Top hits - matches a file name:
Lesser hits - matches in the text of a file:
Afghanistanafghanistan.htmlby <A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>
See <A HREF="">followup</A>.
The anti-counterjihadanti.counterjihad.html<A HREF="">praises Erdogan</A
Blog - 2011 Archiveblog.11.html<A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>, 24 Feb 2011:
U.S. election 2008 blogblog.election.08.html<A HREF=""> many links to radical, anti-American Islamists</A>.
The burning of librariesburning.libraries.html <LI><A HREF=""><i>An Iraqi Tragedy</i></A>
by Daniel Pipes, April 22, 2003,
See <A HREF="">tribute</A>
by Daniel Pipes, 27 Dec 2011:
Pipes asks if the Islamist barbarians will burn the
U.S. election, 2008election.08.html<A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>
Gazagaza.html"Most of the looters were just ordinary citizens," they said. "They stole almost everything, including furniture, tiles, water pip
How to lose in Iraqiraq.lose.html<li><A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>:
Islam and freedom of<li><A HREF="">
- article by Daniel Pipes
<li> <A HREF="">
by Daniel Pipes,
Reason: <i>"So when even a hard-line critic of Islam such as Daniel Pipes says, "Radical Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam
Islamic Fascismislamic.fascism.html<LI> <A HREF="">
Daniel Pipes, back in 1998, before 9/11, on
<li> Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer debate:
<LI><A HREF="">
<I>Islam vs. Islamism</I></A>, by Daniel Pipes, The Washington Times, May 13, 2013.
Islamic statesislamic.states.htmlTranslator for the great Daniel Pipes.
The Islamic streetislamic.street.html<li><A HREF="">
Daniel Pipes,
Islamist nightmare scenariosislamism.nightmares.html<li><A HREF="">List of Western opinion polls hostile to
Collected by Daniel Pipes.
Islamist terror in the<li><A HREF="">Muslim Acts of Beheading in the West</A
Killings for Islamislam.killings.html<li><A HREF="">What is Jihad</A>
by Daniel Pipes
Islam in the<li> <A HREF="">Opinion Polls of British
<li><A HREF="">Daniel Pipes on Iqbal Sacranie</A>
Islam in the<li><A HREF="">CAIR's links to Islamism and terrorism
by Daniel Pipes
by Daniel Pipes and Sharon Chadha
<li><A HREF="">"How Dare You Defame Islam"</A>
by Daniel Pipes
<li> <A HREF="
Daniel Pipes </A>
Islam in the Westislam.west.htmlby Daniel Pipes,
<li><A HREF="">
by Daniel Pipes
<li><A HREF="">
Daniel Pipes</A>
Israel - The futureisrael.future.html <A HREF="">Treaty of Hudaybiya</A>,
Israelisrael.html<li> <A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>
Israeli Arabsisraeli.arabs.html<li><a href="">Palestinians who prefer Israel</a>,
The left and Israelleft.israel.html<li><A HREF="">
<A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A> in Jordan?
Left-wing v. right-wing violenceleft.right.violence.html<A HREF=""> Israel-h
... Frank Gaffney ... Michele Bachmann ... Peter King ... Daniel Pipes, James Woolsey, Robert Spencer, Steve Emerson, John Bolton
Juan Cole blames Geert Wilders, Daniel Pipes and Pamela Geller.
The left's support for terrorismleft.terror.html<li><A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>
and even <A HREF="">killed to try to get him released</A>.
Michael Jansenmichael.jansen.html<A HREF="">Highly negative review</A>
<A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>
Pipes says the book has terrible politics:
Modern leftistsmodern.leftists.html<li><A HREF="">Daniel Pipes v. Howard Zinn</A>
The Muslim Brotherhoodmuslim.brotherhood.html<li> <A HREF="">Moderate Muslims petition the
The Norway attacks, 2011norway.attacks.html<I>"Move to the sources Breivik cites and the cognitive dissonance deafens: <B>Stuffy Burkeans</B> like the Intercollegiate Studie
The Norway attacks - Is the counterjihad to blame?norway.counterjihad.html<A href="#lgf.pipes">Breivik links to LGF and Daniel Pipes</A>
<H1> <A NAME="lgf.pipes">Breivik links to LGF and Daniel Pipes</A> </H1>
<A HREF="">Daniel Pipes</A>.
<A HREF="">
Daniel Pipes of course despises him</A>:
See <A HREF="">full list</A>.
Obama conspiracy theoriesobama.conspiracy.html<li> Daniel Pipes lays out the proof that
<A HREF="">
<A HREF="">
Obama and the War on Islamismobama.war.html<li><A HREF="">
<I>Obama's Hollow Promises Abroad</I></A>, Daniel Pipes, February 12, 2014, has interesting survey results:
<li><A name="pipes.list" HREF="">
Daniel Pipes</A>
(and <A HREF="">here</A>
and <A HREF="">here</A>)
<li> As Pipes says:
The Palestinians support tyranniespalestine.supports.tyranny.html<A HREF="">The Mufti's 1st cousin was the grandparent of Yasser Arafat.</A>
Politicspolitics.contents.html<li> Daniel Pipes
Criticising and satirising religionsreligions.criticise.html<li><A HREF=""><I>PBS, Recruiting for Islam</I></A>
by Daniel Pipes, December 17, 2002.
<li><A HREF="">Review </A>
by Daniel Pipes,