Bock declares
that his influences are the
left-wing extremists
John Pilger
Robert Fisk,
which explains the hard left, anti-Israel, anti-American tone of his site.
The "Bock The Robber" blog has a real
Little Green Footballs
with a small group of followers of the great leader "Bock",
and with Bock simultaneously inviting comment
and yet
banning or threatening to ban
anyone who disagrees with him.
Just like LGF
(except LGF was once a great blog).
Bock blocks me on Twitter.
The Irish
Charles Johnson.
Bock waves the banning stick instead of debating.
Top: From here.
Bottom: From here.
Bock, August 27, 2012, says he condemns the Taliban, but his condemnation rings hollow since he
also condemns anyone who fights the Taliban.
He does not admire the brave Americans who sacrifice their lives
fighting the Taliban and other jihadists.
He has contempt for them.
He says they are the same as the Taliban.
He declares they are war criminals:
"back home, the Baptist congregations continued to Praise the Lawd, while remaining completely oblivious to the fact that they and the orthodox Muslims they hate are exactly the same. Does it just come down to a difference in presentation? If you machine-gun civilians from an Apache while playing the Killers, is that somehow better than setting off a suicide bomb while reciting the Koran?"
He doesn't bother to provide any evidence for this extraordinary claim -
that Americans machine-gun civilians from helicopters.
Bock imagined it, or saw it in a film, so it is so.
Bock, 24 Jan 2015, pretends to be opposed to Islamic fundamentalist terror.
Bock, 26 Jan 2015, describes anyone who fights Islamic fundamentalist terror as a "murderous psychopath".
Bock saw it in a movie, and he thinks this is what actually happens.
The movie
Full Metal Jacket
The above scene is of course
just fiction.
Contrary to the sick propaganda of Stanley Kubrick and Bock the Robber,
this is what the US military is really like:
Dec 2011:
US soldier
Dennis Weichel
comes home from Afghanistan
to surprise his beautiful children.
March 2012:
Dennis Weichel
gives his life to save an Afghan child.
Bock The Robber says, Feb 2010, that the Israeli team that assassinated the
Hamas leader in Dubai in Jan 2010 are "terrorists".
He also says Gaza is a "concentration camp".
Well it is a totalitarian Islamist tyranny run by Hamas, but I doubt that's what he means.
Bock The Robber, 1 Aug 2011, is so furious at the brilliant pro-Israel blogger John Connolly
ending David Norris' presidential run
that he compares him to the mass killer Anders Behring Breivik!
He concedes there are some differences:
"Obviously there is a difference. "Thesystemworks" hasn't killed anyone directly ... but I would be worried about this lad."
Bock The Robber claims that standing up for Israel is the kind of thinking that led to the Holocaust:
"ironically, such certainty as yours gave us the Holocaust."
This is the kind of advanced "thinking" you get at Bock The Robber!
He says:
"Now, Gaza is the world's most densely-populated place, truly a concentration camp complete with walls around it to contain the population, and this was the place that one of the world's most powerful armies assaulted using aerial bombardment, phosphorus shells and tanks. That was in response to repeated attacks by the lunatic, fanatically Muslim Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory."
I think this needs re-writing as follows:
"Now, Gaza is the world's most densely-populated place, truly an Islamist hellhole run by Hamas complete with walls around it to stop the population committing terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli civilians, and this was the place that one of the world's most powerful armies assaulted using aerial bombardment, phosphorus shells and tanks. That was in response to repeated attacks by the government of Gaza firing rockets into Israeli territory."
Bock says Gaza is
"truly a concentration camp".
Yes, I remember the shops and restaurants in Auschwitz were just like the above.
Although you probably could not get the iPhone at the shops in Auschwitz.
The IRA in 1940
attacks Britain's criticism of Nazi concentration camps.
Instead they point to conditions in Derry Jail.
From the IRA's
War News, 6 Jan 1940.
Irish people who don't know what a "concentration camp" is
are still with us today.
The hypocrisy of the Irish left:
Bock the Robber, 9 Jan 2011, is horrified by a humdrum map showing political target seats.
He describes it as a call to murder!
He uses it to blame Sarah Palin for the Tucson shooting!
He compares Palin, a boring parliamentary democrat,
to Islamic clerics who constantly call for the death of blasphemers:
"So what's the difference between Sarah Palin and a crazy fundamentalist Islamic cleric?"
(Right) Bock the Robber, 3 Jan 2012,
praises a song wishing to see
Margaret Thatcher dead in the grave:
"I understand his anger and contempt."
OK, target metaphors in elections are evil.
Singing about jumping on someone's grave is good.
Got it.
Bock, 21 Aug 2012, is angry at my comparison above:
He claims he was quoted "out of context" on Thatcher.
I don't see it myself, but, as always, I link to the source above so you can decide for yourself.
Let me quote some more:
"As a human being with family young and old,
I find it distasteful that people might direct such invective against a defenseless old lady.
And yet, my sense of distaste is bullshit.
Why? Because our respect for old age has never prevented society from tracking down and arresting elderly people of every stripe and hue, right across the globe. We're still searching for Nazi murderers. In twenty years' time we'll still be seeking out Serb and Croat killers. We arrested and tried ancient Khmer Rouge leaders.
Age is not a defence against justice, and Margaret Thatcher has been responsible for inflicting more than her share of misery on people both at home and abroad.
As a human being, I very much hope that Elvis Costello doesn't follow through on his threat and tramp the dirt down on Thatcher's grave. That would diminish him, much though I understand his anger and contempt."
So he's condemning Elvis Costello is he? I must have missed that first time round. And second time.
"Out of context", my foot.
Compare and contrast his sympathetic treatment of Elvis Costello
with the incredible abuse he hurls at Sarah Palin for merely using a target metaphor in an election!
He compares her with Islamic clerics who wish death on their political opponents.
Em, no, wouldn't that be more like Elvis Costello?
I await Bock's post about this bloodthirsty rhetoric from the
Washington Post, October 3, 2012.
Nothing will educate this man.
In Auschwitz, he is angry at
"kids waving a large Israeli flag - a nationalist emblem in a place of evil created by nationalist fervour, and a symbol of oppression to Palestinians, who now occupy the world's largest concentration camp: Gaza."
He is angry with those who challenge his hatred of Israel:
Among all of the anti-Israel comments on Bock's site,
"lapsed methodist"
takes him on:
"It's a simple act of pride cum defiance. And above all people in this place above all places, surely they're entitled?
I mean, the Irish had their backs turned to all this, now we're out lecturing them how to behave?
I think their word for this is chutzpah."
He returns in
Feb 2014
to the Israelis he saw at Auschwitz
and now declares they are like the Nazis!
"Somebody asks, as I have often done myself, why are the Israelis so indifferent to Palestinian suffering
His reply is more charitable than mine might be: when you're in pain, you don't care about the fellow in the next bed. Well and good. ...
But it does not explain
the insouciance of the Israeli teenagers I personally witnessed treating Auschwitz like another Disneyland, and frankly, that's much more sinister than the violence of men who have experienced oppression at first hand.
This is a move from enmity to indifference, where your former enemy is now just vermin: the untermensch, an obscene concept we thought we'd never experience again."
I can't understand his "logic".
But I do hear one thing loud and clear:
He sure hates Israel.
Here is another Irish Israel-hater visting Auschwitz
- and getting angry with Israeli Jews.
Irish republican
visits Auschwitz and complains about meeting Israeli Jews there:
"we were surrounded by IOF ( IDF ) Israeli occupation force".
He even argued with people at the camp!
He is angry about seeing Jews in Auschwitz:
"I was surrounded by Zionists murdering scum".
Imagine being a Jew from Israel, visiting Auschwitz, and meeting this Irish tourist.
Irish journalist and writer
Philip Nolan
visited Auschwitz and got angry with Israel
when he saw Israeli Jews there.
Philip Nolan
visits Auschwitz in 2006, and compares Gaza to Auschwitz.
Christ almighty.
Extract from his book
He posted this chapter on
in 2014
when he was bashing Israel.
He posted it again on
Facebook and
tweeted it out on 27 Jan 2019.
I tweeted it out on 31 Jan 2019.
After negative attention he removed the Facebook post and blocked me.
An academic called
Prof. Brian Lucey
sometimes posts at "Bock the Robber".
See posts.
I made the error of engaging with him on Twitter.
Prof. Lucey is one of the nastiest people I have met on Twitter.
Engaging with him on politics (on the Halawa case)
triggered not a debate on the issues
but rather an obsessional stalking by him of my professional work site,
which is not relevant to my politics.
I have a huge website devoted to politics and religion,
but he entirely ignored that
and instead spent ages sniffing round my professional work site,
tweeting out things he found.
Despite him being an actual academic in a university in Ireland,
I had to block him
in Dec 2015
because of his disgusting behaviour.
In contrast to ignorant Western leftists like Brian Lucey,
liberal and secular and minority Egyptians
like my Halawa work.
They even thank me for telling the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood.
There are Copts (Egyptian Christians) who follow me and defend me.
I can't imagine a Copt ever following Brian Lucey,
but if it happens, let me know.
Egyptian Copt
George Mokbel
thanks me for standing up for the Copts against the Muslim Brotherhood.
He does not seem to understand
Brian Lucey's insight that I only dislike the Muslim Brotherhood because they are brown.
Maybe Lucey will explain to George that that's why he dislikes them too.
Another Egyptian
hates the MB and
likes my Halawa page.
Brian Lucey will need to explain things to him as well.