Phoenix magazine
mentioned me in an article about
Mary Fitzgerald
in Sept 2010, and lied about me.
Phoenix magazine,
24 Sept 2010, had a profile of Mary Fitzgerald.
They mentioned
my criticism of her.
First, they spell my name wrong. Is this deliberate, so readers can't Google my site and see for themselves?
Second, they misquote me as referring to
"Islamisist witewash".
I never said this. It is a total lie.
I never misspelled those words.
(I suspect Phoenix never heard of the word "Islamist".)
They just made it up.
It is a lie.
My section on
Mary Fitzgerald on my site in 2009.
I never misspelled "Islamist" or "whitewash".
(Check the Internet Archive
here and
if you don't believe me.)
is always full of cartoons.
The French
Charlie Hebdo magazine
is always full of cartoons.
After Charlie Hebdo drew cartoons that were "offensive" to Islam,
and their staff got slaughtered by Islamic gunmen in Jan 2015,
responded by ... attacking Charlie Hebdo.
It was
the worst killing of cartoonists ever,
and Phoenix
did not give a shit.
declined to print the Charlie Hebdo
or any cartoon disrespectful to Islam.
Or indeed, any "edgy" cartoon at all.
In fact, they declared
on their post-massacre cover: "Je ne suis pas Charlie".
described the left-wing
Charlie Hebdo
magazine as
"extremely offensive and often racist and homophobic
incitement to hatred".
They asked
"Was it really courageous?"
to attack a religious figure that you get killed for attacking.
They said it was wrong to target
"deeply held religious and cultural beliefs".
Pathetic, reactionary stuff.
I slag off
the pious left-wing
magazine after the
Charlie Hebdo
Left: The kind of hatred Phoenix magazine spews at the Jews of Israel.
Right: In contrast, here is the Phoenix cover after the worst attack on the press in European history.
They say:
"Je ne suis pas Charlie".
They declared that the left-wing magazine attacked by gunmen was
"extremely offensive and often racist and homophobic
incitement to hatred".
It is hard to find any actual argument in their piece.
Here is my reply:
They are offended by me saying of the Palestinians:
"it is their fault they are poor".
But tellingly they left out the next bit:
"look at what the intifada did to the GDP",
which is the whole point.
How the intifada destroyed Palestinian prosperity.
The Palestinians could double or triple their GDP if they abandoned the "struggle"
and pursued prosperity.
But their lefty groupies (like Phoenix)
would be horrified if they did that.
Phoenix, incredibly, takes issue with me saying:
"the Israelis deserve their wealth because they work hard to create it".
They do not offer an argument. They just sneer at this idea.
I genuinely have no idea what they are trying to say, but it comes across as sinister.
Phoenix doesn't like my photo at an Iron Dome battery,
where I say it is:
"The front line of the liberal, secular West against the jihad."
But again, no argument, just sneering.
I think if they attempted to construct an argument it would be comical.
But take a read of the page.
It is all about the neo-con ideas of freedom for the entire world,
ideas that both left and right ought to defend but have largely abandoned.
(One reason I hate Trump.)
Phoenix seems offended by me hoping various traditional cultures die out.
But traditional cultures are, along with communism,
probably the major source of violence and oppression in the world today.
Obviously we don't want languages, art, literature, music, cuisine and other cultural forms to die out.
But the oppression inherent in various traditional cultures must die, and it is racist to want to keep it alive.
Phoenix are such hypocrites.
Like everyone else in Ireland,
they have abandoned the culture of their 19th-20th century devout Christian ancestors,
who themselves abandoned the culture of their medieval Irish-speaking ancestors,
who themselves abandoned the culture of their pre-Christian pagan ancestors.
People invent and abandon cultures all the time.
Why shouldn't foreigners do the same? Dump their cultures and get better ones.
They attack
my article on Halawa.
No facts of mine are corrected. No argument. Just sneering.
They are angry at me saying that:
"The Muslim Brotherhood is a fascist, anti-semitic, far-right Islamist organisation. It supports sharia law and the suicide bombing of Jews."
But they do not explain what is wrong with that description.
(That would involve knowing something about the Muslim Brotherhood.)
They attack
my article on Islam.
But again, it is just sneering.
This time, they merely sneer at the printed title (which I did not even write).
It is hard to find any argument in it.
Phoenix writer comes across
as someone desperate to make a case against me, but
unwilling to do the homework necessary
to construct an argument.
Sneer with his pals.
Because if he argued, his ignorance would be exposed.
woman on the left has
abandoned the culture of her ancestors,
such as the woman on the right.
I suggest that the woman on the left abandons her current culture and gets a new one.
And Phoenix has a problem with that!
The Eucharistic Congress, Dublin, 1932.
Phoenix and all Irish leftists have entirely abandoned this culture.
And yet they are angry at calls for modern conservative Muslims to abandon their culture.
Phoenix is so narrow-minded
that it sees everyone on the right as the same.
Phoenix completely ignored the most obvious thing about me in 2016
- that I am NeverTrump.
It was part of my very
in 2016.
But Phoenix doesn't care.
They describe me as
"hard right",
while completely ignoring that Trumpists hate me as a liberal, globalist
Phoenix are simply cowards for not noting
the main thing about me this year.
Gaza is poor because of Gazans
(or at least, Gazan leaders).
Israel is not stopping Gaza becoming rich and free.
Gazan leaders are.
"Mahmoud al-Zahar said that if Gaza wanted to be like Singapore it would have done so already".
Read and learn,
fools at
Phoenix magazine
has been spewing deranged hatred at Israel for years.
Phoenix are so anti-Israel that in
May 2010 they had an entire
16 page supplement attacking Israel.
The supplement carried (without criticism) a highlighted quote from
a representative of the Hamas terrorist organisation
and a highlighted quote from
a representative of the Fatah terrorist organisation.
An Irish student activist
says on 10 May 2018
that Israel "at some point should probably cease to exist".
He was quoted in this article:
The true face of BDS, Teresa Trainor, 27 Feb 2019.
Phoenix magazine, issue of 8-21 March 2019, decides to defend the quote that Israel should "cease to exist".
They attribute it to the wrong student activist.
But they clearly defend it, and regard it as only "allegedly incriminating".
In response to the barbaric
Hamas massacre of Israelis in Oct 2023,
when terrorists killed
Jewish men, women and children
in the streets
and in their homes, Phoenix produced the following article.