Mark Humphrys (politics)


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Northern Ireland - Nationalists - SF-IRA support for tyranny



Nothing has changed since WW2

Lord Mayor of Dublin


Hatred of Jews

Attacking the Jews

Sinn Fein the "anti-racist" party

Sinn Fein and the IRA's support for tyranny

Sinn Fein / IRA have a remarkable record.

They supported all three of the main enemies of the free world in the last century - fascism, communism and Islamism.

Open support for Islamic terror in a republican mural.
Photo courtesy of FAIR. Used with permission.
See other shot from here, which has photos of other republican murals supporting the Palestinians and Cuba.
See other shot from here.
Mural is from Belfast, 1982. This mural was at the corner of Beechmount Avenue ("RPG Avenue") and the Falls Road.
It is now replaced with a new mural. See street view.


IRA support for the Nazis (separate page)

IRA support for the Nazis - documents (separate page)

SF-IRA support for tyranny since WW2

The IRA and its supporters disgraced themselves forever in WW2 by supporting and collaborating with Nazi Germany.

And it's not like this is ancient history. SF-IRA have continued to today this tradition of opposing the Western democracies and supporting their enemies.

  1. They opposed the democracy of Britain and supported the imperialist military junta of Argentina in the Falklands War in 1982.

  2. They opposed (and still oppose) the democracy of Israel in its war against Palestinian jihadism (ongoing since 1947). They have openly supported and even collaborated with Israel's jihadist enemies.

  3. They opposed (and still oppose) the Western democracies led by America and Britain in the global war against jihadism since 9/11.

It is clear that SF-IRA will never stand with the democracies, no matter who they fight. It is clear that, in a similar situation to WW2 in the future, SF-IRA would behave in more or less the same way.

The Falklands War

Lessons From The Falklands by Mark Steyn, January 2003, sums it up: "The Falklands War is the decisive war of the last quarter-century, if only because it's the one the world - like Galtieri - never expected. It marks the dividing line between the free world's territorial losses of the Sixties and Seventies and its gains in the Eighties and Nineties."

The Falklands as an entity pre-dates Argentina as an entity.
This is 1827 map. See full size.
See also 1807 map and 1818 map. No such thing as "Argentina" on any of them.

SF-IRA support for communist tyranny

Pro-fascist, pro-communist and pro-jihadist. That's SF-IRA.

If it is at war with the Western democracies, SF-IRA will have time for it and may ally with it.


Revolting contacts between Sinn Fein and genocidal North Korea.
People featuring here are Gerry Adams and Gerry MacLochlainn and Sheena Campbell.
From p.263 of North Korea Undercover by John Sweeney (2013). See article.

SF-IRA support for Islamic tyranny

The long history of Irish republican sympathy for anti-semites like Nazi Germany continues today with Irish republican sympathy for Palestinian and other Islamic terror and Islamic tyranny.

The Palestinians and other Islamists are openly anti-semitic and proud of it. SF-IRA and other republicans have a range of trendy reasons why they support these anti-semites. They claim it is nothing to do with anti-semitism, and for some of them that is probably true. But this is a movement that supported Nazi Germany, remember.

This is not a joke. This is real.
This is a real mural in Belfast, 2002.
Picture from here.
The terrorist butcher Yasser Arafat is tagged as "Peacemaker - A life devoted to conflict resolution"!
I tweeted: "A life devoted to conflict resolution through bombing airplanes, cafes, shops and buses."

SF-IRA types generally identify with any violent revolutionaries attacking a liberal democracy.
From Derry Friends of Palestine.

Declan Kearney of Sinn Fein hanging out with Hamas in Nov 2016.

Gerry Adams with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in 2009.
Posted by Gerry Adams himself in Aug 2024 after Israel assassinated Haniyeh.

Sarah Holland

Sarah Holland was a Sinn Fein councillor from 2014 to 2019.
She then made the short journey to working for a right-wing Islamic dictatorship. That is the kind of foreign government that Shinners like.

Sarah Holland's Linkedin.
How shameful that an Irish person would work for the dictatorship of "Palestine".
Human rights under Palestinian rule: No elections. No democracy. No religious freedom. No sexual freedom. Promotion of anti-semitism and terrorism.
I would say it is incredible that any Irish politician would work for this dictatorship. But for Sinn Fein, it is not incredible at all.

Jim McVeigh

Convicted IRA terrorist bomber and Sinn Fein Councillor Jim McVeigh openly supports Islamic terror.

During the 2021 Gaza war, Jim McVeigh calls for rocket terrorist attacks on random Jewish and Arab civilians in Israel: "The modern decadence of Tel Aviv is an insult to the orphans & the ruins of Gaza. Let the rockets rain down."
He posted it here on 12 May 2021, and later deleted it.

Jim McVeigh hates Israel so much that he denies Israeli women were raped during the 2023 massacre.


Enda Fanning


Sinn Fein politicians Cllr Emma Murphy, Dessie Ellis TD, Sean Crowe TD, Cllr Sarah Holland and Cllr Enda Fanning.
At a demo against Israel in July 2014.
It is disgusting to see Sinn Fein complain about "war crimes".

Fanning calls me "racist" in Aug 2015 for criticising Muslim Brotherhood radical Ibrahim Halawa.
Fanning here seems keen on defending anti-semitic racist Salah Soltan.

Chris Gaskin

Mourning a Hamas fighter


Oct 2018: Sinn Fein anti-Israel protest in Belfast holds up a sign of Mousa Jabr Abdulsalam Abu Hasnayn, killed at the Gaza riots on 14 May 2018.

May 2018: Hamas says that Mousa Jabr Abdulsalam Abu Hasnayn was a Hamas fighter.
See full size. From here. Also here.
Proof this is him: He died on the same day, at the same place. He looks like him. And finally an Arabic OCR of the image plus Google Translate generates the name "Musay Gabr Abu Hassanein". It's him.
The Arabic is confirmed here.

The Solidarity Wall, Falls Road, Belfast

The "Solidarity Wall" on the Falls Road, Belfast, nicely illustrates the problem with many Irish republicans - their hatred of liberal democracies (the UK, the US, Israel, the Free State), and their ongoing love affair with romantic foreign tyranny (Cuba, Libya, Palestine, Argentina, the Nazis).

Pro-IRA and anti-Israel mural.
From street view.

Round the corner, an anti-Israel mural.
From 2008 street view.
This is now replaced by another anti-Israel mural, promoting Palestinian Islamic Jihad figures Hana Shalabi and Khader Adnan.
Jihad is heroic to these crazy kuffar.

Further on we get anti-American hatred.
From street view.

And support for communist tyrants in Cuba.
Note it is Bush's hands that drip with blood, not Fidel's or Che's.
Photo from here. Creative Commons.
See street view.

Other republican support for tyranny

INLA mural at Portlaoise Jail supporting Hezbollah.
Posted here in July 2014.

INLA support for the PFLP, 27 Oct 2023.
Shortly after the PFLP helped carry out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Republican Sinn Féin, Jan 2020, mourn the death of the butcher Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Quds Force.
Irish republicans taking sides with the Shia in the age old sectarian war of Shia and Sunni Muslims. You're not even Muslims you spanners.
See full size.

Nothing has changed since WW2

30,000 people at homecoming for British troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Belfast, Nov 2008.
Nice to see a proper welcome for the British troops fighting Islamic religious fascism.
And search.

However, SF-IRA protested against the British Iraq troops homecoming, Nov 2008.
Here the protesters quote Communist butcher and tyrant Ho Chi Minh.
From Indymedia.

As at 2014, the Sinn Fein Bookshop promotes Islamic terror against the Jews.
Left: Fatah pin from here.
Right: Hamas pin from here.
Nothing has changed since WW2.

IRA account dreams of arresting the leader of the Jewish state, Sept 2024.
In unrelated news, the IRA supported and worked for Adolf Hitler in WW2.

Lord Mayor of Dublin

The office of Lord Mayor of Dublin has been held by some dodgy characters in the modern era.

In April 2018, the Sinn Fein Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mícheál Mac Donncha, was barred from Israel because of his links to the IPSC.

He managed however, due to clerical error, to get into the West Bank to attend the "9th International Conference on the Status of Jerusalem" where he sat beneath a portrait of the genocidal Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

He said afterwards: "I didn't know the image at the conference was of Hajj Amin al-Husseini". Imagine being that ignorant about a region, and yet still lecturing it from thousands of miles away. What a disgrace to his office.


I tweeted about this disgrace from 11 Apr to 14 May 2018.
Sure I was rude about him, but that's politics.
And guess what happened? The account of the Lord Mayor blocked me. Wow.



The socialist republican fanatics Eirígí have a particular love for the Islamic jihad.

Eirígí protests against the British Iraq troops homecoming, Nov 2008.
This is clearly open support for the Iraqi Islamic jihadist "resistance".
From here.
Also here and here.

Eirigi protest, Apr 2010, flies the PFLP terrorist flag outside the Israeli embassy in Dublin.
They are calling for the release of PFLP terrorist leader Ahmad Sa'adat.

The perennial appeal of terrorist violence against democracies:
Wesam al-Khatib of the terrorist group the PFLP at an Eirigi meeting, Nov 2013.

Eirigi mural supporting the PFLP terrorist group.
From PFLP site, 2014.

Eirigi, 18 Jan 2022, supports PFLP terrorist leader Ahmad Sa'adat. They call for his release.
They don't even claim he is innocent or anything. Just that they support his "resistance" (i.e. killing Jews).

Eirigi marches with Hamas posters, Dublin, March 2025.
From video here.

Hatred of Jews

The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2. And the same kind of contempt for liberal parliamentary democracy (Britain, Israel) and admiration for violent genocidal strongmen (Nazis, Islamists) is still there in Irish Republicanism today. Catholic anti-semitism is part of the mix too.

"Palestine - Ireland - Hamas - IRA - One struggle"
So declares IRA supporter "homerbhoy1" in this sick video.
He illustrates the common support for Islamic terror among IRA people.
I suppose that once you support terror against one liberal democracy, it is a short step to supporting terror against other liberal democracies.
He declares: "THE ONLY JUDE IS A DEAD JUDE ......................." (The only good Jew is a dead Jew.)

The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy "clintderry" shows they would do it again.
He is a Holocaust denier ("Holohoax").


The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy "celticliam88" shows they would do it again.

The IRA supported Nazi Germany in WW2.
This guy "jpderry" shows they would do it again.

Attacking the Jews

There are not many Jews in Ireland, so Republicans have to work hard to find some to attack.

Israel-hating thugs from Éirígí attack a stall selling Israeli cosmetics, Belfast shopping centre, Jan 2009.
Video was on Mark McGregor's channel. Formerly here, but he has removed it for some reason.
See report by Mark McGregor: "The staff of the targeted stall were visibly shaken, one woman and one man reduced to tears".
Ireland now is much the same as Ireland in WW2.

Dissident republican thugs RNU throw paint at the Jews, Belfast shopping centre, 16 Nov 2012.
Just like Father Creagh's followers in Limerick in 1904-06.
See photos.
This is a movement that supported Nazi Germany during World War Two.


Jew-hating terrorists love Irish republicans.
The terrorist group the PFLP praises Éirígí for ransacking Jewish products at Sainsbury's in West Belfast on Aug 5, 2014.
Éirígí is proud of the PFLP support and proudly displays the PFLP terror flag.


Sinn Fein the "anti-racist" party

Critics (like me) of Sinn Fein's support for radical Islamists and Islamic anti-semites and Islamic terrorists are smeared by Shinners as "racists". Sinn Fein is like other socialist pro-Islamist, "anti-racist" groups that smear all critics as "racist". But with added irony, given Sinn Fein's past.

In the real world, Sinn Fein pontificating about "racism" should make everyone sick:

Sinn Fein: "Black Lives Matter. Stop murdering black people."
The IRA: The only organisation in Ireland that has murdered black people.

The IRA said about "foreign Jews" in 1940: "The Republic will rid the country of such vermin."


"Oh here's to Adolph Hitler,
Who made the Britons squeal,
Sure before the fight is ended
They will dance an Irish reel."

- The IRA's War News, 23 Nov 1940, applauding Nazi Germany's conquest of Europe.

"Israel is without doubt one of the most abhorrent and despicable regimes on the planet."
- Sinn Féin International Affairs and "Human Rights" spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh, June 2006.
See press release formerly at Sinn Fein, Dublin South Central.


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Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).