Open support for Islamic terror
in a republican mural.
Photo courtesy of FAIR.
Used with permission.
See other shot
from here,
which has photos of other republican murals supporting the Palestinians and Cuba.
other shot
from here.
Mural is from Belfast, 1982.
This mural was at the corner of Beechmount Avenue ("RPG Avenue") and the Falls Road.
It is now replaced with a new mural.
See street view.
The IRA and its supporters
disgraced themselves forever in WW2
by supporting and collaborating with
Nazi Germany.
And it's not like this is ancient history.
SF-IRA have continued to today this tradition
of opposing the Western democracies
and supporting their enemies.
They opposed the democracy of Britain
and supported the imperialist military junta of Argentina in the
Falklands War
in 1982.
They opposed (and still oppose)
the democracy of Israel
in its war against
Palestinian jihadism
(ongoing since 1947).
They have openly supported and even collaborated with Israel's jihadist enemies.
They opposed (and still oppose)
the Western democracies led by America and Britain in the
global war against jihadism
since 9/11.
It is clear that SF-IRA
will never stand with the democracies,
no matter who they fight.
It is clear that,
in a similar situation to WW2 in the future,
SF-IRA would behave in more or less the same way.
The IRSP, 1982:
"We must also salute the sentiments of the Argentinian people
who stood up to Britain and fought for the Malvinas."
Argentina today is still rated
on political freedom
by Freedom House.
But it is rated an appalling
on economic freedom
by the Heritage Foundation.
Referendum, March 2013. Basically 100 percent of the Falkland Islanders want to stay British.
Shame on any Irish person who does not support their rights.
Lessons From The Falklands
by Mark Steyn,
January 2003, sums it up:
"The Falklands War is the decisive war of the last quarter-century, if
only because it's the one the world
- like Galtieri - never expected.
It marks the dividing line between the free world's territorial losses
of the Sixties and Seventies and its gains in the Eighties and
The long history of Irish republican sympathy for anti-semites like Nazi Germany
continues today with Irish republican sympathy
for Palestinian and other Islamic terror and Islamic tyranny.
The Palestinians and other Islamists are openly anti-semitic and proud of it.
SF-IRA and other republicans have
a range of trendy reasons
why they support these anti-semites.
They claim it is nothing to do with anti-semitism,
and for some of them that is probably true.
But this is a movement that supported Nazi Germany, remember.
IRA-PLO cooperation: A long, cozy relationship, Sean Gannon, Apr 7, 2009.
He notes that the IRA has helped Islamic and Islamist terrorists,
and its technology is still helping them today:
"recently, Britain has claimed that IRA-developed bomb-making technology passed on to Hizbullah has been used against its forces in Iraq."
Sinn Fein councillor John Hearne, July 2014,
calls for bombing attacks on Israel:
"Well I'd prefer if the United Nations started shelling Israel".
He defends bombing the UK too:
"You have to get them to the table. The English were never coming to the table until
Canary Wharf
This is not a joke. This is real.
This is a real mural in Belfast, 2002.
Picture from here.
The terrorist butcher
Yasser Arafat
is tagged as "Peacemaker - A life devoted to conflict resolution"!
I tweeted:
"A life devoted to conflict resolution through bombing airplanes, cafes, shops and buses."
SF-IRA types generally identify with any violent revolutionaries attacking a liberal democracy.
From Derry Friends of Palestine.
Sarah Holland
was a Sinn Fein councillor from 2014 to 2019.
She then
made the short journey to working for a right-wing Islamic dictatorship.
That is the kind of foreign government
that Shinners like.
Sarah Holland's Linkedin.
How shameful that an Irish person would work for the
dictatorship of "Palestine".
Human rights under Palestinian rule:
No elections. No democracy.
No religious freedom.
No sexual freedom.
Promotion of anti-semitism and terrorism.
I would say it is incredible that any Irish politician would work for this dictatorship.
But for Sinn Fein, it is not incredible at all.
Convicted IRA terrorist bomber
and Sinn Fein Councillor
Jim McVeigh
openly supports Islamic terror.
During the 2021 Gaza war, Jim McVeigh
calls for rocket terrorist attacks on random Jewish and Arab civilians in Israel:
"The modern decadence of Tel Aviv is an insult to the orphans & the ruins of Gaza. Let the rockets rain down."
He posted it here on 12 May 2021, and later deleted it.
I'm not sure why he hates Tel Aviv.
But it really shows you the mindset of IRA bombers.
They look at beautiful cities, get angry with the "decadent" people or "capitalist pigs", and start bombing.
Jim McVeigh
hates Israel so much that he
denies Israeli women were
during the 2023 massacre.
Sinn Fein councillor
Enda Fanning
has a particular hatred of Israel
and a love for right-wing Islamism.
Sinn Fein politicians
Cllr Emma Murphy, Dessie Ellis TD, Sean Crowe TD, Cllr Sarah Holland and Cllr Enda Fanning.
At a demo against Israel
in July 2014.
It is disgusting to see Sinn Fein complain about "war crimes".
calls me "racist"
Aug 2015
for criticising Muslim Brotherhood radical
Ibrahim Halawa.
Fanning here seems keen on defending anti-semitic racist
Salah Soltan.
Fanning again
calls me "racist"
in a
Jan 2016
thread about Halawa.
He never says anything else.
It's his only argument.
Chris Gaskin
openly supports Islamist attacks on Israel, Dec 2008:
"The PLO and other Palestinian Resistance organisations should avenge this attack with utmost severity."
He approvingly quotes an
anonymous Dublin republican
who says:
"it is to be hoped that all Palestinian resistance groups will retaliate against this murderous aggression".
(The latter openly supports the
Iraqi resistance.)
Gaskin tries to
back out of it
in the comments, saying he didn't mean the Islamists should attack civilians
(as if Islamists even recognise the concept of a civilian Jew).
He is like
Tom Paulin
saying Israeli settlers should be shot dead,
and then being surprised when they shoot Israeli settler children dead.
So if Gaskin somehow supports Palestinian terror
but does not support attacks on civilians,
maybe he could construct a list of Palestinian terror attacks over the last 20 years that he supports,
and a list of ones he opposes.
Gaskin is a socialist
and supports the dictatorship in Cuba.
Oct 2018: Sinn Fein anti-Israel protest in Belfast holds up a sign of
Mousa Jabr Abdulsalam Abu Hasnayn, killed at the Gaza riots on 14 May 2018.
May 2018: Hamas says that Mousa Jabr Abdulsalam Abu Hasnayn
was a Hamas fighter.
See full size.
From here.
Also here.
Proof this is him:
He died on the same day, at the same place.
He looks like him.
And finally an Arabic OCR
of the image plus Google Translate generates the name "Musay Gabr Abu Hassanein".
It's him.
The Arabic is confirmed here.
The "Solidarity Wall"
on the Falls Road,
nicely illustrates the problem with many Irish republicans
- their hatred of liberal democracies (the UK, the US, Israel, the Free State),
and their ongoing love affair with romantic foreign tyranny
(Cuba, Libya, Palestine, Argentina, the Nazis).
Round the corner, an anti-Israel mural.
From 2008 street view.
This is now replaced
by another anti-Israel mural,
Palestinian Islamic Jihad figures
Hana Shalabi
Khader Adnan.
Jihad is heroic to these crazy kuffar.
Further on we get anti-American hatred.
From street view.
And support for communist tyrants in Cuba.
Note it is Bush's hands that drip with blood, not Fidel's or Che's.
Photo from here.
Creative Commons.
See street view.
The INLA carried out actions against NATO
in the Cold War
against the Soviet Union.
In Sept 1982, the INLA
bombed the Mount Gabriel radar station
in Co. Cork,
which they claimed was providing help to NATO.
In Dec 1982, the INLA
bombed soldiers and civilians at the
Droppin Well pub
near the Ballykelly base in Co.Derry,
which it believed was part of the NATO radar and communications network.
The 32 CSM / RIRA
sought links
to Saddam Hussein's genocidal tyranny in Iraq.
The 32 CSM / RIRA
support the Islamist butchers of Beslan.
They celebrate the Islamic butcher of children
Shamil Basayev
on their site, and carry releases from "Chechen Mujahideen".
Unbelievably, "May Allah bless his Jihad!" appears on the 32 CSM site.
More here:
"The 32 County Sovereignty Movement .. sends its sincere condolences
to the comrades, friends and family of Chechen resistance leader
Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev."
They praise "his martyrdom" for Allah.
Republican Sinn Féin, Jan 2020, mourn the death of the butcher
Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Quds Force.
Irish republicans taking sides with the Shia in the age old sectarian war of Shia and Sunni Muslims. You're not even Muslims you spanners.
See full size.
You would think that for once SF-IRA would decline to protest,
given the good work the troops are doing fighting Islamic religious fascism
But no.
One of the Sinn Fein men defended his protest at the liberation of foreign Muslims:
"We have a right to show our opposition against the oppression of Britain here,
in Afghanistan and Iraq."
What a disgusting political party.
Republican Sinn Fein protest a Catholic performing on a record for the brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Oct 2008.
"Republican Sinn Féin hit out at the reality television show "X Factor" for cynically using an Irish contestant to promote British Imperial misadventures
A spokesperson for the organisation said that it was morally repugnant that producers would pressurise contestants into endorsing foreign occupation.
... contestants including County Derry's Eoghan Quigg were forced to perform a song in tribute to those who have invaded Ireland, Afghanistan and Iraq, and countless other countries, and displaced and murdered the native populace."
It is clear that SF-IRA and its offshoots have not changed since World War Two.
30,000 people at homecoming for British troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Belfast, Nov 2008.
Nice to see a proper welcome for the British troops
fighting Islamic religious fascism.
However, SF-IRA protested against the British Iraq troops homecoming, Nov 2008.
Here the protesters quote
Communist butcher and tyrant
Ho Chi Minh.
From Indymedia.
As at 2014, the
Sinn Fein Bookshop
promotes Islamic terror against the Jews.
Left: Fatah pin from here.
Right: Hamas pin from here.
Nothing has changed since WW2.
IRA account
dreams of arresting the leader of the Jewish state, Sept 2024.
In unrelated news, the IRA supported and worked for Adolf Hitler in WW2.
He said afterwards:
"I didn't know the image at the conference was of Hajj Amin al-Husseini".
Imagine being that ignorant about a region, and yet still lecturing it from thousands of miles away.
What a disgrace to his office.
I tweeted about this disgrace from
11 Apr to 14 May 2018.
Sure I was rude about him, but that's politics.
And guess what happened?
The account of the Lord Mayor
blocked me.
Sinn Fein used their temporary possession of the Lord Mayor's Twitter account to block their opponents.
After Mícheál Mac Donncha left office in June 2018,
I asked
the new Lord Mayor
(not a Shinner)
to unblock me,
and he did.
protests against the British Iraq troops homecoming, Nov 2008.
This is clearly open support for the Iraqi Islamic jihadist "resistance".
From here.
Also here
and here.
Eirigi protest, Apr 2010,
flies the PFLP terrorist flag outside the
Israeli embassy in Dublin.
They are calling for the release of PFLP terrorist leader
Ahmad Sa'adat.
The perennial appeal of terrorist violence against democracies:
Wesam al-Khatib
of the terrorist group the PFLP at an Eirigi meeting, Nov 2013.
Maybe they are celebrating the successful
by PFLP fighters
against the
Fogel children of Itamar:
"One of the suspects, however, returned and stabbed to death three-month-old baby Hadas after she began crying in her crib. ... Amjad said that he was unaware that there were two other children in the house, and that if he knew, he would have stabbed them as well."
Eirigi mural supporting the PFLP terrorist group.
From PFLP site, 2014.
Eirigi, 18 Jan 2022,
supports PFLP terrorist leader
Ahmad Sa'adat.
They call for his release.
They don't even claim he is innocent or anything.
Just that they support his "resistance" (i.e. killing Jews).
Eirigi marches with Hamas posters, Dublin, March 2025.
From video here.
The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
And the same kind of contempt for liberal parliamentary democracy (Britain, Israel)
and admiration for violent genocidal strongmen (Nazis, Islamists)
is still there in Irish Republicanism today.
Catholic anti-semitism
is part of the mix too.
IRA hero
Sean South
of Limerick
(born 1928, killed 1957)
was a Catholic fundamentalist
involved in the anti-semitic
Maria Duce (founded 1945).
"Palestine - Ireland - Hamas - IRA - One struggle"
So declares IRA supporter
in this
sick video.
illustrates the common support for Islamic terror among IRA people.
I suppose that once you support terror against one liberal democracy,
it is a short step to supporting terror against other liberal democracies.
He declares:
"THE ONLY JUDE IS A DEAD JUDE ......................."
(The only good Jew is a dead Jew.)
The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy
shows they would do it again.
a Holocaust denier ("Holohoax").
The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy
shows they would do it again.
The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy
shows they would do it again.
There are not many Jews in Ireland, so Republicans have to work hard to find some to attack.
IRA killing of Jews:
You would think that an organisation that worked with the Nazis
would avoid targeting Jews, but no.
The Belfast Jew
Leonard Steinberg,
founder of a large chain of betting shops,
was shot five times at his house by the IRA in 1977
because he refused to pay them protection money.
He survived, but left Northern Ireland.
The Belfast Jew
Leonard Kaitcer,
a wealthy antiques dealer,
was abducted from his house by the IRA in 1980 and held for ransom.
This was apparently legitimate because he was a "capitalist".
The IRA panicked during negotiations,
and shot him dead
and dumped his body.
Israel-hating thugs from
attack a stall selling Israeli cosmetics, Belfast shopping centre, Jan 2009.
Video was on
Mark McGregor's channel.
Formerly here,
but he has removed it for some reason.
See report
by Mark McGregor:
"The staff of the targeted stall were visibly shaken, one woman and one man reduced to tears".
Ireland now is much the same as Ireland in WW2.
Dissident republican thugs
throw paint at the Jews, Belfast shopping centre, 16 Nov 2012.
Just like
Father Creagh's followers
in Limerick in 1904-06.
See photos.
This is a movement that supported Nazi Germany during World War Two.
Critics (like me) of Sinn Fein's support for radical Islamists and Islamic anti-semites
and Islamic terrorists
are smeared by
Shinners as "racists".
Sinn Fein is like other socialist pro-Islamist, "anti-racist" groups
that smear all critics as "racist".
But with added irony, given Sinn Fein's past.
In the real world,
Sinn Fein pontificating about "racism" should make everyone sick:
Their entire world is based on anti-British bigotry.
A world view that can casually bomb English pubs, restaurants and tourist attractions
is a world view that is fundamentally bigoted and racist.
supported and worked for Nazi Germany in World War Two.
They attacked Jews, attacked the allies, hoped for Nazi victory,
and wrote poems in praise of Hitler.
The IRA's blood-soaked terrorist campaign of 1969 to 1998
was a leading engine of
tribal bigotry and hatred in Northern Ireland for decades.
So please, Sinn Fein, you veteran Nazi collaborators,
blood-soaked haters of Ulster Protestants, haters of Israeli Jews,
and lovers of Islamist anti-semites,
please shut up about "racism".
Sinn Fein:
"Black Lives Matter. Stop murdering black people."
The IRA: The only organisation in Ireland that has murdered black people.
said about
"foreign Jews"
in 1940:
"The Republic will rid the country of such vermin."
"Oh here's to Adolph Hitler,
Who made the Britons squeal,
Sure before the fight is ended
They will dance an Irish reel."
- The IRA's War News,
23 Nov 1940,
Nazi Germany's conquest of Europe.