This is a page about
"MPAC Ireland", a vanguard group of Islamic extremists in Ireland.
MPAC supports ending Ireland's hard-won freedom
and forcing us all to live under the religious laws of a religion we don't
believe in.
It may be seen as over-kill to devote so much attention
to an organisation of probably less than 10 people.
But if the UK
is any model, MPAC are merely the vanguard of
larger numbers of Islamic extremists
who will cause trouble for Ireland (and for liberal Irish Muslims and ex-Muslims) for decades.
MPAC are the "canary in the coalmine"
of a new 21st century threat to Irish human rights and civil liberties.
It is best to attack this vile threat to Irish freedom right from the start
(or even before the start).
It is also important to refute
MPAC since they are given credibility by gullible journalists in
various poorly-researched articles,
and also (shamefully) by
Metro Eireann
who give them a platform.
It is also useful to look at them
because their beliefs are a microcosm
of everything that is wrong with the Islamic world.
Almost every sick and disgusting belief that plagues the Islamic world -
causing oppression, suffering, war, poverty and death -
is held by MPAC.
The MPAC site
is now gone.
The domain
no longer exists.
channel is gone.
address is taken over by someone else.
A sighting of Egan in the letters page of Metro Eireann, December 15, 2011.
Attacking the Ahmadis as non-Muslims.
A sighting of Egan at Dialogue Ireland, 4 May 2012. Oddly enough, he's still a fascist!
"Truly the formation of the illegitimate state of Israel is the greatest calamity to befall mankind in the 20th century. Its foretold demise, like that of the west, will pass without the shedding of tears or sorrow."
He says
that MPAC:
"is consciously helping fan an ideology and create an atmosphere which is leading to young people seeking out those channels and contacts which could lead them to commit mass murder upon Irish people."
They are religious fundamentalists
and political extremists
who believe we should be ruled by the alleged words of
a supernatural being called "Allah".
Tellingly, no evidence for the existence of this supposed being is ever provided.
It is unclear how many people are in MPAC.
The main figure is
Liam Egan,
an Irish convert.
Egan was
a fanatic Christian,
a member of the cult-like
International Churches of Christ.
He is now a fanatic Muslim.
Logic, reason and evidence seem never to have entered his life.
The domain
was registered by Liam Egan,
but now seems to be in limbo.
There seems to be another fanatic convert called
Eoin Whelan.
And they seem to be supported by various immigrant Muslims.
shows their typical whining mentality:
"We have been made to feel as if Ireland has done us a great favour by allowing us to live and work here".
Of course, Muslim immigrants who are enthusiastic about Ireland
and its freedoms
would never join some whining, tribal, grievance-mongering group.
Groups like MPAC Ireland
will almost by definition attract those Irish Muslims who are alienated from Irish society,
not those many Irish Muslims who love it.
Whining grievance-mongering:
MPAC Ireland
do not understand why people are scared of Muslim immigration.
And they do not want to understand.
Mark Dooley, January 29, 2006, celebrates Eastern European immigrants:
"I believe the majority of Irish people do not feel threatened by those coming from Eastern Europe.
And that is because it is generally understood that Polish workers benefit our economy
and have perfectly integrated into this society. Having survived Hitler's camps and Stalin's gulags, they emerged from slavery to become model Europeans. That means they are fully committed to the rule of law and present no threat to this State.
Mary Harney recognises that we have nothing to fear from Polish workers. Like Michael McDowell, she knows that of all immigrants in Ireland, the Poles have adapted most successfully. She also recognises that it is shameful for
Irish politicians who championed their Soviet oppressors in the Seventies and Eighties
to now suggest that we consider denying them access to a new life of liberty."
He then contrasts them with some Islamist immigrants,
who appear to explicitly threaten our freedoms.
Dooley expresses my feelings exactly.
I am broadly pro-immigration,
if it involves those who love western values.
If immigrants do not believe in western values of free speech, freedom of sexuality,
and freedom of religion
(including the freedom to criticise religion and change religion),
then they should be denied entry or deported.
MPAC Ireland responds to Dooley with whining grievance-mongering,
which just proves Dooley's point about how they are different from
Eastern European immigrants.
MPAC Ireland
should try to consider Dooley's point, if only for 5 minutes.
For instance,
their response
is to suggest what he writes should be illegal.
But that will inflame Irish fears of Muslim immigration, not allay them.
Whereas imagine if they said something like this:
Yes there are some Muslim Brotherhood and
Wahabbi nutters in Ireland,
but most Muslims hate them.
Most Muslims are in Ireland because they love Western values,
and want to escape failed states ruled by ignorant clerics and Islamic dictators.
We hate sharia just like you do.
If they said something like that,
they would do a great deal to allay people's fears.
But whining grievance-mongering will only make people more suspicious, not less.
MPAC Ireland will never say anything reassuring like the above,
MPAC supports sharia.
An ill-informed radio debate about Islam in Ireland,
The Sunday Forum, RTE Radio 1, Sun 9 May 2010, illustrates why it is important for me to have this page.
Liam Egan is on the show,
but John McGuirk
is the only one who knows who he is.
He is the only one who has read his site.
The others clearly have never Googled him.
Nor have they Googled
Ali Selim,
or they would realise that both of the Muslims on the show support sharia.
It's not just Egan.
Neither of the Muslims believe in secular liberal democracy.
Only the non-Muslims on the show believe in that.
Smarmy, patronising leftie
Bryan Fanning
is the worst.
He clearly knows little or nothing about Egan and MPAC.
He know nothing about Egan's extreme views.
He attacks McGuirk for criticising him,
and throws in snide asides about Kevin Myers and the war on terror,
as if we will agree with him on those topics.
He even points to a
of Egan's family as a model of integration!
(He is actually unaware that he is talking about Egan's family!)
The dull and poorly argued debate
surprisingly lit up towards the end
when the presenter Myles Dungan
got Egan to admit that he does want to enslave us under sharia,
and sharia would take away our rights.
Clarity at last!
And this is the guy Bryan Fanning holds up as a model of integration!
Irish multicultural newspaper
Metro Eireann
gave a
to the Islamist extremists of MPAC.
Shame on Metro Eireann.
MPAC thinks we need more of it,
that we should be ruled by sexually repressed weirdos from the third world!
Arrest, jail, whip and kill people for sex:
MPAC, 10 Dec 2009, defends the death penalty for homosexuality.
MPAC, 8 Jan 2010, supports jailing foreigners who have sex outside marriage in Muslim countries.
MPAC, 5 Jan 2010, supports jail for unmarried couples who have sex.
"Mujaahid" (who is Liam Egan,
proof here
and here)
supports whipping them.
MPAC, 9 Feb 2010, supports jailing and whipping a man who talked about his sex life on TV.
Mazen Abdul-Jawad
got 5 years in prison and 1,000 lashes
from the sexually retarded society of Saudi Arabia.
This is a taste of the sharia justice that is in store for Ireland
if the sex weirdos of MPAC ever have their way.
MPAC, 17 Feb 2010, applauds Malaysia caning women for extramarital sex.
MPAC, 11 Feb 2010, say Valentine's Day should be banned.
"May Allah bless the Saudi rulers" for banning it, they say.
Please leave Ireland and go live in Saudi Arabia, is what I say.
We won't miss you.
Stone people for sex:
20 year old divorcee is stoned to death in Somalia, Tue 17 Nov 2009 (not 1409!) for having sex with a single man.
"Under al-Shabab's interpretation of Sharia law, anyone who has ever been married - even a divorcee - who has an affair is liable to be found guilty of adultery, punishable by stoning to death."
Instead of condemning this barbarism,
the freaks at MPAC defend it:
"as is witnessed in Saudi Arabia, the prompt dealing with breaches of the law have resulted in a society free of the moral corruption now plaguing Ireland and Europe.
Today we heard of another stoning in Somalia, and as repugnant as it may seem, this severe form of punishment simply highlights the importance Islam places on a moral society."
Evil is good, and good is evil, according to these people.
MPAC compares it to disciplining children in schools, and says:
"Mrs Hussein has not been the subject of such humiliation and has been afford a very rigorous and public defence for her actions."
Her actions!
She wore trousers!
A commenter, "Ali Al Sudanee", openly defends flogging the women:
"Hardly a beating, more a scolding for being silly little girls.
A 'blow' that leaves no mark, does not break the skin nor draw blood
would in any other setting be called playful".
Let us hope that this woman-hating freak does not live in Ireland.
People like him should not be allowed into Ireland.
It is noteworthy that MPAC then defends "Ali Al Sudanee" rather than condemning him.
After international pressure,
Lubna al-Hussein is fined, not lashed, 7 Sept 2009.
The judge did not allow her to call defense witnesses or hear a defense case.
MPAC, 26 May 2010, praises the Saudi religious police!
He admires them for "dealing with free mixing" (of the sexes).
Go live there, then, you loony.
How does a man this insane tolerate walking down an average Irish street?
A Saudi man talks about his sex life on TV.
MPAC thinks he deserves
5 years in prison and 1,000 lashes
for doing this.
Click "CC" for subtitles.
Valentine's Day.
MPAC wants to ban it.
Because they are freaks.
Girls wearing sexy jeans in
(which is a majority Muslim country),
while bloke tries to stay cool.
Photo 2008 from here.
See terms of use.
MPAC, 28 May 2010, supports the Islamofascist religious police of Aceh, Indonesia, who now ban women from wearing jeans.
The Aceh Islamists ban alcohol and unmarried couples meeting,
and have the death sentence for adultery.
Instead of condemning these savages, MPAC says:
"Aceh bans Jeans - Well done
We commend our brothers and sisters in Aceh for seeking to implement the Divine Shariah".
They talk of:
"the coming Islamic domination of the world".
MPAC, 11 Dec 2009, openly defends sharia in Ireland and jihad in the Philippines.
Liam Egan, May 2010, says he wants to see "the black flag of Islam flying over the Dail.""a desire all of us have and one we all know will come to fruition."
MPAC, 20 Mar 2010, threatens apostates with violence:
"we remind Muslims that there is no love for those who are renegades and apostates, only the sword within the Islamic state and within non-Muslim lands harsh condemnation and disavowal".
MPAC supports Ireland's
blasphemy law
to make criticism of their alleged god, alleged holy book and alleged prophet illegal.
"you do have a right to be protected from gratuitous offence" they claim.
Can MPAC say something to make me think they have any real belief in western liberal values?
For example, exactly
which critics of Islam and Islamism should be allowed to speak,
according to them?
Give me a sample list.
Tell me
MPAC post about me, 3 Jan 2010.
They call me a "dog", "kuffar", and so on.
The post is content-free,
apart from stating:
"I wonder when Shariah dominates the landscape will he be singing the same tune?"
That is, I have freedom of speech now,
but under sharia I will have none.
Thanks for proving my point for me!
MPAC, 1 Apr 2010, applauds the planned Saudi execution of a Lebanese visitor to Saudi Arabia,
Ali Sabat,
for the "crime" of
"telling fortunes"
on Lebanese TV.
Sabat, who believes in Islam as well as fortune telling,
made the error of making a pilgrimage to the slave state of Saudi Arabia.
They defend (like the far left)
"resistance", without (like the far left)
ever bothering to investigate what the "resistance" is like.
If they did, who knows, maybe they would change their minds.
do not support specific jihad attacks in the West,
but say they must be "understood":
"in our multifaceted, multi-ethnic societies where large segments of the population have family/religious/ideological connections with other nations - in other words a two-nation people,
is it in a country's best interests to distance and possibly enrage those communities by engaging in hostilities with their annex states?"
MPAC, 17 Apr 2010, defends the Iraqi resistance that has
killed, mutilated, raped and tortured
maybe 100,000 Iraqis in its fight to stop Iraq being free.
MPAC links to an Iraqi resistance video.
They defend the Taliban:
They defend the Taliban's jihad
in the abstract:
"What Khalid Kelly does in Afghanistan is his concern and may Allah reward his intention, ... We do believe it is a right of the Afghan people to repel the invaders and if individuals wish to aid them believing this is pleasing to Allah, then that is their prerogative."
MPAC, 18 October 2009, claim absurdly that the Taliban
"like most people would simply like to live in peace."
Well why don't they stop killing
and stand for election like everyone else?
They say the Taliban
"have hopes and aspirations".
Indeed they do.
They have hopes and aspirations to
gas girls' schools,
and disembowel girls' teachers,
and oppress all Afghans under a medieval reign of terror from hell.
I know they have hopes and aspirations.
I just don't see why we should respect those hopes and aspirations.
Rather, I think their hopes and aspirations should be crushed
until they have no hope left.
MPAC have
page after page of complaints about Israel,
but you will search long and hard for any complaint about human rights in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Syria or Iran,
or any complaint about the Taliban or the Iraqi resistance.
Liam Egan of MPAC, Jan 2010:
"The Zionist State is an impediment to peace and the single most catastrophic event to befall mankind in the 20th century."
When asked what about the Holocaust, he says:
"What holocaust? I've heard of the attempted genocide of Jews and other minorities by Nazis, but a holocaust, no! And while they were terrible events, they were confined. The setting up of the Zionist State has brought immeasurable suffering to the Palestinians, insecurity to the world and the very real possibility of a new world war - it is the single most catastrophic event of the 20th century."
Irony: Two items side-by-side on MPAC Ireland's front page, Aug 2009.
The Israel-hating poster is from the 2005
genocidal, Jew-hating
held in Iran
(see images).
Hate is taught, indeed!
How hard would it have been to just defend religious freedom?
Ignorance and irony:
MPAC uses the Christian churches of Damascus
as an example of what should be destroyed:
"In the old city of Damascus in Syria some spectacular examples of ancient
Christian architecture rise into the night time sky, the question we might be asking now is should they?"
MPAC seems unaware that the Christian churches of Damascus
were already destroyed by Muslim fanatics in 1860.
Turkish Muslims carry out MPAC's disgusting idea, Dec 2009:
"In response to a Swiss vote banning the construction of new mosque minarets, a group of Muslims this month went into a church building in eastern Turkey and threatened to kill a priest unless he tore down its bell tower
They told him that unless the bell tower was destroyed in one week, they would kill him.
"If Switzerland is demolishing our minarets, we will demolish your bell towers too,"
one of the men told [the Christian priest].".
MPAC, 5 Mar 2010, supports the Taliban destruction of the ancient Buddhas.
They also applaud the modern Somali Islamist destruction of old graves, shrines and churches.
MPAC, 20 Apr 2010, thinks sin causes earthquakes. This is your brain on the 7th century.
The burning of the Christian churches of Damascus
by Muslim fanatics in 1860.
From here.
Christian church in Damascus, Syria (where Christians are an oppressed minority). MPAC
says this church
should be destroyed.
See full size.
From here.
See terms of use.
MPAC seems unaware that the Christian churches of Damascus
were already destroyed by Muslim fanatics in 1860.
applauds the Taliban's destruction of the ancient
Bamiyan Buddhas.
"we praise the actions of the Taliban in destroying the idolatrous monstrosities that blighted the Afghanistan landscape".
Barbarians like MPAC would destroy Ireland's ancient heritage too if they ever got power.
MPAC, 22 Jan 2010, the gift that keeps on giving.
They say that non-Muslims will be allowed to exist (thanks very much)
"but only if they remain subordinated to Islam; pay Jizyah to the Muslims and keep the peace."
Free Irishmen should pay Jizyah to some Islamic overlords!
Let me summarise MPAC's view:
"We are 0.001 percent of the Irish population.
We hate the 99.999 percent and think you are all degenerate kuffar.
We want to dominate you and oppress you.
You will have to bow to our crazy ideas.
We may let you continue to exist as our slaves.
Hey, why don't you like us?"
MPAC reminds me of Plankton
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie:
SpongeBob SquarePants: Are you on your way to the grand opening ceremony?
Plankton: No, I'm not on my way to the grand opening ceremony. I'm busy planning to rule the world!
[laughs evilly]
SpongeBob SquarePants: [cheerfully] Well, good luck with that!
Irish National Anthem, Croke Park, 2007.
Ireland isn't going to pay Jizyah to anyone.
Ireland is one of the
oldest continuous democracies on earth,
one of the
greatest countries in the world.
The West is the greatest, richest, freest, best part of planet Earth, the heart of science and all knowledge, the best hope for mankind.
Islamist barbarians
who threaten the West
should realise that a much more likely outcome of the modern encounter is
a total collapse of belief in Islam.
In Apr 2010, South Park
made an intelligent (and very funny) show
about the Muhammed depiction issue,
and the threat of Islamic violence.
Despite them not even depicting Muhammad,
this show earned them death threats
from humourless Muslim fascists.
The humourless freaks of MPAC also responded in a rather sinister way:
On their front page, MPAC refers to execution
for those who insult the Prophet.
This looks like a death threat to me.
In their post
MPAC then lists all the people who were executed by the Prophet for insulting him.
This also looks like a death threat to me.