Mark Humphrys (politics)


Islam - Islam in the West - USA

  Surveys of American Muslims




Anwar al-Awlaki

Islam in the US

Hamas On Campus shows the links of the Muslim Students' Association (MSA) (also here) to terrorism:

American Muslim radical Carlos Almonte is typical of the sinister, yet also pathetic, nature of the modern Western jihadi.
Almonte was raised Catholic, converted to Islam, and somehow got the idea that it is supposed to be violent.
This is a genuine photo of Dec 2008 where he protests in New York with a misspelled sign. See original shots here and here.
He is both comical and sinister. He said he wanted to kill non-Muslims for not worshipping a being called "Allah", who exists only in his head: "It's already enough that you don't worship Allah, so ... that's a reason for you to die."
In Mar 2011, he pleaded guilty to Islamic terrorism charges (not related to this protest). He will be sentenced in June 2011, and apparently will get at least 15 years.


Surveys of American Muslims



Classic: Anti-CAIR posters by AFDI, 2014.




Survey of ISNA members

Survey of ISNA members, Sept 2006 is really disturbing:

5. Did Muslims hijack planes and fly them into buildings on 9/11?
YES 117
NO 139

6. Did the U.S. government have advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and allow the attacks to occur?
YES 200
NO 70

7. Did the U.S. government organize the 9/11 attacks?
YES 106
NO 151

8. Are the tapes of Osama Bin Laden, claiming responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and threatening future attacks, real or fake?
REAL 126
FAKE 129

9. Did Muslims commit the July 2005 train and bus bombings in London?
YES 140
NO 104

15. Is it justifiable for the U.S. government to do any of the following in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks in America:

a. taking religion and ethnicity into account as one factor when deciding whom to interview and search at airports?
YES 37
NO 258

b. monitoring activities at American mosques?
YES 43
NO 255

c. listening to phone calls of people in America whom the government claims are connected in some way with Al Qaeda?
YES 64
NO 232

d. having an informer pretend to support or encourage violence against America, to see if the targeted Muslims will decide to attack American targets?
YES 35
NO 258

e. monitoring Muslim charities in America, in the hopes of preventing funding for possible terrorist attacks?
YES 52
NO 242



Edina Lekovic was Managing Editor of student magazine "Al-Talib" in July 1999 when it praised Bin Laden and jihad.
This was just two years before Bin Laden attacked New York on 9/11.
The above two extracts appear on the same page.
The front cover is below.
See full pages: From Steven Emerson.
Edina Lekovic replies, and absurdly claims that the inclusion of her name is "a printing mistake", despite the fact that she contributed to "Al-Talib" many times over a long period from 1997 to 2002.

The cover of the above 1999 issue praises jihad, Bin Laden and Khomeini.

Anwar al-Awlaki

The "moderate" who was invited to the Pentagon - and was later killed by the Pentagon.

The wealthy Americanised Yemeni Islamofascist Anwar al-Awlaki shows how western governments often have difficulty telling who their enemies are.

For Muslims, Benevolence Is Prevailing Over Backlash, October 6, 2001.
Washington Post article about a largely imaginary "backlash" against Muslims in America after 9/11.
One innocent, well-meaning American, Patricia Morris, organised a vigil outside Anwar Al-Awlaki's mosque in Virginia to defend it.
Sadly, later, Anwar Al-Awlaki had to be killed by a drone attack.

In 2001, just after 9/11, an innocent, well-meaning American, Patricia Morris, organises a vigil outside Anwar Al-Awlaki's mosque in Virginia to defend it.
She is unaware that some of the 9/11 hijackers were actually linked to the mosque, and that Al-Awlaki himself was probably involved in 9/11. No wonder he's smiling!
Later, Al-Awlaki was killed by a drone strike.
See full size at Washington Post.

From here.
Hilarious reply from here.

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Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).