George Galloway is one of
the leading British supporters of dictatorship, totalitarianism and Islamic terror.
He has spent a lifetime dedicated to
support for the most disgusting regimes and groups
on the planet.
I actually think that some of what he says (encouraging the enemy to attack British troops)
should be illegal and he should be arrested.
to the butcher Saddam Hussein in 1994:
"I thought the President would appreciate to know that even today, three years after the war,
I still meet families who are calling their newborn sons Saddam
... Sir, I salute your courage, your strength your indefatigability.
And I want you to know that we are with you until victory, until victory, until Jerusalem."
to the butcher Uday Hussein in 1999:
"I'd like you to know that we are with you 'til the end"
George Galloway, Sept 2002,
bemoans the end of the Soviet tyranny:
"If you are asking did I support the Soviet Union, yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union,
and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life."
George Galloway openly supports Ho Chi Minh, 19 May 2013.
"Long live memory of Ho Chi Minh born this day 1890. Great leader of heroic Vietnam, victorious over French & American imperialism."
Galloway openly supports the brutal dictator
"Fidel Castro is a hero."
He even openly supports Castro's denial of political freedoms:
"when the enemy is at the gates
.. you have to accept that there will be restrictions on political freedoms
in a place like Cuba."
He openly supports the Islamofascist resistance in Iraq:
"The Iraqis have a legal and moral right to resist violent, illegal, foreign occupation,
and that's what they're exercising."
He hopes that Iran
is safe from regime change:
"If I have to choose between the Mullocracy in Tehran
or a British and American invasion of Iran, I'll be with the Mullocracy.
.. if George Bush and Tony Blair invade Iran, I'll be with Iran."
And hear his unforgivable defence of a genocidal regime
that has killed 4 million people
and kills women and children in gas chambers:
"If it comes to invasion of North Korea,
I'll be with North Korea."
Galloway praises North Korea, 2013:
"there have been achievements in North Korea. They do have a satellite circling the earth. They have built a nuclear power industry even though they suspended it on false promises from President Clinton and other U.S. statesmen. They do have a cohesive, pristine actually, innocent culture. A culture that has not been penetrated by globalization and by Western mores and is very interesting to see.
they are courageously refusing to bow the knee to big power dictate and domination, and that is something that other people could take a lesson from."
Interview, Aug 2005 -
Galloway says something that is actually true!"Socialism and Islam are very close, other than on the issue of the existence of God."
In this interview
he defends Tariq Aziz,
and supports the Iraqi "resistance".
George Galloway Denies the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
George Galloway reacted to the death of the North Vietnamese communist General Giap, 5 Oct 2013:
"All hail the memory".
George Galloway reacted to the death of the democratically-elected British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, 8 Apr 2013:
"May she burn in the hellfires."
In fact, Galloway was so horrified by Thatcher's Britain
that in 1979-1990 he went to live in the communist paradise
of Vietnam.
Oh no, wait a minute.
He didn't.
For some reason, he preferred to live in Britain.
On the Iraqi resistance:
"The Iraqi resistance isn't just defending Iraq. It is defending Syria, Lebanon and Iran
and all Arab states."
On Saddam Hussein:
"He is likely to have been the leader in history who came closest to creating a truly Iraqi national identity, and he developed Iraq and the living, health, social and education standards of his own people."
Galloway's fawning over the Syrian dictator Assad:
"Syria is lucky to have Bashar al-Assad as her President.""I want to help rally people to the side of Syria, to defend Syria."
Note that Syria has
no elections and
no human rights.
He claims Syria's occupation of Lebanon was legal.
He says in the interview that
"For me terrorism is harming innocent people for political purposes".
And then he denies that
and Hizbollah
are terrorists.
Galloway worries that laws against incitement to terrorism will affect him:
"It is clearly a very substantial problem because it means if I make a speech, like last night,
in England in which I support the Iraqi resistance and the Palestinian resistance
.. I may be persecuted for my speech."
It is interesting how he openly supports
the Iraqi resistance
and the Palestinian resistance.
Should Galloway be arrested?
I myself am not totally sure
if incitement to terrorism should be illegal for
native-born citizens
(who cannot be deported).
If it is made illegal,
then it seems it certainly should include the leftist supporters of the jihad
like Galloway,
as well as the more traditional Islamic supporters of jihad.
Both are influential.
Both recruit for the enemy,
and encourage violent young men to go to war against the West.
I fail to see what line
Lord Haw-Haw crossed
that George Galloway has not also crossed.
Anti-Israel march, July 2006
(see videos).
Galloway apparently says:
"What I am about to say is illegal in Britain.
I am here
to glorify the Lebanese resistance,
to glorify the leaders of the Lebanese resistance,
and I am here to glorify their leader, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah.
I am saying this to these treacherous cowards - the regimes of the Arab states:
If all the Arab leaders were like Hassan Nasrallah,
Iraq would be free, Palestine would be free".
The crowd roar, and cry
Allahu Akbar.
Hizbollah is right to fight Zionist terror,
by George Galloway, puts it in print:
"The invasion of Lebanon by Israel .. is a monstrous injustice.
I side with the resistance to that injustice. Hizbollah is leading that resistance.
I do not hesitate to say ..
that I glorify that resistance.
I glorify the Hizbollah national resistance movement, and I glorify the leader of Hizbollah,
Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah."
Note that Hezbollah
are religious nutcases.
They are anti-semitic terrorists who target Jewish civilians,
calling them a "cancer".
Hassan Nasrallah is a
Holocaust denier.
Aug 2006:
"I came here to extend my congratulations to the Lebanese people
on a great and historic victory against this aggression.
I want to congratulate the Lebanese resistance and their leading edge,
Hizbollah, whose martyrs and heroes have achieved this great victory.
And in particular to their leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,
whose name now rings in joy around the world."
No mention of the Israeli civilians who have just been targeted
and killed (no accident) by his heroes Nasrallah and Hizbollah
44 men, women and children dead and 1,350 injured.
Is he congratulating Hizbollah on this?
He claims that Iran
"hasn't attacked another country for more than 300 years".
This rather
ignores the fact that Iran is
attacking Israel, the US and Britain
right now,
and has killed hundreds of allied troops and Israeli civilians
in the last few years.
George Galloway led this convoy of Islamism supporters.
Islamist extremist Yvonne Ridley
was also on this convoy.
Convoy pelted with stones in Egypt, Mar 2009.
"members of our convoy were attacked with stones.
Vandals also wrote dirty words and anti-Hamas slogans".
More here:
"the convoy has .. been attacked
by people purporting to be Fatah supporters."
On arrival in Gaza,
Galloway donates thousands of dollars to Hamas.
"We are giving you now 100 vehicles and all of their contents, and we make no apology for what I am about to say. We are giving them to the elected government of Palestine".
That is, Galloway is funding Hamas which is firing rockets at Israeli civilians.
Canada's Immigration Minister said:
"I believe that folks who are supporting or promoting and helping terrorist organizations are not needed to visit Canada".
One of his staff
"We're going to uphold the law, not give special treatment to this infamous street-corner Cromwell who actually brags about giving 'financial support' to Hamas, a terrorist organisation banned in Canada.
I'm sure Mr. Galloway has a large Rolodex of friends in regimes elsewhere in the world willing to roll out the red carpet for him. Canada, however, won't be one of them."
The Immigration Minister's office also said:
"George Galloway is not getting a permit - end of story.
He defends the very terrorists trying to kill Canadian forces in Afghanistan."
Canadian Jewish organisation praises the decision:
"Those who support the pro-terrorist agenda of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, whose avowed aim is the destruction of the Jewish State, should not be given public platforms to spew their vile messaging."
Should Galloway be treated as (barely) legal extremist domestic dissent?
Or should he be treated as the enemy, like
Lord Haw-Haw
and Omar Bakri Muhammad?
I'm inclined to the latter.
George Galloway, Nov 2005, praises the dictator of Syria and calls Syria a democracy.
See transcript.
Galloway openly supports Hizbollah, at the Al Quds Rally, London, Oct 2007.
He openly supports Castro.
He stands in front of a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini.
He supports Iran.
He attacks Arab democrats as traitors.
He rants on about casinos and bordellos
and damnation "for all eternity"
as if he has converted to Islam.
The crowd of deranged Islamic terror supporters are rather muted.
Maybe even they think he's nuts.
Extracts from Galloway's
UK by-election leaflet, March 2012.
And this kind of religious bolloxology is meant to make the voter support
The left's support for Islamic fundamentalism is the main reason I regard myself as part of the western right.
Jihad supporter also supports sharia:
George Galloway leaflet in
Batley and Spen by-election, July 2021,
promotes sharia blasphemy laws.
This was after the
Batley Grammar School
Muhammad cartoon incident.
From here.
Best line from Hitchens on Galloway:
"He turns up in Damascus! The man's search for a tyrannical fatherland never ends!
The Soviet Union's let him down.
Albania's gone.
The Red Army's out of Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia.
The hunt persists! Saddam has been overthrown. On to the next!"
Christopher Hitchens on Galloway:
"Thus ... the "anti-war" movement has as its new star a man who is openly pro-war,
but openly on the other side."
"George Galloway, the Labour MP and a leading defender of Saddam Hussein,
yesterday called on Arab states to fight the British and American "Crusaders"
if a military attack is mounted against Iraq."
His open call for Arab states to fight the Allies:
"Will they send forces to defend Iraq this time ..
or will they allow the use of their forces, air space and land by the Crusaders and foreigners"
"I stand by every word.
If the Arabs watch Iraq destroyed
as part of a plan to keep the Arabs divided and weak,
they will face the same kind of century as the one they have endured in the past
and they should rise up and stop it."
Asked whether he would support military action against British and American forces, he said:
"I am against this invasion. Therefore I am in favour of everything than can be done
to stop it - everything."
During the Iraq War itself,
when liberating British and American troops
were being killed by the Iraqi fascists,
urged the Arab world to fight
Britain and America,
Apr 2003:
"Iraq is fighting for all the Arabs. Where are the Arab armies?
Even if it is not realistic to ask a non-Iraqi army to come to defend Iraq,
we see Arab regimes pumping oil for the countries who are attacking it.
We wonder when the Arab leaders will wake up.
When are they going to stand by the Iraqi people?".
See summary.
Sunday Times, 5 Dec 2004,
in which Galloway says it is legally
"legitimate" for the Iraqi fascists
to kill British soldiers:
"If the war in Iraq was illegal, as no less than the secretary-general of the UN has said,
then logically the only legally legitimate people fighting in Iraq are Iraqis."
On the fascist suicide bombings of brave British troops and Iraqi civilians:
"I will not condemn an occupied people for using their legal rights,
their legal rights as well as their moral rights to resist the illegal occupation of their country."
On the liberation of Iraq being so-called "illegal":
"It follows that the only people fighting legally in Iraq, therefore,
are the people defending their country against an illegal invasion."
May 2006
- Galloway says it would be "justified" to murder Tony Blair
for liberating Iraq.
"Would the assassination of, say, Tony Blair by a suicide bomber
- if there were no other casualties - be justified as revenge for the war on Iraq?"
"Yes, it would be morally justified."
Galloway on Arab TV,
Nov 2004,
rants like an Islamist.
"The people who invaded and destroyed Iraq and have murdered more than a million Iraqi people by sanctions and war
will burn in Hell in the hell-fires,
and their name in history will be branded as killers and war criminals for all time.
Not the resistance, not anybody else
but these criminals who invaded and fell like wolves upon the people of Iraq."
On Israel and Iraq:
"Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners - Jerusalem and Baghdad.
The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help,
and the Arab world is silent. And some of them are collaborating with the rape of
these two beautiful Arab daughters."
On the Iraqi fascist "resistance":
"These poor Iraqis - ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs,
with the lightest and most basic of weapons - are writing the names of their cities and towns
in the stars, with 145 military operations every day,
which has made the country ungovernable by the people who occupy it."
He glosses over their ferocious onslaught on the people of Iraq:
"Most of the operations which they carry out are against the occupying forces
and their collaborators,
and this is normal in every liberation struggle."
Galloway condemns the Woolwich beheading of a British soldier, May 2013.
"Speaking hours after the brutal killing of an off-duty soldier
in a Woolwich street George Galloway condemned it as a 'sickening atrocity'."
So the beheader is not
"writing his name in the stars"??
Make up your mind!
Do you want British soldiers dead or not?
Feb 2015: A Galloway fan,
"raymond delauney" (fake name)
defends Galloway's statements calling for the killing of British troops.
He compares the Brits to the Nazis
and compares the jihad to the resistance.
People have wondered for years if George Galloway is a Muslim.
He talks as if he is a (radical) Muslim.
He speaks like a jihadist.
He has had 4 wives - 3 of them Muslim.
He had Islamic marriages to his 3 Muslim wives in 1994, 2005 and 2012.
In 2012, a credible claim emerged that
he is not a pro-jihad far leftist,
as thought,
but rather a pro-jihad Muslim radical.
The claim is that Galloway
converted to Islam sometime before 2002.
And we thought he was just a traitor! But he is in fact a radical Muslim
who supports global jihad.
So he is the enemy, not a traitor.
Galloway responds
does not deny being a Muslim.
"The newly elected MP for Bradford West does not deny being a Muslim, but says Khan's claim of a conversion in a hotel in Kilburn, north-west London, is "simply and categorically untrue"."
Left Unity,
Nov 2014,
debates whether they should back Islamic State or not.
The motion
"Despite the atrocities it has carried out ... IS nevertheless represents an attempt to break fundamentally with the structure of religiously and ethnically divided nation states imposed on the region
it therefore, theoretically, has progressive potential.
The Caliphate represents an alternative political vision that is gathering support amongst Muslims
... because it stands for replacing the brutal regimes in which they live with a political system based on Islam that sets up an accountable executive, an organised judiciary, representative consultation ... such a state could only be a stabilising force for the region
and the European Left has to acknowledge and accept the widespread call for a Caliphate among Muslims as valid and an authentic expression of their emancipatory, anti-imperialist aspirations."