as the Shi'a, we will undertake suicide operations and use car bombs to harm them.
If, god forbid, the government is successful
and takes control of the country, we just have to pack up and go somewhere else again, where we can raise
the flag again or die, if god chooses us.
As we have explained, this is our belief. So if you agree with it and are
convinced of the idea of killing the perverse sects, we stand ready as an army for you, to work under your
guidance and yield to your command."
Middle East on trial
- Sunday Times editorial, January 30, 2005,
as the fascist resistance threatens to kill anyone who votes in
Iraq's first ever election.
- "If ever there was any doubt about the importance of today's first,
fully free election in an Arab country, we have to look no further than a statement by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
the self-appointed mastermind of the beheadings, bombings and terror that have so blighted Iraq in recent months.
"We have declared a fierce war on this evil principle of democracy
and those who follow this wrong ideology,"
says the reformed Jordanian thug and drunk
who is now a born-again jihadist. And why is this, Mr Zarqawi? Because
"democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion and that is against the rule of God".
So there we have it. Democracy is evil because the people get to choose who they want to rule them.
And - even worse - they are free to choose their religion."
The real way to prevent post-war resistance
The Paradoxes of American Military Power
- Victor Davis Hanson with some real advice
on how to defeat the enemy
so completely that there is no post-war resistance.
The US must maximise its use of the brief window of
open warfare:
"Conflicts proper .. are now often brief, indeed more a matter of
days or weeks than of months or years. And these windows of war per se constitute
about the
only time that Western forces are given transitory leeway to use their overwhelming military
preponderance - without worries of censure - to finish off quite odious enemies.
This rule of postmodern war?
Before the cameras, the auditors, and the UN converge, before
terrified fleeing soldiers are reborn as emboldened terrorists, before embedded reporters leave
and investigative journalists arrive, and before victorious and unapologetic soldiers are asked to be
peacekeepers, sociologists, and humanitarians, the military must
finish the destruction of enemy
forces in the unforgiving minute."
In Praise of Attrition
by Ralph Peters
- "It cannot be repeated often enough: Whatever else you aim to do
in wartime, never lose your focus on killing the enemy.
A number of the problems we have faced in the aftermath of
Operation Iraqi Freedom arose because we tried to
moderate the amount of destruction we inflicted on the Iraqi military.
The only result was the rise of an Iraqi Dolchstosslegende,
the notion that they weren't really defeated, but betrayed.
crucial portions of the population never really felt America's power.
It is not enough to materially defeat your enemy. You must convince your enemy
that he has been defeated."
The Lessons of Fallujah:
Killing terrorists doesn't make them stronger,
November 17, 2004
- "apart from the military success, the big news of the Fallujah campaign
is that most Iraqis quietly supported it. The protests from nationalist politicians was far more muted
than in April, perhaps because they have seen from the car bombings and beheadings
what the Zarqawis also intend for them."
After 9/11, few leftists came out openly in support of the
Islamist attacks.
As the War on Islamism progressed however, they became bolder.
The post-war "resistance" in Iraq
by Baathists and Islamists
marked the real emergence of the left as open supporters
of the Islamist killing.
- John Pilger
John Pilger seems to support the killing of brave Iraqi democrats
by the Saddam butchers and Islamofascists,
November 2003:
"Next week is critical. The movement in Britain has an opportunity,
in conjunction with the resistance in Iraq, to deal a blow to the US Empire."
Pilger's open support for the Iraqi fascist resistance, Dec 2003:
think the resistance in Iraq is incredibly important for all of us. I think that we
depend on the resistance to win so that other countries might not be attacked"
- Pilger, Jan 2004
- Q. "Do you think the anti-war movement should be supporting Iraq's anti-occupation resistance?"
- A. "Yes, I do. We cannot afford to be choosy.
While we abhor and condemn the continuing loss of innocent life in Iraq,
we have no choice now but to support the resistance, for if the resistance fails,
the "Bush gang" will attack another country. If they succeed, a grievous blow
will be suffered by the Bush gang."
Pilger's open support for the Iraq fascist "resistance", March 2004
- Q. "Can you approve in that context the killing of American, British or Australian troops
who are in the occupying forces?"
- A. "Well yes, they're legitimate targets."
- Pilger says:
"I think the situation in Iraq is so dire that unless the United States is defeated
there that we're likely to see an attack on Iran, we're likely to see an attack
on North Korea
and all the way down the road it could be even an attack on China within a decade,
so I think what happens in Iraq now is incredibly important."
- This is what Pilger stands for.
The safe continued existence of all dictators,
including those who run concentration camps and gas chambers,
like North Korea.
This is what this man stands for.
- Comment
- "I'm completely at a loss. There is no logic here.
Could someone explain this .. to me
Why is it that the trans-nationalists are the greatest proponents of untouchable national sovereignty?"
- The
Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
describes him as
"this well known apologist for Saddam Hussein"
and says:
"I am glad that Pilger with his nutty extremism was not around to
"report" during the Second World War. It's all too easy to imagine him condemning
Winston Churchill and
Franklin D Roosevelt for "invading" Europe in June 1944."
Traitors in our fight for survival
by Andrew Bolt, March 14, 2004
(formerly here),
describes Pilger as:
"This apologist for terrorists - this moral pygmy".
- Pilger, Aug 2004,
describes the Iraqi fascist "resistance" as
"nationalists defending their homeland".
He is also delighted
that by killing and wounding the brave American liberators,
the Iraqi fascists have
"forestalled attacks on Iran, Syria or north Korea".
See discussion.
Pilger is simply a defender of tyranny and a hater of democracy,
no different from the
World War Two traitors.
- George Galloway
- Michael Moore
Michael Moore's
apparent support
for the
Iraqi fascist "resistance",
who seek to establish an Islamist fascist state with no human rights.
This semi-educated celebrity says:
"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents"
or "terrorists" or
"The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION"
- Bowling for Fallujah
- Tariq Ali
Tariq Ali
calls for the killing of US troops and brave Iraqi democrats, May-June 2003.
calls for
"support for Iraqi resistance to the
Anglo-American occupation"
(i.e. support for Al-Qaida
and the remnants of Saddam's genocide-state).
He says
"it is to be hoped that the invaders of Iraq will eventually be harried out of the country by a
growing national reaction to the occupation regime they install, and that their collaborators may meet the
fate of Nuri Said before them" (i.e. death).
He urges the genocide-state of North Korea
"to step up its military preparations"
to defend itself.
- To repeat, he says:
"The immediate tasks that face an anti-imperialist movement are support for Iraqi resistance
to the Anglo-American occupation"
"Resistance is the first step towards Iraqi independence"
- Tariq Ali, November 2003,
openly supports the Saddam butchers and Islamofascists.
He hopes that the terror-states of Iran and Syria are safe from attack
for the moment.
He says that Iraqis should be
of the people
killing brave American soldiers
in order to stop democracy and establish a tyranny.
Tariq Ali
is like a modern version of Ezra Pound or Paul de Man
and the other quislings who
cheered on Nazism in WW2.
Tariq Ali, March 2004,
describes the Iraqis trying to build democracy as
A Night Out With Socialists: Tariq Ali and the ISO,
on a talk by Tariq Ali in America.
- America is such an incredibly free country
that they allow someone who is not American
to come and give a public talk, in time of war,
supporting the enemy that is killing American troops.
See also here.
- The cartoonist
Ted Rall
openly supported the Iraqi "resistance".
- The cartoonist
Carlos Latuff
is a more disgusting version of Ted Rall (if that is even possible).
- A. N. Wilson
War on Iraq is madness,
A.N. Wilson, Evening Standard, 2 Dec 2002,
supporting the Saddam regime against America:
"If I were
young enough for military service and was compelled to
fight either for Iraq or America, I would fight for Iraq"
- Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy, August 16th, 2004
- "The Iraqi resistance is fighting on the frontlines of the battle against Empire.
And therefore that battle is our battle."
- Simon Jenkins
- I'm not quite sure where to classify Simon Jenkins
(an isolationist, anti-war Tory?),
but I know I agree with
Stephen Pollard
- the man is just always wrong!
Republican defeat means the Iraqi insurgency has won,
Simon Jenkins, The Guardian,
November 9, 2006:
"Republican defeat [in US midterm elections] means the Iraqi insurgency has won:
Belligerent, ill-conceived interventionism has come to an end.
For level-headed Americans it was a good day".
See screenshot.
- He claims the Iraqi jihad winning would be a good thing:
"At this point the insurgency knows it has won,
however long it takes the occupying power to go. Retreat in good order is the best hope.
An era of ill-conceived, belligerent interventionism has come to an end
- by democratic decision, thank goodness."
See screenshot.
Stop killing the Taliban - they offer the best hope of beating Al-Qaeda,
is a serious article, not a parody, from Simon Jenkins, Sunday Times, June 22, 2008.
He says the Allies should stop attacking Al-Qaeda's allies the Taliban.
He alleges that the Taliban are "reforming"
and the older leaders are somehow more "moderate" than the younger ones:
"First, under outside pressure their leaders were moving from the manic extremism of their "student" origins
... The present Nato policy of killing the older leaders and thus leaving young hotheads in charge is daft."
Oh no, hotheads in charge of the Taliban!
How often have we heard this kind of spin about extremist organisations.
Don't kill Bin Laden because the alternative is worse.
Don't kill Zarqawi because the alternative is worse.
Don't kill Yassin because the alternative is somehow "worse".
Talk to "moderate" Fatah because the alternative Hamas is somehow "worse".
The scariest thing about Brussels is our reaction to it,
Simon Jenkins, The Guardian, 24 Mar 2016.
Man who said the Iraqi jihad winning was "a good day" now says we should chill about the jihad slaughter in Brussels.
- Kevin Toolis
- Kevin Toolis, in despair at the violence, bemoans the loss of Saddam,
and calls for al-Sadr or some other new tyrant.
This left-winger basically argues that the Arabs of Iraq
aren't fit for democracy
and need another dictator.
Exactly the same argument that semi-racist right-wingers would make.
Compare bloodshed. Saddam is then the moral victor, not Bush,
Kevin Toolis, November 11, 2006:
"our only hope now of escape from Iraq is to find a convenient replacement tyrant,
possibly the blood-drenched Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, to restore a semblance of order.[1]
Saddam was survivable if you kept your mouth shut and were deemed no threat.[2]
For all his faults Saddam Hussein's Iraq imposed order.
The water, the electricity, the oil wells faltered but largely kept going.[3]
The roads and streets were safe.
the cardinal fallacy of the Bush Administration was to believe that mere tyranny
was the worst state of Man. As we all can see nightly on the television news,
dictatorship, cruel and merciless, is easily outshone by the depravity of civil war and chaos.[4]
In this calculus of blood it is Saddam not the West who is the moral victor.[5]
Sometimes we need to praise tyrants rather than depose them."
- [1] There is no reason to believe al-Sadr would lead to less killing,
rather than more.
- [2] Whitewash.
The most innocent things got you killed under Saddam.
And how was Saddam "survivable" if he slaughtered you because your relative
committed an offense? (He used to kill entire extended families.)
How was Saddam "survivable" if he chemical bombed your village?
- [3] I thought 1 million children died under sanctions or something.
Has the left abandoned this claim about pre-2003 Iraq?
- [4] Not true.
The worst killing in history was done by governments,
not by anarchies.
Saddam killed more than the Iraqi "resistance".
Al-Sadr would no doubt kill more too.
- [5] Saddam slaughtered the innocent deliberately, torturing children of dissidents,
and dropping chemical weapons on villages.
The West has not deliberately killed one single innocent person.
The West has committed no crimes at all!
And yet Toolis says Saddam is the moral victor!
He seems to be holding the West responsible for what other people (jihadis, al-Sadr) do!
Here's a radical idea for Toolis - Why not hold the jihadis
responsible for what the jihadis do?
- Finally, with a cynical finish worthy of
Alan Clark
and his famous:
"I don't really fill
my mind much with what one set of foreigners is doing to
Toolis says:
"No one deserves a dictator, but in the real world the vast majority of mankind
will have to endure one."
And so the convergence of the left
with the worst elements of the right is complete.
- Ken Loach
- Ken Loach's film
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
is a sympathetic portrayal of the Old IRA of 1916-23.
It's a crap film - simplistic, crude, cartoonish, preachy marxist propaganda -
but there's nothing inherently wrong with a sympathetic portrayal of the Old IRA.
Their violence may or may not have been justified
(I'm inclined to think not),
- like the Jewish guerillas in Palestine -
the Old IRA were at least fighting to set up a democracy.
As was shown when they won, and set up
a free, stable, multi-party democracy.
- Ken Loach, however, then
slanders the Old IRA
(and search)
by comparing them with the jihadi scum who are
suicide bombing mosques
and women and children in Iraq
in order to stop democracy:
"I think that a story on the struggle for independence is a story that reoccurs and reoccurs.
It is always a good time to tell that story. There are always armies of occupation
somewhere in the world being resisted by the people they are occupying.
I don't need to tell anyone here where the British now unfortunately forcefully and illegally
have an army of occupation."
- Loach of course does not mean to slander the Old IRA.
He means to defend the existence of the Iraqi resistance.
- It is of course nonsense to describe the British as
"occupying" Iraq.
The Iraqi people have voted for them to be there.
The Iraqi people are free to vote for withdrawal at any time.
Unlike in Ireland
(who voted for withdrawal without success from 1874 to 1921),
they have chosen not to.
Why? Because they want the British and Americans to help them fight the resistance.
90 percent of Iraqis support killing the resistance.
Not surprisingly, since the resistance wants to crush their freedom.
- It is also nonsense to claim the jihadis are fighting for "independence".
- Let me sum it up in words Ken Loach can understand:
The British are in Iraq to bring it democratic self-determination.
The resistance are fighting to stop democratic self-determination.
That is the difference.
Niall Stanage:
"In drawing the comparison" [between the Old IRA and the Iraqi resistance]
"he" [George Monbiot in this case]
"also exhibited two broader weaknesses that have characterised a lot of leftwing thinking
in recent years - first, an assumption that rebels or insurgents are axiomatically in the right
when they battle against a bigger power; second, a related belief that
no analysis of what those rebels are actually fighting for is necessary.
The IRA during the War of Independence was fighting for a principle that is
precisely the opposite
of that which animates the Iraqi insurgency -
the right of the people to have their democratically-expressed wishes upheld."
Ken Loach and his screenwriter Paul Laverty
support attacking allied military planes at Shannon.
I do not see how this is any different from saboteurs
attacking allied equipment before
- Ken Loach is on the national council of the
party of
George Galloway.
- Open support for the fascist Iraqi "resistance"
from European leftists:
- Fascism, Communism and Islamism:
The leftists
seem confused about what the Iraqi "resistance" actually
So let us re-cap.
This is the "resistance" that
suicide bombs
men, women and
in the street,
at mosques
and at religious processions.
It has bombed
Shiite Muslim mosques
Christian churches
(and here).
It randomly kills Shiite Muslims,
It regards Shiite Muslims
as infidels to be exterminated.
It bombed the famous Shiite
Golden Mosque of Samarra
and destroyed it.
bombs Muslim pilgrims
shoots Muslim pilgrims coming home from Mecca.
It regards
as infidels to be
It kidnaps,
tortures and
innocent civilians - including journalists and aid workers.
It kidnapped and executed
the innocent
Ken Bigley.
It kidnapped and executed
the anti-war, lifelong charity worker
Margaret Hassan.
It targeted (as a westerner) and killed the
anti-war activist
Marla Ruzicka.
burns people alive
while children dance in the streets.
rigged a children's school with explosives.
It is a fascist religious movement which
murders innocent Iraqi barbers
for cutting men's hair.
executes clowns.
sadistically tortures homosexuals.
bombs football fans.
bombs crowds of children
(and here).
cuts the heads off children
(and here).
shoots teachers
cuts off their heads
in front of terrified primary school children.
pulls Shia school children off buses
and executes them.
tortures children with electric drills
for having the "wrong" kind of Islam
(also here).
cuts the heads off children
for the crime of being Christian.
It kills, rapes and tortures
including children,
for the crime of not being Muslim.
drowns children
after killing their fathers.
It sets off car bombs
with children in the back seat.
beheads and cooks Christian toddlers
(and here).
shoots 6 year olds
for having the "wrong" kind of Islam.
cuts the heads off the children of villagers.
grabs small children
and uses them as cover in suicide bomb attacks.
It has a retarded 13-year-old suicide bomber
hold the hand of a 3-year-old girl
in a suicide bomb attack.
set a 5 year old boy on fire
(and here).
It tried to
set a 4 year old boy on fire
in front of his family.
It suicide bombs
children's playgrounds.
It straps bombs to
Down's Syndrome women
and blows them up in crowds of innocents.
It even straps bombs to
a Down's Syndrome child
and blows them up.
shoots and beheads an entire family of 6 children under 12.
It tortures a 6 year old,
pulling out his fingernails and teeth.
It has bombed the
Red Cross
and the United Nations.
It kidnapped
Red Crescent workers.
It has bombed
Abu Ghraib prison,
killing large numbers of prisoners.
It even bombed
the anti-war, anti-American
Al Arabiya TV.
And again.
It executed
their reporter
Atwar Bahjat.
It even attacked her funeral.
It breaks all the rules of war.
It has contempt for any sense of honour and decency.
It wears civilian clothes.
It uses civilian vehicles for suicide attacks.
It fights from mosques.
It hides behind civilians.
It uses children in fighting.
It fakes surrenders.
It tortures and executes POWs.
uses chemical weapons against civilians.
Like all Islamist armies through history,
it is sexually perverted and predatory.
Its young male soldiers get to have no girlfriends, and no healthy sexual outlets, but
believe that the rape of infidel women and girls
is part of the spoils of war.
abducts and gang-rapes Iraqi Christian girls
for pleasure.
rapes innocent Iraqi women
in order to force them into becoming suicide bombers.
It kidnapped
the anti-war, anti-American journalist
Giuliana Sgrena.
It kidnapped
the negative, left-wing,
anti-war journalist
Rory Carroll.
It executes
Russian diplomats.
It kidnapped the anti-war,
anti-American, anti-Israel
Christian Peacemaker Teams.
It not only murdered but actually
the anti-American,
anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian leftie activist
Tom Fox.
In short, leftie peacenik westerners, it hates you
and everything you stand for.
It hates
Iraqi freedom
and wants to stop it.
It has killed
election workers
(also here),
polling stations,
suicide bombed lines of voters.
It is a sworn enemy of the Iraqi people.
It wants to start a civil war in Iraq
and wants to destroy its economy and
stop its reconstruction.
It seeks to establish
an Islamofascist state
with no free speech,
no freedom of religion,
no human rights
no elections.
It has no mandate and
no popular support.
Most Iraqis hate the "resistance"
and want to see it destroyed.
This is what these people support.
And no one should take anything they say seriously ever again.
A defining image of the Iraq War.
U.S. soldier, Major Mark Bieger,
tries to save a little girl
killed by the Iraqi resistance,
Mosul, May 2005.
Photo by
Michael Yon.
See also
"60 guys from Al Qaeda kidnapped an interpreter's sister. She had a baby boy, 6 months old. They raped her, all 60 guys. Then they cut her to pieces and threw her in the river. They left the 6 month baby boy to sleep in her blood.
We found him on a big farm south of Baghdad. All that was left was his legs and his shoes. The dogs ate him.
These people are like animals who came from another planet."
Iraqi Interpreter interviewed by Michael J. Totten, August 07, 2007.
"Marines from Golf Company said they recently fished two bodies out of the local river:
a man had been decapitated, and his 4-year old tied to his leg
before both were thrown into the river and the little boy drowned.
The killings were a product of Al Qaeda terror."
Andrew Lubin, Feb 2007, sums up this war of good versus evil in Iraq.
"a toddler
was kidnapped in Baghdad in October 2006.
The mother could not afford to pay the ransom, and so the kidnappers killed the child.
They returned the body to the mother.
The little child had been beheaded, roasted and was served on a mound of rice."
- What the brave
warriors of the Iraqi resistance
do to Iraqi Christians.
Report from the
Barnabas Fund.