This is not a prophecy.
This is a description of what has actually
in the UK, the US, France, Spain, Belgium, Australia
- and almost everywhere in the West.
Ireland recently went through all 3 stages also,
with the
Dundalk attack
being its first Islamic terror attack.
I predicted long ago that we would inevitably get to stage 3, and we did.
I could not see any argument as to why we would escape it.
Now I believe in treating people as individuals.
Many Muslim immigrants love the West.
Many are fleeing from sharia law and Islamic dictators.
Many have some (sometimes confused) admiration for non-Muslim societies and economies.
Let me expand that point:
Opinion polls
show that
Western Muslims are the most liberal, tolerant, pro-democracy Muslims in the world.
Their opinions are far superior to the opinions of Muslims in the Islamic world.
All the dissidents are here
- the religious dissidents,
the political dissidents,
the feminist dissidents, and
the gay dissidents.
All the dissident works
- such as criticism of Islam and
- are published in the West.
This is to be celebrated.
However, there is a substantial minority
(10-20 percent)
of Muslim immigrants
who threaten our western freedoms.
They are
- essentially religious fascists who want to impose their religious beliefs
on the rest of us.
What to do about these aggressors is one of the questions of our time.
As in the UK,
there is a lack of moderate liberal Muslims in Ireland
brave enough to stand up to the Islamists.
As in the UK,
most of the running is being made by infidels.
The Irish state treats the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as representing Muslims in Ireland.
[US diplomatic cable, 2006] says:
"Both Satardien
and Qadri have told
emboffs that
getting out a positive message on integration is difficult
because the conservative Muslims, or as Satardien refers to
the leaders at ICCI, the Wahhabis and Muslim Brotherhood,
control Islam in Ireland. He alleges that ICCI has the ear
of the GOI and blocks efforts to initiate open dialogue
within the religious community."
Dreaming of an Islamist Ireland, Ruth Dudley Edwards, May 2010:
"Currently, the Department of Foreign Affairs insists that official translations from Arabic into English be done at Clonskeagh mosque - an interesting venue for persecuted Christian asylum-seekers from, say, Egypt."
He attacks:
"an increasingly widespread Islamophobia; fuelled by an ignorance of the politics and history of the Middle East, ill informed stereotyping,
... and a misrepresentation of the tenets of the Islamic faith itself."
Sudanese cleric
Abd Al-Hayy Yousuf (various spellings)
visits South Circular Road mosque, Mar 2018.
In 2011
Abd Al-Hayy Yousuf
mourned Osama Bin Laden's death:
"We pledge, before Allah, that the man killed yesterday [Bin Laden] is our brother. We pledge, before Allah, that we love him.
By Allah, no Muslim would ever rejoice or gloat over his death.
On the contrary, he would feel that this man waged true jihad for the sake of Allah, and that he was a thorn in the side of the enemies of Allah
Osama bin Laden is our brother and our patron. We pray for him and plead for Allah's mercy upon him.
He was a man who lived not for himself, but for Islam and the Islamic nation. He lived to make the world of Allah reign supreme."
Jan 2015: After the
Charlie Hebdo massacre,
the French-Tunisian cleric
Béchir Ben Hassen
approves of killing those who insult the Prophet.
See transcript:
"Even blind people, who lost their sight, avenged [the honor] of their Prophet. Therefore, the punishment for anyone who curses the Prophet Muhammad is to be killed. He should be punished by execution. His killing is sanctioned by a number of Quranic verses, by the Sunna, and by the consensus of the scholars of the past."
See more.
Video also here.
Nov 2017:
The South Circular Road mosque
hosts Béchir Ben Hassen as a speaker.
See image.
Kuwaiti preacher
Othman Al-Khamis says (2015)
that non-Muslims can be attacked and enslaved:
"Those who do not want to worship Allah should be enslaved, forced to pay the jizya poll tax, convert to Islam, or fought against.
.. Don't feel sorry for them. They are infidels who refuse to worship Allah."
In 2019, he says apostates must be killed:
"Apostates are committing a crime, just like adulterers. .. A person who commits apostasy is killed. However, he is left [unharmed] if he repents."
Othman Al-Khamis
invited to speak at South Circular Road mosque, March 2016.
Ian O'Doherty does a TV show,
"Now It's Personal", 15 Nov 2011, meeting Ireland's Muslim community,
and has some interesting encounters.
Adnan Hameed
of the
Talbot St mosque
comes across as pleasant, but then
declares that people who blaspheme against his religion should be jailed,
or even attacked violently. "If you drew a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad I'd probably knock you out".
About the cartoonist living under death threat:
"They should have put that guy away, not given him bloody 24 hour security.
They should have put him away in prison".
The Cork Dawah Centre was officially opened on 12 Oct 2013:
New Islamic Cultural Centre opens in Cork city, Olivia Kelleher, Irish Times, 13 Oct 2013.
Irish Times writes about Cork Islamic centre, ignores links to extremism.
No "Story of Why" here!
The centre was opened by the Lord Mayor of Cork,
Catherine Clancy (Labour).
The opening was attended by the RC Bishop of Cork and Ross,
John Buckley.
No questions were asked.
The Cork Dawah Centre
was in the news in Sept 2013 when FF councillor
Ken O'Flynn
complained about night-time activity there
as being in breach of planning permission.
He was roundly called prejudiced by the left.
e.g. See a
ridiculous article by Victoria White, 19 Sept 2013, who compares the Cork Muslims to her own immigrant ancestors,
and worries about the
Halawa family
(of the Muslim Brotherhood).
She shows no interest in what the Cork Muslims or the Halawa family actually believe.
It seems it is the job of the modern journalist to hide such information.
Imagine smearing these poor honest Cork Muslims by linking them to the brutality of sharia law!
Of course they don't support sharia law!
Only a racist would think that, right?
Well, read on.
It is hilarious that the left, the media and O'Flynn all missed the real story,
which is what does this centre actually believe in?
Do they believe in sharia law?
The answer, of course, is yes.
Above, the
Cork Dawah Centre
Peace TV, the channel of preacher
Zakir Naik,
who says apostates and proselytizers should be executed.
If the Cork Dawah Centre disagrees, and
condemns the sharia punishment of apostates, I'd love to hear it.
Tell me here.
The Cork Dawah Centre
Hamza Tzortzis,
who has called for an Islamic state.
I could go on, but there is enough evidence there
for a sceptical media (if only one existed in Ireland)
to grill the
Cork Dawah Centre
on its "likes"
and demand it say whether it agreed with sharia extremism or not.
Allan Cavanagh
and Victoria White do not know what they are talking about.
I told
Allan Cavanagh
about this research that makes his meme look ignorant.
Oddly enough,
he did not thank me
for making him look a fool.
He responded by
blocking me.
academic Gavan Titley takes a different approach.
presented with evidence
that does not fit his world view,
he simply ignores it.
No reply at all.
Twitter profile (as at Aug 2017) of
Khalid Ghafour,
imam of
Limerick Mosque, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick.
His profile picture is
the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood leader
Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda.
Muhammad Taufiq Sattar
is ambiguous about sharia law
and the death penalty for apostasy.
Given a chance to argue against these things on the TV program
"Beyond Belief" in 2013,
he declined.
You can see the
planning application
by searching for
"FW16A/0134" at
Fingal County Council.
Will the Irish government or media ask any questions about what will be taught here?
No. They won't.
Warrenstown House (then called "Courtduff"),
Corduff townland, N side of Blanchardstown, Co.Dublin.
Note that "Courtduff" is a different building from "Courtduff House" to the S.
1887 to 1913 map.
Now the proposed site of a huge new (apparently fundamentalist) mosque.
Courtduff and Courtduff House, Blanchardstown,
Thom's Directory of Dublin county, 1894 (see p.1550).
How much better to have "Mrs. Peakin" at this address
rather than an Islamic fundamentalist mosque.
Letting Islamic fundamentalism into Ireland is not progress.
Ireland's largest mosque is proposed for Clongriffin, Co.Dublin.
The Irish media shows no interest in what kind of Islam would be preached there.
The signs are this would be a Saudi Wahhabist mosque.
Abdul Haseeb's wife is
Lorraine O'Connor,
founder of the Muslim Sisters of Éire.
(As noted, this is a project of the Dublin Welfare Society.)
In a
2014 article
she says about the Islamic dress that women are forced to wear around the world:
"It's Western women who are oppressed.
They feel they have to be size zeroes and show off as much skin as possible.
I feel very liberated that I wear the hijab and those of my friends who wear the burka also feel liberated."
After the barbaric
Hamas massacre of Israelis in Oct 2023,
when terrorists killed
Jewish men, women and children,
Muslim Sisters of Éire posted a
Palestinian flag in apparent sympathy with the butchers.
I asked them
to send the URL where they condemn the Hamas massacre. They responded by blocking me.
Dialogue Ireland
asks the questions about the Clongriffin mosque that the Irish media won't.
Colette Colfer
writes about the Clongriffin mosque in the
Irish Times,
29 Aug 2013
(and on her site
and here)
without ever addressing these questions.
Report in Mar 2015
that Clongriffin mosque will not go ahead.
MCI, 23 July 2013, hosts a speaker from the
Tayyibun Institute in London.
The speaker was born half-Jewish and became Muslim.
Colette Colfer
naively quotes the organiser and makes it sound like this is a nice example of tolerance:
"The guest speaker is the son of a Jewish woman and a Pakistani man."
Harry's Place
gives the true picture about any speaker from the Tayyibun Institute.
describe the
Tayyibun Institute as
"an inveterate promoter of extremists
The Tayyibun Institute promotes a nasty fringe version of Islam
which imperils the multiple targets of its hatred."
The Tayyibun Institute
is on the
Quilliam Foundation list of Islamists
"Wahhabist influenced groups and mosques".
See full size.
2014 article
about Abdul Haseeb's wife.
She promotes the hijab
and says
"It's Western women who are oppressed".
The article says she is:
"The mother of four daughters - "they all wear the hijab, by choice"".
Kotwal praises the Taliban
in the Prime Time 2006 program.
"The Taliban did a good job.
But of course they had some weaknesses.
They needed support. They needed time.
And it was very sad that they did not get that support.
But still it was a model for the rest of the world."
He denies Bin Laden carried out 9/11.
"Osama Bin Laden, look at him.
His appearance is like prophet Muhammad.
You can see it in his face.
He's a good, God-fearing man."
This extremist even got to
at a Catholic school
in Dublin.
Why is this fanatic allowed stay in Ireland?
Irish convert
Colm Gillis, in a letter of 7 Jan 2011, shows that converts to the Islamic religion also often convert to
a distorted view of history and politics.
Gillis claims that the huge number of
Islamic tyrannies are
"by and large creations of Anglo-French policies after World War One".
Nothing to do with Islam, of course.
They would all be liberal parliamentary democracies or something if it weren't for the West.
He claims that the 1,400 years of
Islamic terror and violence is
"not inspired by Islamic teachings but is a product of perceived injustice."
Nothing to do with Islam.
All religions have carried out
over 10,000 terror attacks
in the last decade.
He claims that in the West,
we only think we are free to vote for who we want,
and believe what we want.
"Democracy is not the great Nirvana portrayed by Mr Myers. Consent is manufactured",
he says, using the pathetic excuse of that nut
for how no one votes for him.
Oh yes, we are just idiots whose consent is "manufactured".
We are not strong free men like Gillis and Chomsky.
He claims that Islam
the people of North Africa and the Middle East
when it conquered them by the sword and forced them to accept Islam
or live as second-class dhimmis (which they still are today).
Qasim Afridi set up some whining
Muslim immigrant group
"Glór Moslamach",
which he says
is opposed to integration,
whatever that means. (It doesn't sound good.)
He again
Britain and America are killing innocent Muslims.
Um, then how come the people of Iraq and Afghanistan voted
for parties that cooperated
with the militaries of
Britain and America? What do they know that you don't know?
Qasim Afridi
leads a group letter, April 25, 2008, defending shariah law.
They claim (of course) that "true shariah" has not yet been implemented.
Like "true communism".
They claim (based on no evidence) that the US and UK
have murdered half a million Iraqis.
They say:
"We have no hesitation to condemn terrorism in the name of Islam."
But oddly, condemnation of Palestinian terror against Israel does not follow.
Neither does condemnation of the Taliban or the Iraqi resistance.
In fact, they do not name any specific Islamic terror that they condemn.
Troubled singer Sinead O'Connor (born 1966),
after a lifetime of religious searching,
converted to Islam in 2018.
Imagine being angry with the Catholic church, and yet embracing Islam!
She announced her conversion to Islam on 19 Oct 2018.
On 31 Oct 2018 she tweeted a video by hate preacher
Zakir Naik,
who says apostates and proselytizers should be executed.
He said this at the same event she tweeted a video from.
Zakir Naik
says it is allowed
to rape female slaves
and women captured in warfare.
Well done, Sinead.
You got angry with the Catholic church ... and ended up promoting this guy.
Sinead O'Connor had a Twitter account at
on which she posted about her new religion, Islam.
"Beyond Belief" on Islam, RTE TV, 7 Oct 2013.
On RTE Player here:
and clips on YouTube here:
A fascinating show.
It looked bad to begin with.
Four devout believers
Nosayba Halawa
Sam Najjair
plus Islam apologist
Mary Fitzgerald.
No sceptics at all.
No one to ask hard questions.
It looked bad, and the Islamist and jihadist got an easy ride to start with.
At the halfway mark it looked like a puff piece.
But then all of a sudden the host
Mick Peelo
started asking hard questions about sharia law, the ECFR,
death for apostasy, attacks on Christians,
and even
uncomfortable quotes from the Koran.
In the clip above, Peelo has just asked the
devout religious fundamentalist
Muhammad Taufiq Sattar
about the death sentence for apostasy.
Now this poor man
has just had his entire family killed
in England
in a random arson attack on the wrong address
by a gang of street scum.
(They were aiming for another house 2 doors away.)
Here is his chance to stand up against the death penalty for apostasy.
But he does not.
He uses rambling metaphors, and never addresses the question.
One is left with an impression that he has no problem with the death penalty for apostasy.
He is later asked
does he support sharia law,
but he just rambles on again.
Nosayba Halawa says the punishment for apostasy
is really meant for those who leave Islam and then "fight" against it.
Which of course could mean just preaching or proselytizing.
Shaheed Satardien
says Ireland should control the immigration of extremists:
"Neither should the [Irish] government allow in any further senior clerics from outside Ireland,
from places like Egypt or Sudan.
Many of these recent arrivals are preaching a message that is divisive
and ultimately very dangerous to Ireland and its citizens."
Open question to Shaheed Satardien:
Can you state that everyone in the world
should have the right to draw cartoons of Muhammed,
Jesus or any other figure.
Can you state that all Muslims in the world should have the right to freely convert
to any other religion, or to atheism,
without fear.
Let me know the answer here.
Letter, 2 Feb 2007:
"The Supreme Muslim Council of Ireland would like to say that it believes that the rule of civil law,
the democratic system of representation in government,
the protection of the rights of women and minorities
and the freedom of thought and belief - under all of which we live here in Ireland -
are not only compatible with Islamic values but are closer to the ethos and spirit of tolerance,
pluralism and peace in Islam and better serve the Irish Muslim community
than the undemocratic regimes and the draconian judicial systems
found in some predominately Muslim countries today."
Great stuff, but still not enough.
Can the Supreme Muslim Council of Ireland answer my questions above?
Shaheed Satardien is attacked by politically-correct left-wingers and conservative Muslim groups:
that extremist Islamist views are widespread among young Muslims in Ireland.
Racism group claims Irish media is fuelling Islamophobia, August 27, 2006:
The ultra PC
"National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism"
(NCCRI, which taxpayers are forced to fund)
complains about the coverage given to Satardien.
The NCCRI says:
"One paper widely quoted the leader of the Muslim Supreme Council of Ireland.
This entity is almost non-existent and has a handful of members.
It is completely unrepresentative, as were the unfounded opinions of its leader.
Just because something makes a good soundbite or is shocking,
does not mean it is correct or should be printed."
I agree with
John Fay
that those who want to deny any possible Islamism problem
- like the NCCRI
and conservative Muslim groups like the ICCI -
are liable to increase "Islamophobia",
while Muslims who challenge Islamism like Satardien
are liable to reduce it.
The ICCI says:
"We have 1,000 people coming to the mosque here at each of the weekend prayer meetings,
and many are horrified that extreme and complete untrue statements are being made,
and allowed to go almost unchallenged."
What are they talking about?
The appalling statements of their fascist associate
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi?
No. They are talking about claims that Islamist ideas are spreading among young Irish Muslims.
The ICCI's reaction makes one afraid that these claims must be true.
Then the ICCI says:
"We have had to deal with enough anti-Islam criticism through the years,
but when it comes from one of your supposed own, it is even more difficult to deal with."
Frankly, that sounds like a threat to any Muslim who dares to speak against Islamism.
Not a physical threat, but certainly a threat of
ostracism in the Muslim community.
If the ICCI welcomes Muslims who attack Islamism,
there is no sign of it here.
Describing Satardien as
"one of your supposed own" is a particularly nasty, closed-ranks, tribal
turn of phrase.
As I say, groups like the ICCI merely spread fear of Islam
with reactions like this.
Ali Al Saleh
reacts very well to Irish Islamic terror plot, Mar 2010.
Ali Al Saleh, quoted on 14 Mar 2010:
"In Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the niqab and the burqa is the culture.
But in Ireland we know the niqab means extremism and radicalism. I have lived in Ireland for more than 25 years and we didn't have the niqab before. This is worrying, as it is a sign we are not successful in defeating extremism.
Extremism is the last stage before being recruited by terrorists. Not all extremists are terrorists, but all terrorists are extremists."
He is a rare Muslim voice in Ireland who does not hate the Americans for liberating Iraq:
"Tomorrow will be the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In many countries today - including Ireland - people opposed to that war will be demonstrating against the invasion which liberated my people ...
But I have to ask these demonstrators some questions. Do you not want my people to enjoy democracy? Do you not want us to breathe the same air of freedom that you breathe? ...
Three years ago, about 100,000 well-intentioned but badly-informed people
in Dublin protested against our liberation from one of the world's most oppressive dictatorships".
On the "anti-war" lies that
blame Bush and Blair for the jihad killings:
"Critics of the war claim that the liberation of Iraq has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis. But this is absolutely false. Far more people are killed by terrorist attacks than were killed in the initial invasion
In my own family, these losses are especially personal. My wife lost three brothers in one terrorist attack last year. Multinational forces did not kill them; instead, terrorists with no place in a free and democratic Iraq killed them."
And to finally blow the brains of any Irish lefties:
"As Iraqis living in Ireland ... We thank the Dáil for its resolution in March 2003 endorsing the use of Shannon airport by multinational forces".
What does the anti-American
John Neill, Archbishop of Dublin
think of that?
The Milltown mosque is against Sunni extremism but in favour of Shia extremism?
The Iranian embassy
in Ireland say there was an "Al-Quds Day" event at the mosque in Apr 2024.
The persecuted
are to be admired
because they have a theological objection to jihad.
Ahmadis have never carried out a single terrorist attack.
Their morality is far superior to mainstream Islamic morality.
Having said that, they are religious crackpots, of course.
Irish convert
Imam Ibrahim Noonan,
of the Ahmadi mosque in Galway,
discusses the
age of Muhammad's wife Aisha.
First he denies the clear hadith that says she was age 9 when
53 year old
Muhammad had sex with her.
But his version is not much better.
He says she was around 12 or 13.
He apparently says it is ok for a 53 year old man to have sex with a 12 year old girl if she is "mature".
See source for
and second
and third
Ibrahim Noonan hates Israel, and got angry with me in March 2022 for supporting Israel.
He said Israel shot dead an innocent woman, Mai Afana, in June 2021.
I pointed out that Mai Afana was carrying out a
terrorist attack.
Noonan was so angry at me pointing this out that he
targeted my employer.
So I had to block him.
Why do people behave like this?
I oppose the immigration not only of those who support jihad and sharia,
but also of those who do not oppose jihad and sharia.
This is not Ireland's immigration policy, of course.
Ireland lets in Muslims who support jihad and sharia, no problem.
No attempt is made to ensure that Muslims entering Ireland subscribe to western values.
(also here)
that some of them were connected to the Taliban.
If it is true that these people are connected to the Taliban,
then they should be deported, even if their lives are in danger.
We should not care about the lives and safety of fascists.
We should not let them in,
because they will only attack us.
People who do not believe in Western values should not be let in to the West,
even if they are being persecuted.
The Irish Daily Mail
points out
the irony of them desecrating a Christian church in Ireland rather than a mosque:
"Here was a group of Muslim zealots, some of whom were allied in Afghanistan
to political groups who treat Christianity with murderous contempt."
OK, so maybe it is false that they are Muslim zealots.
But why did they desecrate a church rather than a mosque?
It is reasonable to oppose the immigration of people who threaten Western freedom,
such as any Muslim who supports sharia or jihad or Islamism.
But Ireland should be open to the immigration of people who love the West
and are threatened by Islamists and jihadists.
For example, Ireland should let in apostates from Islam,
who fear the death threats that are mandated in Islam
for leaving the religion.
The majority (59 percent) of Irish Muslims disagree that
"people in Ireland should be free to say whatever they want,
even if it offends other people's religious beliefs".
Though 35 percent agree.
37 percent of Irish Muslims would like Ireland to be governed as an Islamic state.
Though 50 percent said they would not.
The majority (57 percent) of young Irish Muslims (under 26)
believe Ireland should become an Islamic State.
36 percent of Irish Muslims said they "respect" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
42 percent of Irish people agree that:
"Islamic fundamentalism is a serious threat for our country".
46 percent of Irish people agree that:
"We must stop countries like Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,
even if that means taking military action".
Survey of Irish people, Irish Times, 16 Sept 2010,
shows Irish people may be to the right of me on Islam:
49 percent of Irish say wearing the burka in public should be banned.
36 percent say it should not.
I probably think
it should not be banned.
But I do think wearing it (or the niqab)
should be grounds for denying immigrants entry
in the first place.
Irish Attitudes Toward Israel.
Rory Miller, 1 October 2006, speculates on the future of Islam in Ireland:
"The local Muslim community is small approaching twenty thousand. ...
The local Muslims are far less extreme than many in Britain, France, or Germany.
When the Mohammed cartoons appeared in Denmark, a few hundred Muslims marched through the streets of Dublin. Their placards were relatively mild by Muslim standards, carrying texts such as: 'You must respect the Prophet.' I have no doubt that in a few years they will carry placards saying, like elsewhere, that people should be killed, or that Europe is dead."
They are
hostile to the Halawas,
the Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood family that the Irish left loves.
Old page
"how many people know that, other than in Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood has its strongest support base in Ireland, with the Clonskeagh Mosque acting as a base of operations?
Irish people ought to reflect on this before lending their support to Ibrahim Halawa,
whose father is the chief representative of the Brotherhood here. Hussein Halawa answers directly to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, known for his defence of suicide bombings as a legitimate means of warfare, as well as praising Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust as blessings from God."
I used to talk here about
Rotimi Adebari,
Ireland's first black mayor,
who was described as an apostate from Islam.
But I am confused by a
7 Aug 2007 article
(see text
and search)
in the Nigerian
newspaper, which implies Adebari was born Christian
and hence is not an apostate.
See more analysis
which says Adebari is Christian and his hometown is Christian.
Can anyone produce proof that Adebari is an apostate from Islam?
Or show me another prominent apostate from Islam in Ireland?
Tell me here.