If you support the Palestinians, you have no moral compass.
There are a
range of trendy reasons
why westerners refuse to support a liberal western country under siege
from people who do not subscribe to western values.
Self-hatred may be the single most dominant reason.
Hating Israel is a safe way of hating the west, for a certain left-wing mindset.
Whatever the reasons, the left disgraces itself by its support for the Palestinians.
Leftists never, never, never call for the war to stop.
Made here.
American lesbians
dance in hatred of Israel, the only country in the Middle East
where lesbians are free.
Clips of hatred of Israel in UK and Ireland.
This is what the left stands for now.
Comment on how the left talks about often imaginary "Nazis"
and how the left responded to
the Hamas massacre in Oct 2023 of
Jewish men, women and children.
It used to be that the left was against all religion.
It is a mystery
where the strange modern
left-wing sympathy for
Islamic religious fascism began.
But it seems to have started with the Palestinians.
War crimes
- Israel tries to hit military targets.
The Palestinians try to kill civilians.
The Left's Love Affair With the Palestinians
by Paul Hollander, November 6, 2003,
on the mystery of western left-wing sympathy
for the primitive
Islamic fundamentalism,
strong-man authoritarianism
and tribal bigotry
of Palestine.
"While left-liberal intellectuals in the West have some reservations about religious
fanaticism, (especially if associated with Judeo-Christian beliefs and practices),
Islamic religious fanaticism is quite another matter since it is a product of the Third
World and the cultural diversity it represents
and as such deserving of respect."
Phyllis Chesler
wrestles with trying to support Israel
and remain within the liberal left.
Sol Stern replies to Phyllis Chesler.
"My question to Phyllis is why she should be surprised at the Left's reaction 30
years later and why she still thinks of herself as a leftist. The Left's hatred of Israel
and Jews who defend it is reason enough, in my view, not to take the Left
seriously on any other issue. Its toleration of anti-Semitism is as indicative of the
Left's moral bankruptcy as would be its toleration of racism against blacks."
The ISM calls suicide bombing of Jewish civilians "noble":
"Hamas claims it has many men ready to be suicide bombers - we advocate that these men offer themselves as martyrs by standing on a settler road and blocking it from traffic.
This is no less of a jihad. This is no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation. And we are certain that if these men were killed during such an action, they would be considered shaheed Allah."
Why don't these "human shield" idiots stand in Sderot
to protect Israeli civilians from the incoming Palestinian rockets?
If you can answer that question,
you will finally understand not just the modern western left
but also the entire Arab-Israeli conflict.
moronically describes this "human shield" approach as
"the Palestinian non-violent resistance movement",
despite the fact that they are protecting the homes of
people who are violent.
It is not surprising that single, uncovered, infidel women,
far from their parents,
are viewed as
"fair game"
in that culture.
"female "peace" activists are routinely harassed and raped by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria with whom they have come to identify. ... the phenomenon has gotten worse lately ... many foreign women end up as wives of local Arabs against their will, but cannot escape their new homes."
"Most female leftist European activists, writes Bello, are brainwashed in their youth into hating Israel, and then sent directly into Judea and Samaria, without spending a single night in Tel Aviv, lest they see civilian Israeli society for themselves and find that they like it."
"It is is easy, explains Bello, 'to carry out a sexual crime against a foreign girl, in her first days away from her family, in a place where no police have ever visited.'"
The paradox of the left:
Allegedly liberated women allying with sharia against sexual freedom.
Anti-Israel protesters during
Israel's war against the sharia state of Gaza, Jan 2009.
(Left) In Paris.
From here.
See terms of use.
Note Hizbollah logo on cap.
(Right) In Brazil.
From here.
See terms of use.
There was open support for
(see here)
at the same rally.
Some hideous woman harassing a relaxed British Muslim shopkeeper for selling
Israeli products, Green St, London, Aug 2011.
This video
has been labelled as a loony leftist atacking a Muslim
for not being "Muslim enough" for her.
It is a bit more complex though.
The awful woman is in fact
a Muslim Israel-hater.
(She declares in the video that she is Muslim.)
However she is part of a
Revolutionary Communist Group
So she is a perfect blend of the two worst ideas of the modern age
- communism and Islamism.
Imagine being so thick as to come to the West and think communism is the answer!
I ask British "pacifist" Cora Livesey
a really tough question.
She is defending Palestinian "anger".
I ask her to oppose Palestinian violence.
She runs away.
"Anti-Zionism" is a "gateway drug" into the darker side of the left,
which wraps around into the far right.
The far right has always hated Israel.
Irish Times journalist
Frank McDonald
spends his time in a dark online world of Israel hatred,
where he has unfortunately befriended multiple Holocaust deniers.
Irish Israel-hater
is a Holocaust denier.
Irish Israel-hater
is a Holocaust denier.
Anti-Israel leftists aren't all foreigners.
Like any free Western society,
Israel produces its own loony leftists too.
Raya Yaron (left),
spokeswoman of
far-left Israeli group
Machsom Watch (Checkpoint Watch),
a woman in
the West Bank,
16 Apr 2011,
who has had her son arrested after the
slaughter of the
Fogel children at Itamar.
Her son is Hakim Awad,
who killed the Fogel children.
The other child-killer was his cousin Amjad Awad, and other Awad family members were
arrested for helping them.
Story here.
The communist-origin
Alternative Information Center
was also horrified at the arrest of the Awads:
"The horror that we witnessed at the home of the family of Muhammad Awad cannot be described as anything but a
pogrom - a primitive and brutal act of revenge intended to strike fear and awe into the hearts of the residents".
Why won't the IDF listen to the commies?
Stop arresting child killers!
The evil witch above is proud of her son.
Palestinian TV glorifies the killers of the Fogel children at Itamar, Jan 2012.
Hakim Awad's mother proudly describes him as the one
"who carried out the operation in Itamar".
An aunt of the two Awad killers describes her nephews as heroes.
This is Fatah TV.
Rabbi Weiss
of Neturei Karta
protests against gays.
Neturei Karta
talking about gays:
"The public acceptance and assent to perversion as a "legitimate" way of life is cruel and barbaric."
Who killed Rachel Corrie?
by Dennis Prager, March 25, 2003:
"The world is filled with evil, and young idealists like Rachel Corrie don't like
it. Which is lovely. But they don't confront real evil because they know they
will get hurt. That's one reason there are no "peace activists" or "human
shields" confronting Islamic terror, North Korean totalitarianism, or Chinese
Communist despotism."
The forgotten Rachels
by Tom Gross, October 22, 2005:
"Rachel Corrie's death was undoubtedly tragic.
But ultimately, this play isn't really about Corrie, but about fomenting hatred of Israel."
Italian Israel-hater
Vittorio Arrigoni
thought it was a good thing to devote his life to the cause of Muslim totalitarians
fighting Jewish democrats.
The Muslim totalitarians killed him in Apr 2011. They beat him and hanged him.
They described Italy as "the infidel state"
and said Arrigoni had "entered our land only to spread corruption."
I wonder in the last moments of his life did he finally understand what Israel is up against. Rusty Shackleford, 14 Apr 2011, has some human sympathy,
and does not think people should laugh at this.
He regards Arrigoni as a
"left wing stooge whose only crime, I imagine, is believing all of the lame anti-Israel rhetoric he learned in college.
It's probably not his fault that he believes that the Israelis are the bad guys. It's kind of the narrative that the antisemitic European media reinforces. And it's an easy narrative to buy into if you're already dumb enough to be a Leftist."
Arrigoni with the Hamas butcher
Ismail Haniyeh.
From Ynetnews.
Via Israellycool,
which has other damning pictures:
"He burned with hatred for Israel, and actively worked to undermine the security of me and my fellow Israeli citizens. He was in bed with the terrorists, as it were. So while I won't be celebrating his murder, I won't be mourning him either."
Elder of Ziyon
is unimpressed at Arrigoni's hatred of Israel.
He notes that Arrigoni's tattoo does not say "peace" but rather
on Arrigoni's lack of understanding of the jihadists:
"This is case of a naif expecting western values to be upheld by those who hate the west. And, it's a denial that the left is a product of the very west it hates - a west that has allowed it to flourish and even nourished it."
Arrigoni tweets on 13 Apr 2011 about pacifist Egyptian blogger
Maikel Nabil Sanad,
who does not want to serve in the Egyptian army
because he does not want to fight Israel.
Sanad says:
"I see Israel as a liberal, modern state ... I have friends in Israel and I think Israelis have a right to defend themselves.
I tried to contact Israeli activists and started asking them questions
Many Arabs living in Israel told me how they are really treated and how much they prefer living in Israel above any Arab state.
the Israeli nation must know there are many Egyptians who support it
They are already saying in the Egyptian media that I'm a spy."
On 13 Apr 2011, Arrigoni said about the pacifist Sanad: "you're not a spy, you're a traitor."
(And yet
Michael Jansen
in the Irish Times
simply describes Arrigoni as a
The very next day, 14 Apr 2011, Arrigoni was himself abducted and murdered by the kind of Israel-hating fanatic Islamists he spent his life supporting.
Jews as "Christ killers".
A cartoon from
Vittorio Arrigoni's Israel-hating
facebook page
rather ignores the fact that
Christians are persecuted by the Palestinians in Gaza
and the West Bank.
In contrast, in Israel, where Christians
live in freedom, their population has
grown massively.
Israel's Christian population grew by 25 percent from 1995 to 2007.
Since 1949, the number of Christians in Israel has grown by 345 percent.
I noticed a story in June 2011 of black African Christians
risking their lives to get to Israel
where they can live in freedom.
A glimpse of reality, as opposed to the lies of Vittorio Arrigoni.
The Guardian, 25 Oct 2010, says it's "nice"
to see someone converting to the reactionary, anti-gay, anti-atheist, anti-woman, 7th century desert religion of Islam.
"I'm not a Muslim, but it's nice to hear a good news story about Islam. Indeed."
Whatever happened to the secular, atheist left?
She openly supports Hamas and Fatah, 17 Apr 2011:
"What a great day it will be if in June, Agidea Prata, Vittorio's mother, sails to Gaza to be met by a single, united, government.
Imagine it Vik. Abbas and Haniyeh side by side. One Palestine, one voice.
One government able to stop Israel from infiltrating their midsts and murdering those who come in hope and solidarity."
Lauren Booth in a shop in Gaza, Sept 2008.
From here.
In Sept 2008,
she said
Gaza is:
"the largest concentration camp in the world today".
Yes, I remember the shops in Auschwitz were pretty much
like the shop above.
Lauren Booth with the Hamas butcher
Ismail Haniyeh.
From freegaza.org.
She has no idea what she is dealing with.
Ismail Haniyeh on the killing of Bin Laden, May 2011:
"We regard this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood.
... We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We ask God to offer him mercy with the true believers and the martyrs."
Lowkey supports Palestinian terror against Israel, 11 May 2021:
"the Palestinians have the right to liberate themselves from foreign occupation through "armed struggle"".
See screenshot.
From here.
And in a public speech in June 2021.
British former diplomat
Craig Murray
is an open supporter of
Islamic terrorists against Israel.
A disgraceful man who brings shame on his country.
See his
support for Hezbollah, Feb 2019:
"Hezbollah's defeat of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the July war of 2006 was heroic and an essential redress to the Middle East power balance.
I supported Hezbollah's entirely defensive action then and I continue to applaud it now. That, beyond any shadow of a doubt, makes me guilty ofn the criminal offence of "glorifying terrorism", now that Sajid Javid has proscribed Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. I am unrepentant and look forward to the prosecution."
After the Hamas massacre of
Jews in Oct 2023,
the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust,
the foul
Craig Murray
comes out in support of Hamas.
On 23 Jan 2024
he says: "The Palestinian people have the legal right of armed resistance of an occupying power,
and their resilience is astounding against an infinitely better armed and resourced foe".
A sick apologist for genocidal terrorists.
Jihadist terrorist supporter
Craig Murray, 1 Apr 2024,
wants the world to join the jihadist terrorist war against Israel:
"there needs to be international military action against Israel. Now."
Craig Murray
when the Iranian President was killed in a crash in May 2024.
He made his name opposing a dictatorship in Uzbekistan.
Then he became an anti-Western lunatic.
Now he is just a disgusting toady of dictatorships.
Tiresome left-wing English comedian
Mark Thomas
attacks free western governments like Israel, the UK and the US,
rather than their unfree non-western enemies.
He appears in a
puffball interview on
Today with Pat Kenny, RTE Radio One, 29 Apr 2011, promoting his book.
He asserts that the Israeli wall has not stopped suicide bombings.
Pat Kenny never asks why
suicide bombings have declined massively
He claims the occupation is the cause of the violence.
Pat Kenny never asks why there was
violence before the occupation
He complains about the wall protecting Israeli settlements,
but he makes no mention of the recent
slaughter of the Fogel family.
At a Feb 2007 "anti-war" demo,
left-wing English comedian
Mark Thomas
blames Blair and Bush, not the jihad, for the jihadist killing in Iraq.
I say "anti-war" in quotes because I notice he does not condemn the use of violence by the jihad.
I doubt anyone at the protest did.
He also says that if Britain has nuclear weapons, what right does it have to stop Iran getting them too?
Mark Thomas' "comedy".
Only funny if you agree with it.
He compares the tolerant, liberal, parliamentary democracy of Israel
to Saddam's Iraq.
The anti-Israel song
"We will not go down (Song for Gaza)"
"Michael Heart".
I used to regard this as a good example of the American left's hostility to Israel.
But then it was pointed out that "Michael Heart" is
He was born Annas Allaf in Syria.
His father worked for the Assad dictatorship in Syria.
Michael Heart's religion is unknown.
This site
said he was Muslim, but Michael Heart's people deny this
and the site has now withdrawn this.
Michael Heart's website
is coy about his background.
It includes a new note:
"the various online postings by people claiming that Michael is a follower of any
particular religion are totally erroneous".
I am glad to correct that, since I am not a follower of any
particular religion either.
But I am curious.
Is he an apostate from Islam?
Good for him if he is.
But if so, you would think he would have some appreciation for Israel,
the only country in the region
where you can live, speak and publish without fear as an atheist,
agnostic or apostate.
What does he think of the persecution of
atheists, apostates and religious minorities
Hamas and
His song says:
"We will not go down;
In the night, without a fight;
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools;
But our spirit will never die;
We will not go down;
In Gaza tonight"
Since there is and always has been a "fight" going on, and it has consisted of
endless war crimes
against civilians,
why does the song not condemn it?
Does he actually condemn the Palestinians' violent fight?
Does he oppose Hamas and Fatah?
Michael Heart was born Annas Allaf in Syria,
son of the diplomat
Mowaffak Allaf.
This is confirmed
here and
Michael Heart's father Mowaffak Allaf was
Syrian ambassador to the UN
That is, he worked for the secular Muslim dictator
Hafez al-Assad,
unelected President of Syria from 1971 to 2000,
tried to
liquidate the Jews of Israel in 1973,
was a state sponsor of terrorism,
slaughtered thousands at Hama in 1982,
and in general extinguished Syrian human rights
for decades.
Mowaffak Allaf headed the Syrian delegation to peace talks with Israel in 1991 and 1994.
The Muslim
Mowaffak Allaf in 1992 claimed that:
"The number of Syrian citizens of Jewish faith is about 4,000. And they live for centuries in harmony, in fraternity, as citizens of Syria because we do not believe that there should be any discrimination
I do not accept the right of Israel to say that they are the guardian of [Syrian Jews], because we are the guardians of our own citizens, our own people. And our people are happy; they do not want the interference of Israel or anybody else.".
the Jews do not agree.
For years under Assad:
"the Jews in Syria lived in extreme fear. The Jewish Quarter in Damascus was under the constant surveillance of the secret police, who were present at [all] Jewish gatherings. Contact with foreigners was closely monitored. Travel abroad was permitted in exceptional cases, but only if a bond .. was left behind, along with family members who served as hostages.
Jews and Kurds are .. not allowed to participate in the political system [and] are generally barred from government employment".
As in communist tyrannies,
you needed permission from the dictator to emigrate!
This is still the case.
Starting in 1991, as part of the peace talks, Syria started allowing Jews to leave.
Now there are less than 100 left.
That really shows how "happy" they were in Syria.
Michael Heart song
He seems to support the
Syrian revolt
against the younger Assad,
who, like his father, has stamped out Syrian
human rights.
Good for him for supporting the revolution.
Does he realise now how wrong his father was to support the elder Assad?
Does he have any grudging admiration now for Israel for
being a democracy
all those decades
when Syria wasn't?
The Berlin Wall
(built to stop people emigrating from communist East Germany)
in the video for the
Michael Heart song
It's a bit ironic that his father represented a regime (Assad's Syria) that stopped people emigrating.
I don't link to a lot of criticism of Jimmy Carter.
He's simply too easy a target.
He is an idiot
who is best forgotten.
this total destruction of Jimmy Carter's "book" on Israel
by Mitchell Bard
is worth reading because it takes on and destroys every single argument
on Israel believed by Carter and all the leftists I know.
It is a great starting point for de-programming the years of
left-wing propaganda most people grow up with on Israel.
The ADL on Carter's book
- "One should never judge a book by its cover, but in the case of former President Jimmy Carter's latest work, "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid", we should make an exception. All one really needs to know about this biased account is found in the title."
Jimmy Carter, 6 Sept 2009, claims, after an Israel-bashing visit to the Middle East, that:
"A majority of the Palestinian leaders with whom we met are seriously considering acceptance of one state [in which] they would become fellow citizens with their Jewish neighbors and then demand equal rights within a democracy. In this nonviolent civil rights struggle, their examples would be Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela."
Carter provides no evidence for these absurd statements.
As Jihad Watch notes,
he does not name names,
since to do so would
be to name well-known killers and
long-time supporters of jihad
and extermination of the Jews.
It is amazing how almost every Western "pacifist" throws their values in the bin as soon as Palestinians start violence.
They come up with some tortured chain of cause and effect from "grievance" to war
in order to defend or excuse some completely unnecessary war.
Left-wing "pacifist"
Nathan J. Robinson
is a great example.
He is a "pacifist"
and a huge enthusiast for unnecessary and aggressive Islamic war.
Nathan J. Robinson spins for aggressive Islamic war
during the Gaza conflict, May 2021.
Aggressive and completely unnecessary war by racist jihadis against random Jews.
And this is what he breaks his "pacifism" for.
Heaven knows what he would support if he was not a "pacifist"!
From here.
If you support Ukraine defending itself against a fascist imperialist dictator,
then you MUST support this unrelated racist war against the Jews,
says lunatic
called Nathan J. Robinson. July 2023.
"Before I turn to proposals for a future peace,
let me directly address the growing number of students and young people
who are joining the legion of bigots who can see no right on the side of Israel
and no wrong on the side of those who seek to destroy the Jewish state
and transfer its Jewish population.
You are on the wrong side of history.
You are on the wrong side of morality and justice.
You have, perhaps inadvertently, joined hands with forces of evil
that have for millennia imposed a double standard against everything Jewish.
You are on the side of those who supported Hitler's Holocaust and now deny that it occurred.
You are assisting those who are once again
targeting babies, children, women, and the elderly just because they are Jewish.
You are in very bad company.
Nor can you continue to hide behind claims of ignorance,
because the facts are so easily available to anyone who wants to think for himself or herself.
If tragedy were once again to befall the Jewish people,
or the Jewish nation in which more than 5 million of them make their home,
history will judge you harshly, as it has your ideological predecessors.
Think for yourself. Learn the facts. Listen to all sides.
And if you are a person of goodwill,
I am confident that you will no longer see this complex issue as one-sidedly anti-Israel.
You owe it to yourself and to history not remain complicit
with a new variant on the world's oldest prejudice."
- From the closing words of
Alan Dershowitz's
The Case For Israel, 2003.
sums it up:
"Some time ago, supporting a liberal democracy became right wing and supporting a fascist Islamist theocracy became left wing. Weird!"