Mark Humphrys (politics)


Feb 2025 entries
Jan 2025 entries

Islam - Islam in the West



  It's not foreign policy. It's maths.

Muslim immigration

What immigration policy do you support?

Fascist refugees

Is there any threat to our liberties?

Muslim immigrants and rape

Islam and rape in Australia


"Moderate" Muslims in the west

Banning the veil


Islamic attacks on the West

Sharia law in the West

Islamic defacement of posters


Islamist nightmares

Islam in the US

Islam in the UK

Islam in Ireland


Islam in the West

Here is what has happened in almost every Western country since the 1950s:

  1. First, increased Islamic immigration.
  2. Then, after a while, various Islamic radicals calling for Western laws to change to accomodate sharia.
  3. Finally, Islamic terror attacks against the Western country.

This is not a prophecy. This is a description of what has actually happened in the UK, the US, France, Spain, Belgium, Australia - and almost everywhere in the West.

Now I believe in treating people as individuals. Most Muslim immigrants come to the West because they have some (sometimes confused) admiration for its freedoms, and want to escape failed states ruled by clerics and Islamic dictators and find a better life.

I am not just being pee-cee. Opinion polls show that Western Muslims are the most liberal, tolerant, pro-democracy Muslims in the world. All the dissidents are here - the religious dissidents, the political dissidents, the feminist dissidents, and the gay dissidents. All the dissident works - such as criticism of Islam and Islamism - are published in the West.

There is also an argument that if there is ever to be a liberal Islamic reformation, it will come from the western Muslims, who are free to speak and question, rather than from the Muslims living in unfree states.

However, there is a substantial minority (10-20 percent) of immigrants who threaten our western freedoms. Who agitate for sharia. Who carry out jihad abroad. And who carry out jihad attacks on the West itself. What to do about these aggressors is one of the questions of our time.

Islam v. the West.
Photo in the English Garden, Munich, on a hot summer's day in 2010.
Amazing picture from Blick newspaper. From here.


It's not foreign policy. It's maths.

Islamic terror in the West is just a product of maths.
Most Muslims are not jihadis. Most Muslims just want to live and enjoy life. Many Muslims hate jihad and jihadis.
But jihad has an eternal appeal, and some will always follow that path.
Foreign policy may "anger" or "appease" jihadis. But there is always an excuse for jihad, no matter what.

At any time, in any place, jihadis will be 1 in n Muslims. "n" may be huge. But there is always an "n".
So the more Muslims you have, the more jihadis you will have. It's just maths.

Percentage Muslim populations of Western countries:
  1. Israel is 18 percent Muslim.
  2. Bulgaria - 13 percent.
  3. France - 9 percent.
  4. Austria - 8 percent.
  5. Belgium - 8 percent.
  6. Sweden - 8 percent.
  7. Germany - 6.5 percent.
  8. UK - 6 percent.
  9. Greece - 6 percent.
  10. Italy - 5 percent.
  11. Netherlands - 5 percent.
  12. Switzerland - 5 percent.
  13. Denmark - 5 percent.
  14. Spain - 3 percent.
  15. Norway - 3 percent.
  16. Canada- 3 percent.
  17. Australia - 3 percent.
  18. Finland- 2 percent.
  19. Ireland - 1.4 percent.
  20. USA - 1.1 percent.
  21. Romania - 1.0 percent.
  22. New Zealand - 0.9 percent.
  23. Hungary - 0.6 percent.
  24. Portugal - 0.4 percent.
  25. Czech Republic - 0.2 percent.
  26. Slovakia - 0.2 percent.
  27. Poland - 0.02 percent.
Absolute Muslim populations of Western countries:
  1. France has 5.7 million Muslims.
  2. Germany - 5.5 million.
  3. UK - 4 million.
  4. USA - 3.5 million.
  5. Italy - 3 million.
  6. Israel - 1.5 million.
  7. Spain - 1.2 million.
  8. Canada - 1.2 million.
  9. Netherlands - 900,000.
  10. Belgium - 900,000.
  11. Bulgaria - 860,000.
  12. Sweden - 800,000.
  13. Austria - 720,000.
  14. Australia - 700,000.
  15. Greece - 600,000.
  16. Switzerland - 440,000.
  17. Denmark - 300,000.
  18. Romania - 200,000.
  19. Norway - 180,000.
  20. Finland- 100,000.
  21. Ireland - 70,000.
  22. Portugal - 65,000.
  23. Hungary - 60,000.
  24. New Zealand - 40,000.
  25. Czech Republic - 20,000.
  26. Slovakia - 10,000.
  27. Poland - 7,000.

Muslim immigration

I suspect that radical Islam, and maybe Islam itself, will collapse like communism in the next century due to global culture, the Internet, TV and "cultural imperialism".

The idea that radical Islamic immigrants in the West will eventually end our freedoms I find less likely.

There are reasons to welcome free movement of people:

  1. I believe human rights and western freedoms are universal, and all races can participate.
  2. Around the world, millions of people who live in tyrannies long for freedom and democracy. We have a duty to give pro-democracy activists, anti-communist dissidents, anti-Islamist dissidents and western freedom-lovers a haven. The west is the natural place for them to set up their opposition parties, newspapers, websites and governments-in-exile, which we should support.
  3. We have a duty to give a haven to people fleeing genocide and persecution.
  4. I believe free movement of people, like free trade, is good for the economy. Skilled people move where the work is. Attempts to stop this are like protectionism, and restrict the economy. (However, this does not hold if the immigration is unskilled and unambitious, and it may be that much actual immigration in Europe does not help the economy.)
  5. I despise anti-immigration movements that are based on ethnic purity. Some of the paleo-conservatives seem to be in or near this territory. I think the desire for ethnic purity is one of the single worst ideas in human history. My country, the Republic of Ireland, is far too ethnically pure already, having lost most of its ancient Protestant and Anglo-Irish population. In general, ethnic purity is a sign of failure. Immigration is a sign of success.

Having said all that, there is one troubling issue:

  1. How about letting in people who hate you and threaten you? To oppose immigration per se (or be against all immigrants once they are in) seems racist to me. But the western left ignores the fact that immigrants may hate western freedoms, and want to end them, and force their primitive, barbarous ideas on me. Obviously, not all immigrants have been threatening like this, so we must be careful to focus on the ones who have issued such threats. At the moment this category consists almost entirely of Islamists who openly want to destroy our freedom and some day set up sharia law in Europe.

My response to the existence of such appalling people is as follows:

  1. Let in freedom-lovers, exclude freedom-haters. - Yes, I agree that people who hate western freedoms should not be allowed in. Islamist activists should not be let in, even if they are being persecuted. West-haters can be hard to identify on arrival, though. You need to be careful that your rules and checks do not exclude democracy-loving Muslims who are fleeing Islamist religious states. These are exactly the people you want to let in.

      • Islam v. Islamism makes the same point, about how many Muslims and ex-Muslims in the West are our allies: "Remember that most Muslims who emigrated to the United States did so to get away from "cultures" and "societies" (I use the terms very loosely) like the ones that are described below, much as Judeo-Christian immigrants came here to get away from European monarchies, religious despotisms, and feudal lords."

  2. Deport freedom-haters. - Inevitably, you will let in some freedom-haters by accident. If they are serious, they will eventually do something, at which point they can be identified. Then you have the problem of: Can they be deported? After all, native born people are allowed hate the west. Are we making immigrants second-class citizens, with less freedom of speech than natives? It's certainly a difficult issue. I think they can be deported, on the grounds that letting them in was clearly an error at the time. So I think, yes, an immigrant can be a second-class citizen in this sense for n years, until they have proved they are not an enemy of the country. This is not a restriction that will bother any immigrant who does not actually hate the west.

    Native born people cannot be deported, even if they hate the west and its freedoms. They must be first-class citizens. In a free society, we tolerate citizens who hate tolerance and want to end it. We have free speech for people who want to end free speech, such as fascists, communists and Islamists. But the point is: We can be relaxed about this when they are powerless cranks. But what if there is a growing number of such people who want to end freedom? My response would be that we should still have free speech, but a free society has every right to try to survive. It must do everything possible to reduce the numbers of such people, and not let any more in.

    • Germans to put Muslims through loyalty test - The German state of Baden-Wurttemberg is to test whether incoming Muslims believe in western values of religious freedom and a tolerant society. If not, they are denied citizenship. Even better, if you answer the test correctly, but it is found out later that you do not really believe in western values, you can have your citizenship removed. Those who support 9/11 will be denied citizenship. This is the future. This is what all of Europe should do. If immigrants do not believe in western values of tolerance and freedom, they should not be let in to Europe.
    • Plain-talking quotes from Australian leaders: "If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you."


It's a bit illiberal for me, but you can't deny it would save hundreds, maybe thousands, of Western lives.

What immigration policy do you support?

What immigration policy into the West do you support?

What immigration policy should the West have?

Possible policies, in order of strictness:
  1. All Muslims can immigrate, no matter what their ideas. Including supporters of sharia and jihad.
  2. Muslims who support jihad are barred. Muslims with "unknown" opinions are let in.
  3. Muslims who support jihad or sharia are barred. Muslims with "unknown" opinions are let in.
  4. Only Muslims who publicly and actively oppose jihad and sharia are let in.
  5. All Muslims are barred. Including liberal and pro-West Muslims.
  6. All Muslims and ex-Muslims are barred.
  7. All Muslims and ex-Muslims and non-Muslims from Muslim-majority countries are barred.

Who supports what policy:

The left The left supports: no.1.
This is more or less the current policy in most of the West.
Trump Trump's Mar 2017 executive order implements no.7 for 6 Muslim countries.
So it excludes Christian victims of jihad from those 6 countries.
And it lets in jihadis from many other Muslim countries.
Me I support: no.4.

What immigration policy do you support?

See above as an image.

Fascist refugees

Be kind to them and let them in, and they will bomb you.

There are no easy answers to this. But let's not pretend these people don't exist.

Islamic Fascism in Belgium:
Abu Imran (Fouad Belkacem) of "Shariah4Belgium" declares that he wants to basically destroy all of Belgium. Well what a lovely immigrant to have!
He says he will demolish the Atomium.
I notice that this barbarian uses infidel inventions like video, however. And did I spot a mobile phone? What a vile hypocrite.
From here.

Islamic Fascism in Holland:
Den Haag Connection (DHC), a Moroccan immigrant fascist rap group in Holland.
(The very idea that immigrants might be fascists never occurred to anyone promoting mass immigration in the 1960s and 1970s.)
"Fuck them Jews, those dirty Jews, the immigrants will come to kill you ... Jews must be killed. Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas."

Islamic Fascism in Norway:
The disgusting "Peace Conference Scandinavia 2013" organised by Islam Net in Norway, March 2013.
The audience all say they are regular Muslims, not extremists. And then they all declare support for segregation of men and women, sharia law (death for gays and apostates) and stoning for adultery. They declare that all of Islam is extremist like this, not just a fringe.
It is a thoroughly depressing video.
However, there is a counter argument. Which is that only an extremist Muslim would go to an Islam Net conference.

Is there really any threat to our liberties?

Polls show that 10-20 percent of Western Muslims are extremists who oppose Western values. Will they ever change our societies to be more like theirs? Or will there just be short-term problems until they are the ones who change?

Islam has many internal problems, more problems than any other religion. And Muslim immigrants in numbers will inevitably bring each of those problems to the West. Terror attacks are the most visible form, but there are other problems.

  1. Terrorism

  2. Anti-semitic attacks

  3. Gay bashing

  4. Attacks on churches

  5. Attacks on non-Muslim women

  6. Honour killings
    • Honour killings - many honour killings by Muslims in the West now.
    • Women's rights in Islam
    • Ni Putes Ni Soumises ("Neither Whores Nor Submissive"), a movement against the oppression of women by Islamists in Muslim ghettos in France.
    • UK survey claims that women married to men of Muslim background are 8 times more likely to be killed by their husbands than other women. Is this true?

  7. Sharia law

How this will all play out in the long run is unknown. There are both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios.

Most anti-semitic attacks in the West are committed by Muslims.
From Antisemitic Violence in Europe, 2005-2015.

Why are Swedes so anti-semitic?
I thought Sweden was a progressive, liberal, multicultural paradise. And yet Jews are far more afraid to be Jews in public in Sweden than in the UK or Latvia.
Why are Swedes so horribly anti-semitic?
Spoiler: I know why. But I want to hear some left-winger explain why.
From p.36 of 2013 survey: Discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States.

It is comic really:
Sharia transforms countries into hellholes.
Muslims then leave those countries to go to countries that actually work.
Then some of them try to introduce sharia in those countries, so they can wreck them as well.


Muslim immigrants and rape

The question of immigrants and rape (or immigrant attitudes to women and sex in general) is a sensitive issue.

Have some Muslim immigrants brought these toxic attitudes with them to the West? Yes, of course some have. There are Muslim clerics in the West who justify rape. There is also some evidence that Muslim immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics.


Rape in Sweden


Rape in Norway


More rape in the Islamic world. Less rape in the sexually-liberated West.
See full size. From

Egyptian Muslim female lawyer Nagla Al-Imam, October 2008, says Muslim men should rape Jewish women.

Al-Azhar Professor of Theology Suad Saleh says Muslims can rape female captives in war.
From MEMRI. See transcript.

Kuwaiti female Islamist Salwa al Mutairi, May 2011, says Muslim men should buy non-Muslim women as slaves to rape.

"The face of a woman is like her vagina" says popular Salafi Egyptian preacher Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini, Dec 2011.

Libyan sex attacker Almahde Atagore could be a poster boy for the screwed up attitudes to sex in Islam.
He got a Libyan government scholarship to study in Australia. He was "upset and sexually aroused at the way women in Australia dressed and behaved". So he started sexually assaulting them.
"Atagore told police he didn't know the country's laws prevented women being assaulted."
He was convicted in 2011 and got 5 years in jail, and when released will be deported.
Image formerly here from The West Australian.

Islam and rape in Australia

Australia in particular seems to have a problem with Muslim immigrants committing and defending rape. There have been a number of high profile cases.

The comedy show "The Chaser's War on Everything" have a great, light-hearted, Australian response to the humourless Islamist freak Taj El-Din Hilaly (of "uncovered meat" fame).
Laugh at the Islamist with the "Mufti Muzzler".

Australian rape-apologist Feiz Muhammad calls for Geert Wilders (and indeed all critics of Islam) to be killed.
He absurdly claims that Muhammad is "the greatest man that walked this earth".


Even if freedom-hating immigrants never succeed in actually changing our laws, there is another threat, which is that of sporadic violence and terrorism. Importing Muslims means inevitably importing some jihadis. Even if you only let in freedom-loving, democracy-loving Muslims (as discussed above), their children may be jihadis. This seems to be the case with the 2005 London bombings. The simple act of letting in Muslims at all increases the number of jihadis who will try to kill you.

Tragically, it seems that the second London bombing attack of 2005 was by refugees, on the country that took them in. They came to Britain as child refugees from war-torn Africa. And they repaid British generosity by trying to slaughter its people.

The 2013 Boston bombing was by refugees.

I have no answer for this. If the war against the jihad escalates, we may have to stop all Muslim immigration, including those fleeing persecution. I hope to god it never comes to this awful scenario.

"Moderate" Muslims in the west

As I said above, it is true that the west is the heartland of truly moderate Islam. Western Muslims are far more moderate than Muslims in the Islamic world. There are millions of Muslims and lapsed Muslims in the west who believe in democracy and freedom, and are in the west precisely because they do not wish to live under Islamic law.

At the same time, many Muslim leaders promoted by the media as "moderate" Muslims turn out to be anything but. Sometimes, hate-filled extremist jihadis, such as Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, are simply described as "moderate". More often, "moderates" turn out to be religious ultra-conservatives who have crackpot views on Israel and America, and who seem incapable of condemning Islamism. Certainly, nobody who believes in Islamic law, or subscribes in any way to Islamism, could possibly be described as a "moderate". Nobody who supports attacks on Israeli civilians could possibly be described as a "moderate". Any time I hear the left describe some Muslim, such as Tariq Ramadan, as a "moderate", I now assume they are lying.

And finally, it is also true that 10-20 percent of western Muslims do support the global jihad.

Opinion polls of Muslims in the West


10-20 percent of Western Muslims are pro-terror extremists.
From 2006 Pew poll.
Reproduced in 2007 Pew report on Muslim Americans.

Supposed "moderate" Muslims

Actually moderate Muslims

What I mean by actually moderate Muslims are Muslims who oppose jihad, sharia and Islamism.

Banning the veil

Burka in London in 2010.
I do not think this should be illegal.
I do agree that she does not belong in the West.
I agree that immigrants wearing the veil should be denied entry. Immigration should be reserved for people who support western values.
I agree that western freedom cannot survive if enough people who reject western values are let in.
But having said that, once the error is made of letting her in, she should be treated with dignity, and should have the same rights as every free Westerner. Every Westerner has the right to be a deranged lunatic.
I do not agree that, once the error is made of letting her in, her dressing like this should be illegal.
From here. See terms of use.


I'd rather end on an optimistic note. I don't think Islamic fundamentalism is going to triumph in the West. I think Islam's encounter with the West is going to lead to a crisis for traditional Islam.

I think secularism, satire, mocking, doubt and apostasy are going to spread and eventually triumph in the Islamic world. It will take generations, but sex, shopping and atheism will win.

I think Islamic fundamentalism is far more under threat than western ideas are. Which is not to say that Islamic fundamentalists won't cause a bloodbath before they exit history.

Atheist Phil Hellenes reacts to a Muslim bloke talking about the Punishment of the Grave.

"My Prophet, My Führer" (in the style of Downfall) takes on Muhammad. With footnotes!

Politics      Religion      Since 1995.      New 250 G VPS server.

Banned in Iran: This site is banned in Iran.

Blocked on X by the regressive left and Islamists: I love debate. I love ideas. But the Western left and their friends the Islamic right do not return the favour. Their response to opposing ideas, whether expressed politely or robustly, is often to block. See Who blocks me on X.

I like debate. But I do have rules. See Who I block on X.

Twitter is broken, 2016 to 2022: I am on X (formerly Twitter) at markhumphrys. Twitter was a great place for debate before 2016. You could meet everyone in the world, and argue about ideas. Starting in 2016, Twitter became increasingly broken. It became full of reporting and bans and censorship. In 2019, Twitter even started shadowbanning me for no reason that was ever explained, or could be appealed. By 2022, everyone was looking for a better place to debate.

Twitter is saved, 2022: In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter and started to end the censorship. It looks great so far. Twitter (renamed to X) seems to be saved.

Campaigns to silence me: I now have no less than two entries on the Banned List at Academics for Academic Freedom. This is a list of "individuals who were banned from speaking at universities in the UK and Ireland, or faced campaigns to silence them, or sack them for their views." The two campaigns to silence me were the BLM protests in 2021 (unsuccessful) and the Israel debate in 2024 (partially successful, in that it drove the debate off campus).