After the
Hamas massacre of Israelis
on 7 October 2023,
the worst day for Jews since the Holocaust,
Hamas can no longer exist.
This is "Never Again". Right here, right now.
There is no going back after this massacre.
This is the end of Hamas.
No Israeli government can continue to accept, in any form, the continued existence of Hamas.
Or the existence of any jihad group at all in Gaza.
This era is over.
Israel needs to ignore the world, and wage all-out war.
This will be nothing like before.
There will be no ceasefire.
That era is over.
Israel will now go for utter, overwhelming, disproportionate force and utter destruction of the enemy.
On 7 Oct 2023, the Einsatzgruppen
came again.
In a one-day orgy of genocidal violence, they killed
Famous 1942 photo
from here.
It is unbelievable.
I never thought I would see such a thing again in my lifetime.
But this time, the Jews have a military.
With an air force. And even nukes.
And the Hamas Einsatzgruppen
are about to be wiped off the face of the earth.
"Never Again".
This time, the Jews are armed, and the IDF is coming fast to wipe the
Hamas Einsatzgruppen off the face of the earth.
See more videos.
Aircraft of the Israeli Air Force.
From here.
See more.
I try to sum it up:
Hamas carried out a genocidal massacre against a heavily-armed neighbour and then retreated.
Every hostage is freed, or their bodies recovered.
Every single Hamas member in Gaza is killed or exiled.
Hamas is utterly destroyed, burned to the ground.
This time, the war cannot end until utter defeat and surrender of the enemy.
Think Berlin 1945. No ceasefire.
All other jihadists in Gaza will have to be killed or exiled too.
Israel will also probably kill much of the senior Hamas leadership abroad
(in Qatar, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey or elsewhere).
This will take time.
There are a lot of Adolf Eichmanns.
Israel will probably kill them rather than render them for trial.
"We will hit Hamas mercilessly, its leaders, commanders, and operatives are all legitimate targets and deserve to die."
"Right now, our blood is boiling. The images of families slaughtered in cold blood, of innocent children, the elderly, women, of dozens of captives, enrage every single one of us. The anger and fury that we feel is felt by our military as well. This rage must now be channeled into exacting an unprecedented price from Hamas."
"Israel will win this war. ... This is a war for our home, in the full sense of the term, it is a battle for the home front."
Israel has one of the best
casus belli in the history of the world.
Hard to think of anything as clear cut as invading your neighbour and immediately carrying out sadistic massacres.
Even without the hostage taking, it is one of the best
casus belli in the history of the world.
No country on earth would tolerate such an attack.
If Mexican government troops had invaded Texas and killed 10,000 Americans in their homes,
there would be USAF bunker buster bombs dropping all over Mexico City.
The plan is slow and methodical.
Encircle Hamas. Starve them of fuel.
Trap Hamas in tunnels. Seal the ends.
And be patient.
The war may last 5 years.
Gazans may have to wait in southern Gaza or in other countries for years.
"until the Israelis do not return home, neither will the Gazans return home. Everyone is going home together".
An estimated 5,000 Hamas fighters killed.
More than 50 mid-level Hamas commanders killed.
One source says:
"This will be a very long war ... We're currently not near halfway to achieving our objectives".
Ground offensive to start in the south.
Plans to help civilians in the south get out of the way:
"We'll make sure there are enough 'safe zones',
we'll warn them in advance and call upon them to make an effort [to evacuate] ... for instance 1 km to the north or west".
The utterly innocent
Shani Louk
went to a music festival, and she
got killed, apparently beheaded, possibly raped, and her body paraded through Gaza.
Posted here.
People don't realise.
Hamas have taken Jewish men, women and children into Gaza to rape and torture.
They are likely raping Jewish girls every day.
If anyone thinks Israel will stop before the captives are recovered, they are deluded.
This time, Israel does not care what you think.
It will not listen and it cannot be stopped.
Above are 3 year olds
Emma and Yuli Cunio,
abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz.
For more posters
see #BringThemHome.
Israeli children being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.
Israel will lay waste to all of Gaza until it finds these children.
The majority of Gazans supported starting this war for no reason.
The majority of Gazans supported the rape and massacre of Israelis that started this war.
So please explain why they are complaining now.
They wanted this.
They made this happen.
Nov 2023 poll.
64 percent in Gaza support the 7 Oct massacre.
83 percent in the West Bank support the 7 Oct massacre.
March 2024,
from Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research.
71 percent of Gazans support the 7 October massacre.
Only 23 percent oppose it, and for many that may just be for tactical reasons. They are not opposed to slaughtering Jews.
Terrorist supporter Hind Khoudary is a perfect example of what is wrong with so many Gazans.
1. On 30 Jan 2024, she defends the 7 October massacre.
2. On 30 Jan 2024, she complains about the consequences of the 7 October massacre.
To end the conflict,
Palestinian hopes must be crushed.
Their dreams must turn to dust.
They must lose their struggle, and be seen to have lost.
A new culture must emerge in Gaza
after Hamas is destroyed.
Something I have long thought.
The way to end the conflict is to crush Gazan and Palestinian hopes and dreams entirely.
Like the Axis in 1945. They lose. Their plans turn to dust. They give up. They slowly turn to pursuing life again.
On 6 October, Gaza had cafes, shopping centres, hotels and beach resorts.
On 7 October, Gaza chose to start a genocidal war of extermination against a heavily armed neighbour.
And now all that is gone.
They had a good life on 6 October.
But Gazans weren't happy on 6 October, and they wanted a massive war instead.
Gazans going to total war on 7 October was
the single worst idea in Gazan history.
7 Oct 2023: Celebrating their slaughter of Jews.
One month later: Consequences. (Here, the last 10 percent left of the population of Gaza City on the road south.)
From here.
Gazans going to total war on 7 October was
the single worst idea in Gazan history.
A. Peace and prosperity. (Alazhar University in Gaza before the war.)
B. Total war. (Alazhar University after.)
Israel's plan for Gaza from 2005 to 2023 was A.
Israel begged Gazans to live in A.
The problem was always the Gazans. They kept choosing B.
On 7 October 2023, they made an irrevocable choice of B.
Image from here.
The West has no idea.
Idiot politicians like Spanish politician
Ione Belarra
think Europe can "stop" Israel with sanctions, expelling ambassadors,
and international criminal court warrants.
She thinks that will stop Jews from wanting to live and wanting to rescue their loved ones.
No. No it won't. Not this time.
You could do all that and Israel will still not stop. This is Never Again and Israelis know it.
Yashar Ali
explains it to the West:
"The Israeli government is not going to be guided by a United Nations vote, no matter who vetoes or doesn't veto.
Bringing up historical examples of the Israeli government shifting its strategy based on outside pressure does not apply here, as there was no October 7th in the past. It is hard to describe in a few sentences how tectonic of a shift October 7 led to. For many Israelis, and as a result, the Israeli government, they are facing an existential threat. Some would even say an apocalyptic threat.
The bottom line is, if Israel is completely isolated by the international community, it's not going to adjust what it thinks are the military actions that will preserve the state of Israel and protect the Jewish people. Even if that means going completely on its own."
Once the jihadists are cleansed from Gaza, Gaza will have to be re-occupied.
This will not be easy, but there is no option.
What remains will be a broken population who accept they have lost.
The military and a puppet government will ban all jihadist activity.
Any support for Hamas or terror and you are permanently removed from Gaza.
All hate preachers are removed.
All new jihadists get removed. No political activity is allowed at all, unless it is compatible with Israel.
The borders must be sealed tight. No re-arming.
Maybe Gaza needs dividing into segments with a border in between
and different local forces (e.g. powerful local families) in each one.
Israel will have to stay in some control of Gaza indefinitely.
The 2005 to 2023 situation can never be allowed again.
Not ideal you might say.
Maybe, but the pre-war situation was 100 times worse.
And under the new post-defeat peace, business will bloom and Gazans will become much richer.
A long-term view is that Gazans need new leadership.
Gaza needs de-nazification.
And then new Gazan leaders need to propose
a plan for Gaza that is acceptable to Israel.
There is no going back to the world before the Hamas invasion.
That world is gone.
People are asking what is Israel's plan.
But to be honest, it's not Israel's job to come up with a plan for post-war Gaza.
Gazans started this war. It is their job to come up with a plan that is acceptable to Israel.
A plan in which Gaza is no threat. I hear not one Gazan proposing such a plan. Nor any friend of Gaza proposing one.
After an attack like this, Israel has the right to do all sorts of things to Gaza, including:
Taking large chunks of Gaza as a buffer zone.
Dividing Gaza in two.
Building new settlements in Gaza.
Military rule of Gaza for years.
All would be perfectly reasonable and proportionate responses to Gaza's brutal attack on Israel.
What would not
be reasonable would be, say, expelling the entire population of Gaza.
Most countries in history would do that (or worse) after such an attack.
But Israel should not.
Gazans prepared to live in peace should be allowed rebuild some kind of new home.
Israel is changed forever
People do not understand.
Israel is changed forever.
It will not be like before.
A regime of iron intolerance against other jihad and terror will now begin
- whether Hezbollah, Iran or the West Bank.
All of these fronts will change.
Israel has seen its future if it tolerates its worst enemies.
This will take some time to emerge, because Hamas must be dealt with first.
But it will emerge.
Iron intolerance and angry, disproportionate force.
And no caring about the whining of the world.
And it may work.
A ruthless, devastating, utter defeat for Hamas
and an entire cleansing of Hamas from Gaza
will deter, not encourage, the other enemies of Israel.
It may calm the other fronts, who will not want to be next.
US deploys two aircraft carriers
and other assets to the region
to deter Iran, Syria and Hezbollah from joining the war.
A very smart move by Biden, and quickly taken.
President Biden's speech of support for Israel, Oct 2023.
Video by Daniel Edry.
Never been a Biden fan, and he's been part of the problem, but this speech is flawless. And what a video to go with it.
Biden started going wobbly weeks later. Of course he did.
By 2024 he was no friend of Israel at all.
But let's enjoy this video.
IDF motivational speech as the troops go into Gaza to defeat evil.
Click through to play.
What a picture. The Gaza beach full of IDF soldiers. The rapist army of Satan hiding in tunnels.
The IDF soldiers pumping seawater into the tunnels to flush the rapists out. What a picture.
Posted here on 5 Dec 2023.
Destroying Hamas is taking months, but it is happening.
Graph shows daily rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza, Oct 2023 to Jan 2024.
Posted here.
And update in Feb 2024.
The rapist army starts surrendering to the IDF.
Posted here on 7 Dec 2023.
Into 2024, and Gaza is hammered to pieces,
Hamas is shattered,
but the Gazans still will not surrender.
Instead they whine "When will this war end?"
Uri Kurlianchik
points out:
"The traditional way to end a war you are losing, is to surrender."