Mark Humphrys (politics)


Feb 2025 entries
Jan 2025 entries

U.S. election, 2016 - Trump

  Trump knows nothing

Trump's hatred of the free market

Trump pals around with terrorists

Trump is not pro-West

Trump has a high opinion of Trump

Trump's low moral character

Hillary Clinton attack ads against Trump

Trumpists who block me

Paul Joseph Watson

Good things from President Trump

2020 election

President Biden is awful

2024 election

Donald Trump

The rise of Trump in 2015-16 was depressing. An illiterate TV celebrity. A know-nothing who watches TV shows and does not read. A man of dodgy, untrustworthy politics, who is just as likely to praise a dictator as to oppose one. A "patriot" with a history of slandering America and defending its enemies. A "capitalist" who hates free trade.

A man-baby who says and tweets pathetic, infantile, childish things. A disgusting sexist sleazeball who one would cross the road to avoid. A man of hideous appearance and hideous manners.

Trump is all of these things. And yet Americans picked this man as their President in 2016. After the lost decade of Obama's appeasement, I thought there would be hope for what came next. But instead of picking a Reagan to take on the jihad, and other threats, Americans picked another celebrity idiot.


But ...

But ... there is a but.

Trump makes me ill. When he speaks I am invariably disgusted and appalled. But I will add one qualification: His actions are 10 times better than his awful words. In office, his instinctive and primal hostility to entities like the UN, the PA and Iran was wonderful to see. It led to good things, even great things. If he would only just shut up, dear God shut up, and we could judge his actions alone, there is a lot of good there. Way better than the previous guy, Obama.

Among Trump's thousands of pathetic, babyish tweets, it is hard to highlight the most pathetic.
But this one caught my eye.
America elected a 10 year old man-baby as President.

The US elected President Dwayne Camacho from the movie Idiocracy.


Trump knows nothing

My main problem with Trump is that he is an ignoramus. He has no ideology, no core beliefs. He knew nothing about the issues until yesterday. I have followed the war against the jihad in enormous detail since 9/11. In all that time, I never heard Donald Trump say anything interesting about it. He knows nothing about it. His vague, ill-formed positions emerged yesterday and will be replaced by other positions tomorrow.

Anyone who believes he is a counter-jihadist will be sorely disappointed. Trump has no plan for the jihad. He has not got the character or learning to formulate a plan and see it through.

When he took office, Ronald Reagan had held the same ideology for decades. He understood communism perfectly. Trump, in contrast, knows little about the jihad, and will blow with the wind of the last person he talked to.


  • The 281 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List.
  • Trump has insulted almost everyone on the right, including:
    • The leading political figures on the right, including George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
    • The leading media figures on the right, including Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Rich Lowry, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson and Jennifer Rubin.
    • The leading media outlets on the right, including The National Review, The Weekly Standard, Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.
    He insults everyone who is not Trump or worshipping Trump. And then Trumpists wonder why so many people on the right won't support him.


Fake "counter-jihadist" Trump thinks Muslim women like wearing the veil because it avoids makeup.
He knows nothing about Islam and forced veiling.
He talks in childish generalisations, like an uneducated bar drunk.

Incredible and horrifying: Trump is unable to condemn famous white racist David Duke and the KKK.

Trump talks about the coronavirus pandemic in April 2020.
Dubbed over a comedian playing a drunk woman in a club.
See also the hilarious "How to Trump" videos by Sarah Cooper.


Trump's hatred of the free market

For a man who became rich through capitalism, Trump has a remarkable hatred of the free market. In particular, he has a hatred of the globalisation and free trade that has made the world so much richer.

Trump is obsessed with trade deficits, viewing them as a "problem" the same way Marxists view inequality as a "problem". He constantly threatens US government interference in free trade.

Republicans, the party of the "market", voted for this statist, protectionist, economic illiterate.


Breaking, March 2018: Celebrity TV idiot discovers how to make a country rich:
Simply refuse to trade with any country with which it has a trade deficit.
Why did the learned men never think of this! It's easy!

Trump is like Hugo Chavez.


Trump pals around with terrorists

Like Obama, Trump pals around with terrorists.

Trump is a fraud: He is not anti-terrorist.
Here he pals around with Irish terrorist leader Gerry Adams at an IRA fundraiser in 1995.
Did Trump's donation help pay for the IRA truck bomb in London soon after?

I debate Trump's support for the IRA with a Trump fan here.
He says: "I am pretty certain that DJT is *not* funding terrorism - at least not recently. ;o) I'm more incline to believe he is anti."
My reply is above.


Trump is not pro-West

Being an ignoramus, and blowing with the wind of the last person he heard, Trump is almost as likely to attack the West as praise it. He is almost as likely to defend the West's enemies as oppose them.

Trump is not "pro-West". He is not a "patriot". He has a history of dodgy positions more like a right-wing Noam Chomsky.


Trump's foreign policy is not based on any reading or philosophical foundations. A lot of it seems to be leftist drivel combined with Russia Today lies, with a layer of "Make America Great". He hasn't a clue what he is talking about.
Here in Oct 2015 he admires Putin's horrific intervention in Syria. Putin is helping with the indiscriminate slaughter of Syrians, but Trump cares nothing for the human cost. He wants Assad, who has killed 100,000 people, to stay in power. And he says it would be better if Saddam (who killed 2 million people) and Gaddafi were in power.

Trump defends Putin killing journalists: "Well I think our country does plenty of killing also".
An America-hating commie could not have said it better.

Trumpist Matt Drudge, 7 Nov 2016, promotes interview of radical left traitor Julian Assange by radical left traitor John Pilger.
"moved to tears .. hero", says Drudge about a man who spent years releasing American classified information to its enemies.
Trumpists are Chomskyite traitors to America.

Trump has a high opinion of Trump

Most normal people, as they grow up, realise how little they know and how many other millions of intelligent thinkers have come before them and are currently alive. Not this buffoon.

24 Things Nobody Does Better Than Trump (According To Trump).

Everything Donald Trump Is an Expert In, According to Him.

Summary of Trump's genius, according to Trump.
The man-baby Trump says he is a world expert in all of these topics.
From here.

Trump's low moral character

Even if Trump had good ideas (which he does not) there would still be the problem of his low character.

He is a rude, boorish, vulgar, classless, sexist, offensive, petty, childish bully who drags the level of political discourse into the gutter. He is hyper-sensitive to criticism and has no self-control in his attacks on critics and opponents. He is a sleazy man of low moral character, unfit for leadership. I am mystified how any decent conservative could vote for him. I thought conservatives stood for decency, manners and civility.

"The Best Words". Ad from American Future Fund about Trump's foul language. "Offensive. Out of Control. America Can do Better."

Donald Trump Access Hollywood controversy, Oct 2016.

A Trumpist says that Trump is "a gift from God to our beloved nation."
God apparently is some kind of sexual pervert. (To be fair, the Old Testament tried to warn us of that.)
From here.

Hillary Clinton attack ads against Trump

I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton. From 2009 to 2013 she was the useless Secretary of State in the useless Obama administration.

Appeasement of Iran. Support for the Muslim Brotherhood. The abandonment of Iraq to the jihad. Syria and Russia running rampant. The emergence of the Islamic State. Genocide in Iraq and Syria. Freedom in the world going backwards.

She was a terrible Secretary of State and would make a bad President. But the fact is, she would be better than Trump. At least she is not insane. I think she would be better than Obama too. These are low bars, I agree.

Anyway, once Trump finally won the Republican race, Clinton rolled out the brutal attack ads that the Republicans never dared to. They are devastating. The ads about Trump write themselves.

Everything Trump's GOP opponents said about him during the campaign is still true.

Everything Trump's GOP opponents said about him during the campaign is still true.

Yes, indeed. I would be disgusted if my children took Trump as a role model.
Well done GOP for pissing on decency and manners. The things you used to support.

No child should see Trump as a role model.

Trump insults POWs.
All the Trumpists claiming President Trump "respects" the military are forgetting the times he insulted the military.


Trumpists who block me

Trump has created a massive rift on the right. So much so that I am now blocked on Twitter not just by pro-jihad leftists (see my site's footer) but also by anti-jihad people who have joined the cult of Trump.

Trumpists who block me for criticising Trump:

Other people I like who have gone pro-Trump:


Paul Joseph Watson

The Trump era is the era of the fake counter-jihadist. The "counter-jihadists" who get angry if America takes action against tyranny abroad. Who blame America for 9/11, who say American troops commit war crimes, who piss on the American mission in Iraq, bash Israel, defend Syria and defend Russia.

Trump is the ultimate fake counter-jihadist. And a bunch of other fakes, like Paul Joseph Watson, have joined him.


Paul Joseph Watson, 2003, says the US government did 9/11. Evil America bombed itself.
From p.57 of Order Out of Chaos (2003) by Paul Joseph Watson.

He despises America, the American military and its missions. He has contempt for the liberation of Kuwait and the toppling of Saddam. He says the American military commits war crimes. He is a right-wing Noam Chomsky.
From p.188 of the above.

Watson attacks Israel in 2014 as it defends itself against the jihad.
What kind of fake "counter-jihadist" attacks Israel? Using pathetic left-wing talking points too.
He casually says Israeli soldiers commit war crimes, just as he casually says American troops commit war crimes. He is a version of Noam Chomsky. Total fraud.

A "counter-jihadist" who attacks Israel ("the Zionist state") using jihadist-leftist propaganda.
Still from the video above.
The man is a total fraud.

American Trumpist "conservative" Candace Owens parrots extreme left Chomskyist history of the Iraq War as if it is truth, March 2022.
Loony conservative meets loony communist in horseshoe theory.


Good things from President Trump

So I have told you why I hate him. But I need to list the good things President Trump does.

In office, his instinctive and primal hostility to entities like the UN, the PA and Iran has led to him doing good things, and appointing people who do good things. The following list has grown so long that it is beginning to outweigh his sins.

Let us list what his administration gets right.

  1. Final defeat of ISIS.
  2. Killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  3. Strikes against Assad.

  4. US pulls out of Iran deal, May 2018.
  5. US support for Iranian protests.
  6. Assassination in Jan 2020 of Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, head of the Kata'ib Hezbollah militia.

  7. US recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital.
  8. Trump recognises Israeli control of Golan Heights.
  9. US declares Israeli settlements are not illegal.
  10. Kosovo recognises Israel.

  11. US hostility to the International Criminal Court.
  12. US withdrawal from UNHRC.
  13. US withdrawal from UNESCO.
  14. US threat to UNRWA funding.
  15. US threat to PA funding. See the Taylor Force Act.
  16. US shuts down PLO office in Washington DC.

  17. US cuts Pakistan aid.
  18. Standing up to Turkey over jailing of American pastor Andrew Brunson.
  19. Trump stands up to the disgusting Venezuela regime and supports the Venezuelan opposition.

  20. North Korean detente 2018. It remains to be seen if this is really good news.
  21. North Korea releases American hostages, May 2018.

  22. John Bolton as National Security Advisor.
  23. Nikki Haley as US Ambassador to the United Nations.


The Israel - Arab peace deal

Trump's greatest achievement: The Israel - Arab countries peace deal. For all Trump's apparent stupidity, this was a genius move in the Middle East. To ignore the "peace process" and the "two state solution", none of which led anywhere. To ignore the Palestinians and ignore their rejectionism, and workaround with a peace deal between Arab states and Israel. "Screw the Palestinians. Let's make money." Amazing. The best thing in the Middle East in decades.

Can I forgive Trump his multitudinous sins because of the above?

With gritted teeth, I would say Yes. Yes I can.

Droning Iranian terrorist leaders has got to deserve some credit.
Especially when compared with giving a platform to the Iranian regime, like Twitter does.
If I had to choose between Trump and the people who run Twitter, I would choose Trump.

Israel-UAE photoshoot, Sept 2020, after the peace deal.
Israeli model May Tager with the Israeli flag, and Dubai-based model Anastasia Bandarenka (from Russia) with the UAE flag, in a photo shoot in Dubai, Sept 2020.
This is wonderful. So wonderful. The people who made this happen should get the 2020 Nobel Prize for Peace. This is a glimpse of a new world.


2020 election


Bernie Sanders is clearly worse than Trump.
If I had to choose between Trump and Sanders or Corbyn, I would choose Trump.
But I want better options.


President Biden is awful

President Joe Biden (Jan 2021 on) is awful. Of course he is. Much worse than Trump.

Ukraine: Biden good. Trumpists terrible.


Hamas massacre, 2023


2024 election


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Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).