Mark Humphrys (politics)


Politics - The modern right

  Introduction - What is the right?

Media and writers

Blogs and link services


Blogs I used to read

What am I?

Who would I vote for?

The Irish right


The right and freedom

Europe and America

The U.S. military

The modern left

The modern right

9/11 made me finally break with the left-liberal worldview and start agreeing with conservatives on foreign policy (I had already long ago agreed with the right on economics). I finally converted from liberal-left to libertarian-right once I read the latter's arguments in 2001-02.

Introduction - What is the right?

What does "right" mean in the modern world? Let me suggest a definition:

By "right" on this page I mean people that generally support the west against its enemies. Not all of the links on this page could be called "right-wing". (I'm not even necessarily "right-wing" myself.) But none of these are anti-west.

According to this definition, there are many right-wing groups and individuals I disagree with and oppose, such as religious conservatives. There are even self-described "right-wingers" who do not support the west against its enemies, such as isolationists and Israel-haters. For a full discussion see:

Fancy a 50 minute introduction to what the right is, and how it differs from the left?
Here is one, covering a range of topics, from the brilliant Thomas Sowell.

Media and writers


Andrew Bostom

Radio, TV, video

Blogs and link services

Selected blogs

Dormant blogs

The Jawa Report

(Left) From Google. (Right) From Star Wars Wiki. Neither from the Jawa Report.
The Saudi-funded Frankie Martin knows nothing about the Jawa Report blog, so he Googles it, finds a hostile claim that it is a "weblog comparing Muslims to Jawas", and reprints this as if it is the blog's self-description!
He then Googles Jawas, finds this Star Wars Wiki, which is nothing to do with the Jawa Report, and reprints its descriptions of Jawas as "typically short rodent-like" creatures, and "disgusting", as if the Jawa Report used this language when talking about Muslims!
This apparently is "scholarship" when you are funded by Saudi Arabia.

Miscellaneous blogs


UK blogs

Other good blogs


Dormant or extinct

Irish blogs

By "right" on this page I mean people that generally support the west against its enemies, for lack of a better term. Not all of the links on this page could be called "right-wing". (I'm not even necessarily "right-wing" myself.) But none of these are anti-west.

Dormant or extinct

General Irish blogs and discussion sites

What am I?

Who would I vote for?

Politics      Religion      Since 1995.      New 250 G VPS server.

Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).