The Islamic world often complains about Israel.
Israel can be criticised, but
it is the only free country
in the entire Middle East.
It is a tiny beacon of democracy, human rights, free speech,
religious tolerance and accountable government
in a vast Islamic sea of totalitarianism.
Most of the Islamic world
has no right to speak about it.
Their complaints are pure hypocrisy anyway.
The Islamic world
does not hate Israel
they care about the
human rights of the Palestinians.
If they cared about human rights
they would have human rights in their own countries.
The Islamic world
hates Israel because, well, essentially because they are Jews.
If they were Muslims, doing exactly the same things,
no one in the Arab world would care.
The main reason people focus on Israel is
because it involves Jews
This is a pretty bleak vision.
I'm arguing that the Arab world, the western left, and the UN
are driven by racism
and hallucinatory anti-semitism
and (in the left's case) by western self-hatred,
not by reason.
If no Jews or at least whites can be blamed,
they're not interested.
That's human nature.
That's the way humans are.
It's pretty disgusting.
But then again, where do you think genocides and holocausts come from?
It's because humans are disgusting.
If humans were rational,
history would not be a bloodbath.
Ordinary humans - family men, mothers, bright young people - all over the world,
hold irrational and morally sick political and religious views.
That's the way the world is.
The Islamic world and the Western left get far more excited
when it is Jews killing Muslims
rather than when it is Muslims killing Muslims:
Muqtedar Khan:
"While we loudly and consistently condemn Israel .. we are
silent when Muslim regimes abuse the rights of Muslims and slaughter thousands of them.
Remember Saddam and his
use of chemical weapons against Muslims (Kurds)?
Remember Pakistani
army's excesses against Muslims (Bengalis)?
Remember the Mujahideen of Afghanistan and their mutual slaughter?
Have we ever condemned them for their
excesses? Have we demanded international intervention or retribution against them?
Do you know how the Saudis treat
their minority Shiis? Have we protested the violation of their rights?
But we all are eager to condemn Israel; not because
we care for rights and lives of the Palestinians, we don't.
We condemn Israel because we hate 'them'."
The silence of Palestinian Solidarity groups when Palestinians and Lebanese kill Palestinians, May 22, 2007:
"Since the beginning of the year 150 Palestinians have been killed in "internal violence" in Gaza.
In the past week, more than 50 have died in "clashes" at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian Refugee camp.
It is as if these Palestinians have not died at all,
or that their deaths are simply unimportant and not worthy of note."
Jenin comes to Lebanon. So where is the outcry?, Jonathan Kay, National Post, May 29, 2007.
"The main difference between the two sieges is that Israel's army put its troops at far greater risk
by invading Jenin with infantry -- whereas the less humane Lebanese army has simply
pummelled Nahr al Bared with explosives from a distance.
Jews apparently care a lot more about saving Palestinian civilians than do Lebanese soldiers.
In fact, many Arabs seem to embrace the same blind anti-Palestinian hatred of which Israel
is typically accused. When Lebanese armoured personnel carriers rolled through Tripoli ...
they got a standing ovation from local residents.
"We wish the government would destroy the whole camp and the rest of the camps,"
one local told The New York Times. "Nothing good comes out of the Palestinians."
the siege at Nahr al Bared shows that what inflames "the Muslim street"
... isn't Muslim suffering, but the relatively tiny fraction thereof that jihadi propagandists
and their Western apologists can lay at the feet of Jews and Christians."
Some tweets sum it up:
Andreas Fagerbakke, 19 Aug 2013:
"Chaos in Egypt. Civil war in Syria. Rising violence in Iraq. Tell me again how the "settlements" are the root problem in the Middle East?"
Austin Tran, 27 Aug 2013:
"More Arabs have been killed in Syria
since 2011
than in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
since 1948."
In fact, more Palestinians are dying in Syria than in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Palestinians are starving ... in Syria.
Lefties lied for years that Palestinians were starving.
Now 20,000 Palestinians really are starving
... in Syria.
20,000 Palestinians in
Yarmouk camp,
Syria, are besieged by Assad
and have no food.
It is no surprise to any Zionist or neo-con that Assad would do this.
That is what we expect of oriental despots like Assad, Saddam and Arafat.
But the anti-Israel, "pro-Palestinian" left
loved Assad
until recently.
List of wars by death toll
shows how small Israel's wars are on a global scale.
Diagram is rather flawed since it leaves out Vietnam War,
Soviet-Afghan War, Congo War
and others.
But the basic point is true.
List of ongoing armed conflicts
shows Israel is only a "minor" conflict.
Not even a medium-sized war, let alone a major war.
The case against Jordan
by Alan M. Dershowitz
- He invites "fair-minded people to ask why Jordan which by any standard
of fair judgment is less democratic, more oppressive, and far more racist
gets a pass while Israel is subject to so much vilification.
I must insist and the world must insist on a single standard of judgment
and criticism with regard to all nations."
I do not understand why the left, and much of Europe,
hates Israel so vehemently,
and ignores the virtual non-existence of human rights
in all of free Israel's
totalitarian neighbours.
Is it because
the left is racist about "non-whites"
and views only the Israelis as full adults?
The Arabs are
excused as victims of history,
or slaves to their culture, while only the Israelis
are treated as adults capable of moral choices.
You would think after its obscene history,
Europe would have grown up.
You would think after murdering all their own Jews,
Europe would have the decency to shut up complaining
about Jews for at least a few centuries.
The Middle East Studies Association conference of 2002
refused to discuss
radical Islam,
despite it being
the biggest topic of discussion
in the world in 2002!
The Middle East was never so much discussed in the West
in history, and yet Middle Eastern Studies,
instead of being delighted,
was appalled, and
tried to ignore it and block it out.
Well essentially because it supports radical Islam.
Netanyahu: The Jews would be massacred like our neighbors in Syria without the IDF. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sums it up, May 2014:
"A few kilometers north of Jerusalem a massacre is occurring
that has killed tens of thousands that do not have the power to defend themselves. Who would doubt that that would be our fate without the IDF. The IDF is the only thing that separates us from the massacres that our people knew in the past."
"In a region that is supposed to have been held back by colonialism,
hampered by prejudice and crippled by years of exploitation, the single most
successful nation is the one least favoured by nature.
Israel's economic output, rate of growth, levels of employment,
educational achievements, infant mortality and standard of public health care
comprehensively outstrip all its neighbours.
Israel has no oil or gas.
But it is the only state [in the region]
where governments change as a result of democratic elections, the Press is free,
the courts fair, the officials uncorrupt, contracts open and enforceable,
and political opposition integral to the culture.
For all those whose narrative of the last 60 years places the West in the dock,
finds capitalism and imperialism guilty of the greatest global crimes of our time,
and lays the woes of the developing world at the door of the developed,
the condition of Israel is a living refutation of all they stand for.
For the leaders of all Israel's neighbours,
Israel's success is a daily reminder of how they have failed their peoples."
- Michael Gove,
Celsius 7/7.
Support Israel
- The only
free country
in the Middle East.