Global Acceptance of Homosexuality survey, June 2013.
Percentage of population
who say homosexuality "should be accepted by society"
(for Israel and various Islamic countries):
Israel - 40 percent.
Lebanon - 18 percent.
Turkey - 9 percent.
Palestinian territories - 4 percent.
Egypt - 3 percent.
Jordan - 3 percent.
Indonesia - 3 percent.
Pakistan - 2 percent.
Tunisia - 2 percent.
Nigeria - 1 percent.
So left-wing western gays ... support the Palestinians!
Frank McDonald
- Gay, Irish Times journalist, hates Israel with a burning fury,
hangs out in a sewer of Israel-hatred online.
Justin Raimondo
- A gay "anti-war" "rightist" who hates Israel.
If he's "right", then I'm not!
Bradley Manning
- A gay (then trans) atheist materially helps the jihad.
Theresa Sparks
is transgender.
And yet she is
angry at ads criticising Islamic oppression of gays, March 2013.
She even defends Iran!
"Sparks, who is transgender, said it's actually easier to get insurance for sexual transition procedures in Iran than in America."
Gay dhimmi
Simon Hughes, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats,
gushes at the
GPU conference 2008,
organised by the Islamist
Islam Channel.
He is gay, anti-American,
and also a Christian religious nutcase. (Or at least talks like one here.)
"Thanks be to Allah!"
he shouts.
He praises Islam again and again.
Instead of calling
for them to learn to tolerate gays,
he says:
"we want you to participate fully in this country, but not just as voters, we want you to be the leaders. We want you like my .. Muslim friends to ..
be standing for parliament .. to be Cabinet Ministers .. to be the Prime Minister
because we need you. We need you to lead our politics".
He absurdly says that equality - rather than the end of Islamism - is the key to world peace.
What an idiot. Damian Thompson
calls it "A sick-making display of Lib Dem opportunism".
Crispin Blunt,
a gay Tory MP,
defends Hamas' "right to resist", Nov 2021.
Shameful that such a man is in the Tory party. He should be expelled.
Gay, radical left, American Jew
Rebecca Pierce ("aptly_engineerd")
says that because of the
2015 terrorist attack,
Israel is not a haven for gays.
Yes, all that matters is what the 2015 terrorist did.
What the laws are, and what the state does, do not matter at all.
All that matters is what the 2015 terrorist did.
Peter Tatchell went to Soviet-bloc East Berlin to a congress of commie-lovers in 1973.
He bravely fights for gay liberation,
but he is sadly corrupted by his
support for this Soviet Empire boosting event.
On his return to the free world he
expresses the confused mind of the western leftist:
"The sense of relief I felt at stepping into the West Berlin border post on the other side was intense. But to the western officials, I was just another World Youth Festival delegate, a 'communist dupe', a 'fellow traveller'.
(Which I was.)
They treated me with rudeness and disdain
(And rightly so.)"
In bold are the asides I wish he had put in.
Gays Attacked At Palestinian Protest, May 2004
(also here)
- What happened when
Peter Tatchell and other stupidly anti-Israel gays attempted to show their support
for the gay-hating Palestinians.
The Palestinians attacked them.
"We call on the PLO and Palestinian Authority to condemn homophobia, uphold queer human rights,
and to order an immediate end to the abuse of lesbian and gay Palestinians",
said one of the protesters.
What on earth do they think the PLO and Palestinian Authority are?
They are like Jews
supporting the Nazis in the 1930s, with a rider
calling on them to "respect Jewish rights".
Tatchell, 2005
seems to be getting more anti-Palestinian.
Maybe he's finally getting a brain.
Indeed, when you read his
international news
section, you wonder why he isn't a neo-con like me.
Now that he knows about the worldwide torture and killing of gays by Islamists,
what on earth still attracts him to left-wing foreign policy?
Peter Tatchell in
East London Pride 2011.
What can you say except "Good luck with that!"
Peter Tatchell in Sept 2019, reminding us he is an idiot.
Here's why I say Peter Tatchell is not all bad.
In Oct 2015,
the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA)
held a debate:
"The Big Question: Is Islam The Cause Or Solution To Extremism?"
Peter Tatchell
Anas Altikriti, Mohammed Amin, Fiyaz Mughal, Zara Huda Faris and Hamza Tzortzis
to condemn sharia punishments such as death for apostasy.
He just gets evasion.
Glenn Greenwald, July 2011,
says Hamas and Hezbollah are
"devoted to protecting their citizens
against the state of Israel".
He is outraged that it is illegal in the US to help Hamas and Hezbollah.
Video formerly
Interestingly, Greenwald wasn't always a loony:
Here in 2005
he attacks Castro, Che, Chavez and socialists who hate Bush.
He even defends America.
And more.
"There is no denying the fact that much of the world is opposed to the war in Iraq
And yet, the American media refuses to understand what American citizens understand quite well ...
the fact that people in other countries are opposed to what we are doing does not mean that what we are doing is misguided or wrong
Fidel Castro has been one of the world's most repressive, spirit-slaughtering dictators for the last 40 years. Is it really a sign of "trouble" for Bush if a crowd which worships Castro protests against him?"
What went wrong with Greenwald after 2005?
What a shame.
The Saadiq Long case:
There was outrage on the left in 2012-13
Saadiq Long,
an American Muslim
who found himself on a "no-fly" list.
Glenn Greenwald
takes up the case, 9 Feb 2013.
"In early November, I wrote about the infuriating story of Saadiq Long, the 43-year-old African-American Muslim who - despite having never been charged with any crime - was secretly placed on a no-fly list and thus barred from flying to the US to visit his seriously ill mother."
Glenn Greenwald, July 2011,
defends Al Qaeda leader
Anwar al-Awlaki
against the US efforts to kill him (later successful).
He says that al-Awlaki is someone
"who the US government hates because he
speaks effectively to the Muslim world about the violence that the U.S. commits in that part of the world,
and the responsibility of Muslims and the need of Muslims to stand up to this violence.
And the US hates him because this message is resonating."
Resonating with people like Greenwald, it seems.
Gay British leftist
Owen Jones
has a range of awful opinions,
attacking Israel,
the only Middle Eastern country with gay rights.
Owen Jones bashing Israel in Nov 2012.
Owen Jones, 2 Mar 2022, defends the Palestinians' "right to resist".
"If we understand Ukrainians' right to resist occupation, we should extend that courtesy to Palestinians".
He will claim he is not talking about their endless racist war crimes against civilians.
But what other "resistance" is there?
Jones' words are deeply sinister. Shame on him.
Greg Gutfeld
lays into an
anti-American piece by Owen Jones, Aug 2012.
Jones openly admits he is a socialist.
Owen Jones was a total loony when young:
He declares
on Marxism discussion group, 8 Aug 2000
(his 16th birthday)
that he supports the IRA terrorist group:
"I militarily support the IRA against the British State".
Owen Jones is still a total loony today:
He appears at the
SF-IRA summer school
in July 2015.
His "anti-violence"
and "anti-war" credentials are clearly bullshit.
He declares:
"I'm a passionate believer in a united Ireland".
Owen Jones likes the Provos
but he blocks me
on Twitter.
Owen Jones, June 2020,
promotes the lie
that the dead in Iraq were killed by the Allies.
He claims that "hundreds of thousands"
have died
"at the hands of"
the UK and US governments.
This is a lie.
The insurgents killed them, not the Allies.
Owen Jones declares in
April 2022
that he supports arming the racist terrorist group the PLO,
who target and kill random Jews.
Gay and Jewish,
Sally Kohn
should be the last person on earth to criticise Israel,
or defend Islam.
But what makes the West so fascinating
- and what motivates much of my website
- is that people like Sally Kohn exist.
Sally Kohn
has a history of attacking Trump (who is pretty dumb himself)
with tweets that are 10 times dumber.
she is on 24 Dec 2016 with a scorcher of an entry for the stupidest tweet of the year.
She thinks Jews building houses
is the main thing preventing peace in Israel!
Imagine her surprise if she discovers the Gaza jihad continued after the Jews left.
Imagine her surprise if she discovers there was jihad against Israel before 1967.
Gay Jew defends Islamic sharia law, 16 Aug 2016.
It's not The Onion.
It's real life.
She says Muslims who believe in sharia are "progressive" and should be supported!
How can anyone in 2016 be so dumb?
She carries on
digging a hole
rambling about sharia.
She obviously has no clue what sharia is.
Judith Butler
is gay and Jewish.
And yet she has a deranged hatred of Israel that leads her into apologetics for Islamic Jew-killers and rapists of Jews.
See profile
at Canary Mission.
Judith Butler (gay and Jewish) in 2006
talking about Islamic terrorists who want to liquidate all gay and Jewish people.
"Understanding Hamas/Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the left, that are part of a global left, is extremely important."
Jump to 5:55 in this 2006 teach-in at UC Berkeley.
See more.
Judith Butler in 2024
says the 7 October 2023 rape and massacre of random Jews
was "armed resistance" and was not a terrorist attack
and not an antisemitic attack.
Feminist theory
leads to apologetics for rape.
From here.
From Canary Mission.
Anna Rajagopal
is a gay Jew.
And she
supports Islamic jihad against the Jews.
Tweets from July-Aug 2021.
For some time, I was not quite sure this was a real
human being.
She says
she is a convert to Judaism.
But what kind of convert would defend violence against Jews?
The comments on her conversion tweet
show lots of Jews sceptical that she is a Jew.
Many think she is a troll and not a real person.
She says she is "non-cis" in an article:
Dialogues on Diversity course is a move in the wrong direction.
She says she is "a non-cis person of color".
The rest of the article is so insane
it supports the idea that she is a troll
rather than a real person.
However the profiles at
make clear that yes, she is a real person.
She is not of huge importance.
But just extraordinary that such a person could exist.
In Jan 2022 she says "ACAB" ("All Cops Are Bastards")
after the
Colleyville synagogue siege
in Texas.
An Islamic terrorist took
Jews hostage in a synagogue.
The terrorist was killed
by an FBI SWAT team.
And Anna Rajagopal says "ACAB" afterwards.
There are many candidates for sickest account on Twitter. But Anna Rajagopal has to be in the top 1 percent.
The excellent blogger "Zombie" is a long-time observer of the crazy group QUIT
("Queers for Palestine"):
Queers for Palestine photos.
"What is left to say about the fundamental self-contradicting nature of such a group?"
"Queers for Palestine ..
is doing everything it can to eradicate the only sanctuary for gays in the Middle East."
"If QUIT truly cared about the rights of gays in Palestine and the Middle East, they would celebrate the treatment of gays in Israel and point to it as a model for other Middle Eastern countries to emulate. Instead of fighting for Arab self-rule in Palestinian territories - which would inevitably lead to a complete extirpation of all gay rights if not all gay people - QUIT should take the position that Israel should administer the Palestinian territories, because only under Israeli rule could gay Palestinians have any chance of survival. ... But no. QUIT does the exact opposite of all those things. Which makes them among the most mystifying, and in some ways, the most loathsome of all leftist protest groups."
The bizarre alliance of supposedly pro-gay leftists
with gay-murdering Islamofascists
is seen at this
pro-Palestinian terror conference
where an ultra-PC motion is passed calling for adherence to "democratic procedures"
and a
"transgendered" person on
every organizing board.
- "Of course, the Palestinians
these people support do not share any of their high-sounding
democratic principles
and, given the chance, would liquidate transgendered people."
Jasbir Puar
is a professor of women's and gender studies at Rutgers University.
You would think she would support countries with gay rights,
and have disdain for those that persecute gays.
You would be wrong.
Israel's gay propaganda war, Jasbir Puar, 1 July 2010:
Israel giving rights to gays is all a plot to make the noble Palestinian Islamists look bad.
Or something.
It is hard to tell, since the article is full of
trendy postmodernist waffle
so it is hard to know if it is meant to be an actual logical
argument or not.
She complains about the portrayal of
"Israel as the only gay-friendly country in an otherwise hostile region"
but provides no evidence that this portrayal is untrue.
She claims there is
"Israeli homophobic oppression of its own gays and lesbians"
yet provides no real evidence of this.
2009 Tel Aviv shooting
seems to be her only "evidence".)
In the comments,
she says that Israel's support for gay rights is fake:
"should Israel be lauded for its support of human rights of gays and lesbians
when it is a support
driven by a desire to sanction its violations of the human rights of Palestinians".
She provides no evidence that this absurd conspiracy theory is true.
She says if you criticise the treatment of gays in the West Bank and Gaza, you are:
"reproducing orientalist tropes of Palestinian sexual backwardness".
She provides no evidence that these tropes are untrue.
Only that they are untrendy.
Also, if there is any "Palestinian sexual backwardness",
it must be (of course) Israel's fault:
"it also denies the impact of colonial occupation on the degradation and containment of Palestinian cultural norms and values."
She provides no evidence that the "cultural norms and values" of Palestinian society
(or any Arab Islamic society)
would tolerate gays if left to itself.
If you read Robert Spencer's
Jihad Watch,
you will hear all about the persecution of gays in the Palestinian territories
and elsewhere in the Islamic world.
If you read Jasbir Puar you will not.
Who is the one who cares about gay rights?
Tom MacMaster,
a 40 year old left-wing, anti-Israel, heterosexual, married American man
studying in Edinburgh,
wrote a fake blog,
"Gay Girl in Damascus"
(now blocked)
to pose as an Arab lesbian,
support the Syrian revolution,
and express his hatred of Israel. The hoax was exposed in June 2011.
In fact, he is opposed to Syrian dictator Assad
because he doesn't hate Israel enough!
He hopes that the Syrian protests will lead to more attacks on Israel, not less.
(He may be right.)
About the Syrian thugs who attacked Israel's border in June 2011,
he wrote
(see cached copy):
"23 human beings, unarmed, were killed by the occupiers' guns and hundreds wounded.
Every Syrian knows that Bashar has never lifted a finger to redeem Jaulan [the Golan Heights].
No, this is not Bashar's trick; this is a taste of things to come. The Arab people are asleep no more and the Arab people, not the regimes, are making their own history now. ... And, when we are free, this is what you will see, every day on every frontier."
I was happy to discover this blog was a hoax. It's nice to know that this is not
the story of an oppressed Middle Eastern gay hating Israel, but rather
the story of an idiot leftie westerner hating Israel.
Syrian gay activists are furious with the hoax:
"I'm so outraged I can't even type well.
Because of you, Mr. MacMaster, a lot of the real activists in the LGBT community became under the spotlight of the authorities in Syria.
You single-handedly managed to bring unwanted attention from authorities to our cause and you will be responsible for any LGBT activist who might be yet another fallen angel during these critical time."
Pinkwashing Assad? by Tom MacMaster (pretending to be a Syrian lesbian), 28 May 2011.
Tom MacMaster explicitly betrays gay rights in the Arab world
because he hates Israel so much.
He is annoyed at anyone who points out that gays are tolerated in Israel but not in Arab countries.
"Those evil primitive Moozlims and Ayrabs, see, ... are ho-mo-phobes ...
'cause there aren't San Francisco style Gay Rights parades in Teheran or Damascus".
Um, yes.
What is wrong with saying that?
Why is this alleged "lesbian" mocking people who are concerned
about gay rights?
He lies that his character has no problems in Syria:
"I have never once encountered any problem here on account of my sexuality that I would not have encountered were I straight as an arrow. I have never once been attacked or beaten or even screamed at for being a lesbian in an Arab land."
And he lies about fictional prejudice she experienced in America:
"On the other hand, I have had dung thrown at me in America for wearing a hijab, been attacked and struck by strangers for being an Arab".
Lying leftie bastard.
He mocks people who are concerned about an Islamist takeover of the Arab Spring:
"And now, the rhetoric is that democracy is BAD
... the wicked evil Muslim Brotherhood and the wicked evil sheikhs of al-Islam will get elected if the people are allowed to decide! Oh my! And then
... well, there won't be any freedom for party boys in Cairo to go cruising".
Why does he mock people who want gay rights for Egypt?
Carrying on his sell-out of Arab gays, he claims the Muslim Brotherhood
(which supports
the death penalty for homosexuals)
is no threat:
"I do not fear the Ikhwaan;
I have sat and drunk tea and coffee with their sheikhs and I fear them no more than I fear anyone else in this country."
It's all right for him.
He's a straight Western man living in Scotland.
Not a vulnerable gay woman in Syria.
No wonder he's relaxed about Arab persecution of gays.
American lesbians
dance in hatred of Israel.
If you hate these people
then please express your hatred by buying