Poll, Aug 2011
shows that only a small minority of Muslim Americans feel that
CAIR, ISNA or MPAC represent them.
These groups are basically self-appointed.
This makes sense.
Well-integrated Muslim Americans would join mainstream American groups like the Democratic or Republican parties.
Only poorly-integrated Muslim Americans with a chip on their shoulder would join
whining sectarian grievance-mongers like CAIR and ISNA.
Islamist Lobbies' Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals, by Essam Abdallah (an Egyptian liberal intellectual), 16 Feb 2012,
says that:
"One of the most powerful lobbies in America under the Obama Administration is the Muslim Brotherhood greater lobby
Among leading advisors sympathetic to the Ikhwan is Daliah Mogahed (Mujahid) and her associate, Georgetown Professor John Esposito. Just as shocking, there is also a pro-Iranian lobby that has been influencing US policy towards Iran and Hezbollah".
He says the main opponents of liberal Muslims are
the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),
the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC),
the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
and the National Iranian American Committee (NIAC).
Wa'el Julaidan
(Al Qaeda co-founder)
was president of the MSA at the University of Arizona.
Anwar al-Awlaki
(top Al Qaeda leader)
was president of the MSA at Colorado State University.
Aafia Siddiqui
("Lady Al Qaeda")
was active in the MSA at MIT.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
(the Boston bomber)
was active in the MSA
at the University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth.
American Muslim radical
Carlos Almonte
is typical of the sinister, yet also pathetic, nature of the modern Western jihadi.
Almonte was raised Catholic, converted to Islam,
and somehow got the idea that it is supposed to be violent.
This is a
genuine photo of Dec 2008
where he protests in New York
with a misspelled sign.
See original shots
and here.
He is both comical and sinister.
He said he wanted to kill non-Muslims
for not worshipping a being called "Allah", who exists only in his head:
"It's already enough that you don't worship Allah, so ... that's a reason for you to die."
In Mar 2011, he pleaded guilty to Islamic terrorism charges (not related to this protest).
He will be sentenced in June 2011, and apparently will get at least 15 years.
13 percent of US Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
5 percent of US Muslims have favourable views of Al Qaeda.
The above references a May 2006 study which found that:
Only 17 percent of British Muslims say Arabs did 9/11.
Only 16 percent of Turkish Muslims say Arabs did 9/11.
Only 15 percent of Pakistani Muslims say Arabs did 9/11.
35 percent of French Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
25 percent of Spanish Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
24 percent of British Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
69 percent of Nigerian Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
57 percent of Jordanian Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
53 percent of Egyptian Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians can be justified.
Just as the Irish in Britain were of little use against the IRA,
and just as the "good Germans" were of little use in WW2,
so western Muslims will probably be of little use in this war.
They don't like the jihad, but will make no attempt to fight it,
and have only criticism for those who do.
10 percent of western Muslims will help fight this war.
10 percent will fight for the enemy.
80 percent will sit on the fence, and then, when the war is over,
will be perfectly happy with the allied victory.
Survey of US Muslims, Oct 2012, shows large numbers of American Muslims who hate freedom and agree with sharia:
58 percent of US Muslims say criticism of Islam should be illegal in the USA.
46 percent say those who criticise Islam should face criminal charges.
43 percent disagree that Christian and other non-Muslim proselytisation should be legal.
32 percent say that sharia should be the supreme law of the land in the USA.
12 percent say those who criticise Islam should be executed.
Midwest Lutherans Largely Reject Violence, May 23, 2007 - Parody of our reaction to these polls.
We expect moderate levels of support for violence and terror from the Muslim community,
whereas this would be unthinkable in any other religious group.
"By an almost two-to-one margin, Midwest Lutherans
voiced solid opposition to decapitation, suicide bombing,
and chemical warfare in a new comprehensive survey of their social attitudes.
"If there is one headline here, it's how remarkably moderate the Lutheran community is,"
said Pew director Andrew Kohut of the survey
Kohut pointed to one of the study's key findings that
only 29% of all respondents agreed that "bloody, random violence against infidels"
was "always" or "frequently" justified,
versus 56% who said such violence was "seldom" or "never" justified.
The approval of violence rose slightly among younger Lutherans
and when the hypothetical violence was targeted against Presbyterians,
but still fell well short of a majority."
"Although a majority 87% of respondents agreed that "The world should be brought to submission under global Lutheran conquest and eternal perfect rule," there was a great deal of disagreement on the means to accomplish it.
"Taken as a whole, the results show that Midwest Lutherans
emphatically support a moderate, mainstream path to world domination," said Kohut.
"These folks are well-assimilated into the broad fabric of American society,
and unless you are Presbyterian, there is probably very little here to cause concern.""
5. Did Muslims hijack planes and fly them into buildings on 9/11?
YES 117
NO 139
6. Did the U.S. government have advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and allow the attacks to occur?
YES 200
NO 70
7. Did the U.S. government organize the 9/11 attacks?
YES 106
NO 151
8. Are the tapes of Osama Bin Laden, claiming responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and threatening future attacks, real or fake?
REAL 126
FAKE 129
9. Did Muslims commit the July 2005 train and bus bombings in London?
YES 140
NO 104
15. Is it justifiable for the U.S. government to do any of the following in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks in America:
a. taking religion and ethnicity into account as one factor when deciding whom to interview and search at airports?
YES 37
NO 258
b. monitoring activities at American mosques?
YES 43
NO 255
c. listening to phone calls of people in America whom the government claims are connected in some way with Al Qaeda?
YES 64
NO 232
d. having an informer pretend to support or encourage violence against America, to see if the targeted Muslims will decide to attack American targets?
YES 35
NO 258
e. monitoring Muslim charities in America, in the hopes of preventing funding for possible terrorist attacks?
YES 52
NO 242
Edina Lekovic
was Managing Editor of
student magazine
in July 1999
when it praised Bin Laden and jihad.
This was just two years before Bin Laden attacked New York on 9/11.
The above two extracts appear on the same page.
The front cover is below.
See full pages:
From Steven Emerson.
Edina Lekovic replies, and absurdly claims that the inclusion of her name
is "a printing mistake",
despite the fact that she contributed to "Al-Talib" many times over a long period
from 1997 to 2002.
The cover of the above 1999 issue
praises jihad, Bin Laden and Khomeini.
New York Times
in 2001 called him
"a new generation of Muslim leader capable of merging East and West".
in 2001 said he was
one of the "moderates who want to solve the problems without violence"
and someone who could "build bridges between Islam and the West".
al-Awlaki emerged as an important Al Qaeda leader,
inspiring and calling for attacks on America.
He may even have been
involved in 9/11.
You bomb the Pentagon, killing hundreds - and then get invited to the Pentagon!
For Muslims, Benevolence Is Prevailing Over Backlash, October 6, 2001.
Washington Post article about a largely imaginary "backlash" against Muslims in America after 9/11.
One innocent, well-meaning American, Patricia Morris,
organised a vigil outside Anwar Al-Awlaki's mosque
in Virginia to defend it.
Sadly, later, Anwar Al-Awlaki had to be killed by a drone attack.
In 2001, just after 9/11,
an innocent, well-meaning American, Patricia Morris,
organises a vigil outside Anwar Al-Awlaki's mosque in Virginia to defend it.
She is unaware that some of the 9/11 hijackers were actually linked to the mosque,
and that Al-Awlaki himself was probably involved in 9/11.
No wonder he's smiling!
Later, Al-Awlaki was killed by a drone strike.
See full size at
Washington Post.