Liam Egan is an Irish convert to the violent, oppressive, totalitarian form of Islam
that makes up about 40 percent of Islam worldwide.
The Islam of the Taliban, Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The Islam behind all the
jihad terrorism
in the world.
The Islam behind all the
sharia oppression
in the world.
Liam Egan openly desires the end of all Irish freedom.
Human rights would not exist in his Ireland.
Instead we would all have to follow the dictates of some alleged holy book
that we do not believe in.
For many years, Liam Egan has been running Internet sites trying to promote his disgusting ideas in Ireland.
He has some supporters, but it is unclear how many.
It may be wrong to give him such publicity, but I think his sites are worth replying to,
because they illustrate very clearly
everything that is wrong with Islam.
To read Egan is to understand why the Islamic world
is so impoverished, unemployed, violent, war-torn, dictator-ridden,
oppressive, sex-starved, uneducated and angry.
It is not because of "The West" or Israel.
It is because of their own beliefs.
It is because many millions in the Islamic world
think as Egan does.
Liam Egan's site MPAC vanished.
But then a new site, "EireMuslim", appeared, in exactly the same style.
EireMuslim was a nasty anti-Israel, anti-gay,
pro-Wahhabi, pro-Saudi site.
it was a tour of everything that is wrong with Islam.
EireMuslim, 9 Dec 2011, openly supports religious oppression:
"nationals from every country that has banned hijab should be forced to wear hijab in Muslim lands,
men should be compelled to grow beards and all western dress should be prohibited. Non-Muslims should be forbidden from worshipping in their usual manner, there should also be a halt on the construction of all churches, etc."
EireMuslim, 24 Dec 2011, denies the Armenian Genocide.
"the so-called Armenian 'genocide'
The Turks fought against a Christian Armenian insurgency that sided with Russian invaders."
EireMuslim, 3 Feb 2012, supports jail for anyone who mocks Islamic customs.
He also says they will burn in "hell", which is an imaginary place in his head.
EireMuslim, 3 Feb 2012, not only supports expelling the Christian missionaries, he declares that proselytising is worse than terrorism!"What's worse than terrorism, or the encouragement of terrorism or indeed the praise of terrorism? It is the preaching, dissemination and distribution of materials that are detrimental to the eternal well-being of an individual".
Of course it's not clear that EireMuslim opposes terrorism in the slightest.
If he ever condemns a single Islamic terrorist act, tell me here.
EireMuslim, bizarrely, can sometimes talk sense:
EireMuslim, 6 Nov 2011,
in response to a ban on halal animal cruelty in Holland, urges western Muslims to leave the West:
"When we can no longer worship openly, we have been commanded to emigrate (hijrah)
- for truly the land is vast and the way of truth is sure. Leave the lands of unbelief, rob them of the manpower, wealth and intellect they have readily abused, build the Muslim lands, build the Ummah".
Well, western Islamists should leave.
That would be great!
I wonder will EireMuslim follow this advice?
EireMuslim talks sense! They oppose a nuclear Shia Iran, 14 Nov 2011.
"allowing the Rawaafida (extreme Shia found in Iran) to develop nuclear weapons is potentially disastrous
... Their treachery, machinations and plotting are well known
... allowing a sect with a history of despicable and treacherous actions toward Sunni Muslims to become a nuclear power would not only lead to a new arms race but could lead the region into a new war."
Right on, brother! IAF bombs away!
He complains about my praise for the brave men who killed Bin Laden.
("[He] celebrates the deaths of Muslims".)
Does EireMuslim support Bin Laden?
If so, have the guts to say so.
"Humphrys doesn't want Muslims to practice their religion, he doesn't want them adhering to its precepts".
No quote is presented to show I oppose religious freedom.
I think opposing honour killings and stonings is what he is getting at.
This is opposing religious freedom, apparently.
"he certainly doesn't want any talk of Muslim laws for Muslims".
No indeed.
Religion should be voluntary.
It has no place in the law.
We sorted all this out centuries ago in the Enlightenment.
Please try to catch up.
"For him, all must submit to the licentious, liberal and so-called democratic principles that Ireland has embraced".
Nonsense. No one is imposing anything on you.
You can live as conservative a life as you desire.
No one will stop you.
"Neither EireMuslim nor any mosque in the country will deny him his freedom, to him his religion, to us - ours."
Rubbish. You support sharia.
Therefore you support imposing your religious beliefs on me and others by law.
It is interesting that I challenged him here to condemn a single Islamic terrorist act.
He read this, and declined to respond.
The scene
"Burn the witch!"
Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
EireMuslim, 13 Dec 2011, says witches are real and must be killed!
He also says apostates must be killed! "A practitioner of witchcraft may do something that makes him an apostate, so he commits kufr and should be executed for his apostasy.
There should be no hesitation in executing the practitioner of witchcraft".
So the man who wanted sharia was living in Saudi Arabia, not Ireland.
We're all happy!
He's happy there.
And we're happy that he is over there.
Let me quote him again:
"When we can no longer worship openly, we have been commanded to emigrate (hijrah)
- for truly the land is vast and the way of truth is sure. Leave the lands of unbelief, rob them of the manpower, wealth and intellect they have readily abused, build the Muslim lands, build the Ummah".
Sound advice!
All Islamists should leave the decadent, disgusting, vulgar West - where their children
and grand-children will become atheists, drinkers
and fornicators.
They should all leave and go somewhere more Islamic.
EireMuslim and I agree!
Omar al-Haddouchi agrees:
Omar al-Haddouchi, the ideological leader of the Jihadist movement in Morocco, Apr 2012,
says all Muslims should leave France for North Africa.
"I say unto you, then, that you must leave.
You must leave the land of the polytheists.
The Prophet (PBUH) has said: "Do not gaze into their fire."
He also said, "None of us reside with the polytheists."
Emigrate from a country in which the shari'a cannot be applied.
Emigrate from a country which bans the hijab, or the call to prayer."
Sound advice!
This imam has been
throughout the counterjihad.
Liberal Muslims and ex-Muslims are fine, but
Islamist Muslims
should leave, for the sake of their souls.
That would be great.
Omar al-Haddouchi and I agree!
Great news for Ireland!
The Islamist fanatic Liam Egan emigrates.
From Metro Eireann, 1-14 July 2012.
The only downside is he plans to keep rabbitting on about sharia in Ireland from abroad.
But at least he's gone.
That's the main thing.
If only all Islamists would leave Ireland.
Islamists should leave the West. They are putting their souls in peril by staying here.
In the West, your children and grand-children will become apostates, atheists, blasphemers, drinkers and fornicators.
Liam Egan,
Omar al-Haddouchi and I agree.
Best to leave this dark infidel place!
Photo in the English Garden,
Munich. From Blick
From here.
He opposes democracy. 19 June 2012.
"Muslims Should Abandon Democracy
The changes we require will not be brought about by resort to kuffar ways
our way is Islam and this is the only way."
And more:
"there is no honour in embracing the kuffar ways, democracy was a false system when it first emerged and it hasn't shed its falsehood. Muslims must reject this system".
Islamic Vanguards, 21 June 2012, praises Mali Islamofascists who whipped a couple in public for having a child outside marriage.
He also praises the Taliban.
"As witnessed under the Taliban, societal crimes waned as the populace shed western mores and returned to the Divine religion.
We pray that this may also be the case for Mali and eagerly anticipate its transformation".
Egan, June 2012, further praises the Mali Islamofascists who whipped the couple.
Egan says:
"I commend them for trying to rid society of immorality - well done".
Egan supports death for adultery:
"It is a heinous punishment for an equally heinous crime."
(probably still Egan) then appears, and defends barbarism:
"3. Do you agree with stoning to death as a punishment?
It is a legitimate Islamic punishment for the crime of adultery.
5. Do you want Sharia law in Ireland?
Any Muslim who claims the title and the honour of Islam must want this."
Egan defends the Taliban:
"I believe the Taliban's aims were noble but doomed to failure because of a lack of unity and doctrinal errors."
Young lovers who had sex before marriage are
stoned to death in Mali, July 2012.
"The Islamists took the unmarried couple to the centre of Aguelhok.
The couple was placed in two holes and the Islamists stoned them to death."
This is the kind of "justice" that Islamists like Liam Egan want to bring to Ireland!
Destroy world heritage:
Islamic Vanguards, 4 Mar 2012, supports destroying Christian graves in Libya.
Islamic Vanguards, 2 July 2012, supports destroying idols, statues and raised graves in Mali.
"this is a praise worthy act as it removes from the land traces of shirk (polytheism)
and the means of worshipping other than Allah."
Liam Egan, 2 July 2012, says all world heritage that conflicts with his violent, primitive religion must be destroyed.
"Q. So Muslims would destroy the Taj Mahal which was built by a Muslim?
A. That's not my call - people of knowledge determine whether an edifice breaches Islamic law, if so down it comes!"
Liam Egan, 10 July 2012, says the Pyramids should be destroyed.
"with modern day munitions it could be accomplished and we think it should happen".
Against the Jews:
Liam Egan, 2 July 2012, is sick of people talking about the Holocaust.
He says that the Holocaust is:
"something that most would rather forget
and frankly most are bloody fed up of.
We seen the movies, read the books, bought the t-shirts - move on!"
Liam Egan
supports the IRA, 26 Apr 2013:
"on the whole the IRA did what needed to be done. At a time when the vast majority abandoned republicans in the north to despotic rule under the UK and its loyalist henchmen, a tiny minority fought and sacrificed so Ireland could enjoy full liberty. I commend those brave men and women."
Islamic Vanguards on the Boston bombing:
Islamic Vanguards, 29 Apr 2013,
describes the Boston bombings as "revenge" for something or other.
"The US has brought terror to the innocent and in its destructive wake has sown the seeds of its own destruction. Justice is sweet, revenge, for many is sweeter!"
More Islamic Vanguards on Boston:
Chechen-American Muslim Ibragim Todashev
kills three Jews
in Massachusetts
in an Islamic terror attack
in 2011.
When federal agents finally
corner him for it in May 2013,
he pulls out a knife and is shot dead.
Here's how Islamic Vanguards describes it:
"By now we all know about the crazed killing of a man in
Less reported of course was
the killing of a Muslim man by crazed Christian gunmen
in the US.
The man, Ibragim Todashev had been assisting federal forces in their investigation when he was murdered."
Liam Egan talks sense!
In a post of 7 June 2013 he urges all Sunni jihad fanatics to join forces against the Shia jihad fanatics of Hezbollah and Iran.
At last something we can agree on.
I totally agree that all Sunni jihadists should attack Hezbollah with everything they have.
Pass the popcorn!
Liam Egan, 20 June 2013:
"As Muslims we wholly reject the filth of the extreme Shia".
Support for the Taliban against the British Army, 12 July 2013.
"I will not mourn the Demise of Lee Rigby
The Lee Rigby's of this world readily robbed Afghan wives and children of fathers and brothers,
whose only crime was to legitimately try to repel an invading and occupying force."
Al-Shabaab terrorists
("Al Qaeda in East Africa") hold the same black flag of jihad,
as they slaughter and oppress Somalis.
I like to think that I chose the new name!
This is how I described MPAC
for years
on my site.
EireMuslim openly
supports killing gays,
10 Jan 2012.
20 Dec 2011, in response to a gay Malaysian man being threatened, he describes him as in
"an Islamically unlawful and punishable relationship".
Liam Egan, 18 June 2012, says that atheist Christopher Hitchens is now burning in hell.
He sure is entertaining, this Egan guy.
The stuff he comes up with!