must never be allowed to
join the EU.
It does not belong there, until it totally changes.
Every country in the EU is
except one.
(The exception is
which has just dipped across the border into "Partly Free".)
Persecution of Christians
in modern Turkey.
The Catholic Church is not legally recognized in Turkey.
Christians in Turkey face severe restrictions on property ownership,
and cannot build places of worship or run seminaries to train their clerics.
Robert Spencer:
"The institutionalized subjugation and second-class status of religious minorities under the Ottoman Empire was bad enough, but Turkish secularism has been, if anything, even worse. Constantinople was 50 percent Christian as recently as 1914 (its name was changed to Istanbul in 1930); today, it is less than 1 percent Christian."
Christian Woman in Turkey Buried As Muslim, June 2011.
She converted to Christianity
but did not change her identification card
"because of the hurdles attached to the process of doing so."
Her son said:
"The bureaucracy that you have to go through for that kind of a change is terrible.
Plus officials question why you did it.
They ask you why you changed your religion. They even try to convince you that Islam is the best religion.
Actually, their questions and remarks reach the level of harassment."
The Islamic state of Turkey is engaged in an ongoing campaign
to shut down and destroy one of the oldest Christian monasteries
in the world,
the 4th century AD
Mor Gabriel Monastery.
Freedom of expression in Turkey
by Atilla Yayla, December 6, 2006.
Unbelievably, his university suspended him for criticising the butcher
Kemal Ataturk.
He has been accused
of failing
"to educate Turkish students in accordance with Ataturk's principles and revolutions,"
the legal basis of education in Turkey.
Law 5816 prohibits publicly "insulting Ataturk's memory."
Article 301 stipulates prison for
"public denigration of Turkishness, the Republic or the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the judicial institutions of the State,
the military or security structures."
Atilla Yayla was driven into exile.
Orhan Pamuk
went on trial for "insulting Turkishness" for talking about the Armenian genocide.
The case was eventually dropped.
Nedim Gürsel
was charged in Turkey with
insulting Islam
("denigration of the religious values of a segment of the population")
for his novel
The Daughters of Allah
He was acquitted.
Armenian blogger gets 1 year in jail in Islamic Turkey, May 2013, for describing Mohammed as:
"some Arab leader who, many hundred years ago, claimed to have established contact with Deity and made political, economic and sexual profit as a result."
Brave man.
Inevitable result, in the Islamic state of Turkey.
Atheist and famous pianist
Fazil Say
was prosecuted in 2012 under sharia law in "secular" Turkey.
He was prosecuted for tweeting ancient quotes from Omar Khayyam
wine and women in paradise:
"You say its rivers will flow in wine. Is the Garden of Eden a drinking house? You say you will give two hours to each Muslim. Is the Garden of Eden a whorehouse?"
Even in 2011, a simple statement of disbelief in Islam is still illegal in Turkey.
Cartoonist Bahadir Baruter
included in this cartoon the statement:
"There is no Allah, religion is a lie."
In Sept 2011, Turkey charged him with
"insulting the religious values adopted by a part of the population".
Some "secular" state this is!
fined a local TV station for "blasphemy" in Dec 2012
for transmitting
"Treehouse of Horror XXII"
episode of The Simpsons (Oct 2011).
In the story
"Dial D for Diddly",
Homer says God does not exist, and starts burning Ned's bible, only to be stopped and killed by God himself.
However, God reveals that Satan really runs the world.
God has to follow his orders.
Also, Satan is sleeping with Ned's deceased wife.
Above, Satan orders God to get him a coffee.
Such comedy is illegal in "secular" Turkey.
Gibbons claims that non-Muslims have lived in peace in Turkey for centuries.
Doesn't this rather ignore the
20th century holocaust of non-Muslims?
Robert Spencer
notes that
"the non-Muslim population of Istanbul itself has gone from 50% in 1914 to less than one percent today. How could this have happened in a land of such harmonious diversity?"
Gibbons describes the jihadist bombers of Jews as
"angry and desperate men".
How does he know they are "desperate"?
This makes it sound as if they have some kind of grievance.
It is more accurate to say they are racist, supremacist men,
who are not being oppressed at all,
but rather are angry that they are not able to oppress others.
Gibbons basically suggests that Turkish Jews keep their heads down and act like dhimmis
and don't support Israel
if they don't want trouble:
"Of all the trials that have befallen [Turkish Jews] over the last 500 years, none has brought more threat than the existence of Israel. It has drained away more than half of their numbers and brought Palestinian gunmen to the door of the Neve Shalom synagogue
17 years ago, at the cost of 22 lives."
That is, Israel, not Islamism, is to blame for both Islamist violence against Jews in Turkey,
and for the decline in Jewish numbers in Turkey.
Norman Geras
fisks the weasel words in the article.
The Islamic gang went to a service pretending to be interested in Christianity.
Instead they tied up the Christians and tortured them for hours.
They probably felt they had a right to do this because under Islamic sharia
attempting to convert a Muslim
is punishable by death.
One killer was the son of the local mayor.
Description of the torture:
"They were disemboweled, and their intestines sliced up in front of their eyes. They were emasculated and watched as those body parts were destroyed. Fingers were chopped off, their noses and mouths and anuses were sliced open.
Finally, their throats were sliced from ear to ear, heads practically decapitated."
Catholic bishop
Luigi Padovese
is stabbed to death in Turkey in June 2010.
Jewish politician
Cemil Candas
is shot in the head in July 2016.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Prime Minister of Turkey 2003 to 2014,
President of Turkey since 2014.
started out an Islamist,
became more pragmatic for a long time,
but in recent years has turned more to his populist anti-western Islamist roots,
with a sort of Ottoman revival.
shows why Turkey should not be allowed into the EU:
He denies the Armenian genocide
(1,900,000 killed)
because Muslims did it, and non-Muslims were killed.
"this country's history is as clean and clear as the sun.
... There is no genocide in our civilization."
He says
Darfur (300,000 killed)
is not genocide,
because Muslims did it, even though Muslims were killed.
"Muslims don't commit genocide" he absurdly says.
However, the (probably justified) killing of maybe 50 Muslim rioters by non-Muslims
would obviously be genocide.
"The killings of Uighur Turks by the Chinese police during
constitute genocide.
I use this term intentionally."
I have no time for the Chinese government,
and I would not deny that Muslims in China are oppressed
(as are all believers),
but the July 2009 riots
actually represent the killing by police of rioting Muslims
who were attacking and killing utterly innocent civilians.
And this is what Erdogan calls genocide!
Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians
if people keep talking about the Armenian genocide.
Oh that'll really convince us that there was no Armenian genocide!
Robert Spencer notes this is
"a move reminiscent of those who say in effect, 'Say that Islam is a religion of peace or we'll kill you'".
Turkey is calling for a jihad against Israel, Joshua Teitelbaum, 8 June 2010.
"Spurned by the EU, where it has applied for membership and ruled by an Islamist party
with delusions of grandeur, Turkey is determined to lead the Muslim world once more ... Turkey is no longer a friend, but not yet an enemy of the US."
Erdogan and the Decline of the Turks by Robert L. Pollock, 3 June 2010.
"To follow Turkish discourse in recent years has been to follow a national decline into madness."
The Foreign Minister of Turkey
Ahmet Davutoglu
wasn't dumb enough to actually attack Israel in 2010.
But he
calls on Syria to attack Israel in Feb 2013.
"Why didn't al-Assad even throw a pebble when Israeli jets were flying over his palace and playing with the dignity of his country?"
Disturbing early Islamist speech made by Erdogan
in 1993
before he got into power.
"A Genocide Denied is A Genocide Repeated".
From Armenian Genocide Museum of America.
Erdogan denies both the Armenian genocide and the Darfur genocide.
"There is a very famous proverb that says that a crowned head becomes wiser. But we see it is not true.
A bull does not become king just by entering the palace, but the palace becomes a barn."
- Turkish journalist Sedef Kabas talking about President Erdogan in Jan 2022.
She was arrested for insulting Erdogan.
"Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan" (2016)
by German political satire show "extra 3".
A satirical video that Turkish strongman Erdogan has "demanded" Germany remove from the Internet.
In response to the "Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdogan" controversy,
German comedian
Jan Böhmermann
read a
deliberately offensive poem
about Erdogan:
"He is the man who beats girls and wears rubber masks while doing so.
His favourite thing is to fuck goats and to oppress minorities.
To kick Kurds, to hit Christians, and to watch kiddie porn,
and even at night, instead of sleeping, he thinks of fellatio with a hundred sheep.
Yes Erdogan is fully and completely, a president with a small dick."
See text.
Click to play.
Copy from here.
"The President Erdogan Offensive Poetry Competition".
In response to the censorship,
The Spectator
offers a £1000 prize for the most offensive poem about Erdogan.
Free men will not be censored by an Ottoman thug.
"mostly it's just a cinematic dud, a ridiculous Turkish propaganda film
that has little to interest anyone who isn't a nationalistic Turkish teenager
with too much testosterone."
Plot summary:
A Turkish terrorist team arrives in Jerusalem.
(In the movie, they are the good guys.)
They immediately start killing Israeli soldiers.
An American Jewish woman instantly joins in with them for no reason.
The Israelis are wicked and shoot Palestinian farmers for fun.
They shoot Palestinians randomly in house raids.
They round up random civilians.
They shoot bound prisoners hobbling away.
One of the Israelis carries a baby as a human shield.
The IDF raids a terrorist's house.
They take away
the women and children.
They bulldoze the house with a disabled child still inside it.
The IDF are useless in combat.
Just four Islamic terrorists are able to destroy an IDF HQ,
release everyone from an Israeli jail,
and capture and kill the top ranking Israelis.
After all the wars Israel has won, it must be nice for the jihad fanboys to watch the IDF incompetence in this movie.
Turkish terrorist team arrives in Israel.
And they are meant to be the good guys!