Rowan Williams
In 2002, as
the War against the global jihad exploded,
the Anglican church appointed as its head (Archbishop of Canterbury)
an annoying, irritating, left-wing, Guardian-reading appeaser.
For a nightmare 10 years, until 2012,
Rowan Williams
pontificated about Islam, sharia,
and anything else he found in The Guardian over breakfast,
giving us the wisdom of his boilerplate left-wing opinions.
Rowan Williams is the great dhimmi of the modern age.
For 10 years he was the
symbol of Christianity's moral blindness, decline and surrender to Islam.
The most annoying man in Britain.
Britain's greatest idiot.
He was all that, and more.
Online game - Bash the Bishop!
(With a sponge)
"A game to relieve you of your Sharia stress".
The Sun.
may be a dumbed-down tabloid,
but they sure know what we all feel like doing
every time we see that idiot
Rowan Williams.
Rowan Williams
As soon as he arrived in 2002, Rowan Williams
showed he was one of those hopeless anti-Americans
from whom we can expect no serious moral guidance.
- Rowan Williams fails to defend Christians around the world:
- Islamist persecution of Christians
(and here)
Moral confusion at Canterbury
- Rowan Williams talks about irrelevant issues like
Guantanamo Bay, yet ignores a far bigger issue:
".. the systematic
worldwide Islamist persecution of Christians.
In country after country, radical Islamists are murdering Christians and attacking their churches.
In the face of such global terror against its own flock, the Church remains quite astoundingly mute. Through such craven
silence, it unforgiveably betrays its own followers.
But it also effectively abandons others - including moderate Muslims,
Jews, Hindus and secularists -
who are similarly the explicit targets of this Islamist fascism."
See follow-up.
On his knees before terror
- Melanie Phillips on Rowan Williams' sermon
on the 3rd anniversary of 9/11.
"You would never think, from the Archbishop's remarks, that he was the leader of a Christian world
that is under murderous attack in
Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan and many other countries
by an Islamic jihad that clearly states it intends to wipe out or subjugate Christianity
throughout the lands of the medieval Caliphate. Not a word of this escaped the Archbishop's lips.
Instead - unbelievably - he cast Christianity as the villain of the piece"
Rowan Williams sucks up to Muslim magazine "Emel", Nov 2007.
Instead of telling them some hard truths about the
oppression, persecution and killing of Christians
in Muslim lands,
he praises all their prejudices,
and gives out endlessly about America, Israel and the West.
"His voice is gentle"
- as if that matters a damn when what he says is so disgusting.
He talks about persecuted Christians in Iraq
- and blames "the West" rather than Islamism!
He talks about persecuted Christians in Palestine
- and blames "the wall" rather than Islamism!
He talks about persecuted Christians in Pakistan
- and he is "surprised" by how Muslims there
perceive the tiny Christian minority
as "so deeply threatening".
And yet he doesn't condemn them!
Instead of attacking Islamist religious intolerance,
and oppressive religious and tribal society in the third world,
he attacks western free society:
"There is something about western modernity which really does
eat away at the soul."
Maybe I shouldn't expect any better from him.
He is a religious nut after all.
"I ask him if America has lost the moral high ground since September 11th
and his answer is simple: 'Yes.' "
As if he knows anything about morality.
He has less understanding of the nature of good and evil
than almost anyone in the UK public domain.
What a useless, useless man.
Victor Davis Hanson
responds to this idiot.
"Williams should read a little about British military campaigns in India, and then count the corpses.
I don't recall the British, after their second year in India, fostering nation-wide elections."
- Obviously, I have no interest in whether Williams preaches the gospel or not,
but I sympathise with the Christian
Mike Long:
"Rowan Williams' fashionably blinkered view of the world reveals him to be far more interested in [an] intellectual fashion show than in preaching the Gospel".
- Damian Thompson mocks him:
"So the Archbishop of Canterbury has condemned American imperialism and "Zionists" in a Muslim magazine. That's very brave of you, Rowan! Nothing like confronting your audience with a few uncomfortable truths, eh?"
- Damian Thompson:
"One wonders what the millions of Christians persecuted by Islamist terrorists and governments will make of the Archbishop of Canterbury's interview with a Muslim lifestyle magazine. If they are looking for a condemnation of Islamic violence, they will be disappointed."
- "The Michael Foot of Anglicanism"
- Christian
David Fischler
does a nice detailed reply to Williams' idiotic world view:
- On Williams' bizarre claim that nothing has been done to rebuild Iraq:
"has Rowan Williams been in a coma for the last several years, and just completely unaware of these efforts? Or is he playing the utopian game of claiming that US and UK efforts have been worthless because they didn't turn Iraq into paradise overnight and with no cost?"
- On Williams' snide remarks about "Christian Zionism"
being behind the support for Israel:
"In the Archbishop's world, there's apparently no room for those who support Israel because 1) it's a Western democracy; 2) it's a staunch ally of the US and UK; 3) it's a haven of safety for people whom many nations have oppressed and expelled, including Britain; 4) it's home to the freest Arab population in the Middle East; 5) it's been the object of multiple invasions and is the object of continuing attacks; 6) insert your favorite reason."
- The brave Soviet dissident
Natan Sharansky
on people like Rowan Williams - people who are educated and sophisticated
but have no moral compass.
He contrasts them with people like
Ronald Reagan,
who brilliantly called the Soviet Empire "evil".
"Reagan may have confused names and dates, but his moral compass was always good.
Today's leaders, in contrast, may know their facts and figures, but are often woefully
confused about what should be the simplest distinctions between freedom and tyranny,
democrats and terrorists."
Archbishop of Canterbury wants to ban all "thoughtless and cruel" speech about religion, Jan 2008.
Archbishop of Canterbury argues for Islamic law in Britain, February 2008.
- He argues that sharia law should be introduced for British Muslims.
The best response to Britain's Greatest Idiot is from
the Muslim Tory
Baroness Warsi:
"All British citizens must be subject to British laws developed through Parliament and the courts."
No cleric, of any religion,
can be given any authority to enforce a decision on a British citizen.
(Anyone who wants to voluntarily follow some cleric is of course free to do so.)
Melanie Phillips
on how this buffoon is an enemy, not a friend, of British Muslims:
"his proposal would also mean that Britain would simply abandon its female Muslim citizens whose parlous position in respect of forced marriages, honour killings and all the other horrors that follow from their second-class religious status would be institutionalised by giving sharia law official recognition."
Lovely comment:
"Archbishop Rowan, Sir, Excellency, might you possibly consider giving up Islam for Lent?
And, converting to Christianity?"
- Melanie Phillips:
"Dr Williams is the head of a church whose members are being persecuted, harassed, attacked, forcibly converted and murdered in large numbers at the hands of sharia law across Africa and Asia. He has, to my knowledge, said nothing at all about this. Instead, he is now proposing that sharia should be made a 'supplementary jurisdiction' in Britain".
- Hugh Hewitt:
"but how can the Church of England have fallen into such a state .. to be led by someone like this?"
Has the Archbishop gone bonkers?
produces a lot of interesting comment.
As an atheist, I don't really care about the Anglican church,
but I do have to sympathise with Christians like
this guy:
"As a practising Christian I have watched with despair as our politicised Archbishop of Canterbury sets about dismantling the Anglican church."
And here:
"No wonder the Church of England is in such decline. Who would want to associate with these views?"
And this Christian:
"there is very little joy in admitting it was a terrible mistake to have this gentle but foolish and out-of-touch man elected in the first place!
Even with the best will in the world, it is impossible to understand or excuse such a terrible blunder which has aggravated just about every section of our society, religious or otherwise."
- The best answer is from
this person:
"Yes. Totally bonkers. Mad as a box of frogs."
- The response of the heroic
Patrick Sookhdeo
of the Barnabas Fund
(which campaigns for Christians persecuted by Islamism in the third world):
Britain's Greatest Idiot
claims not to support the harsher punishments of sharia,
but only "harmless" rules to do with
dispute resolution, marriage, divorce, inheritance and other matters.
But as Sookhdeo points out, these are not so harmless.
"His view of shari`a is utopian and naïve."
For example, the punishments for apostasy and atheism:
"The array of punishments for leaving Islam include not only death, but also matters of family law, the very part of shari`a which the Archbishop wants to see applied in the UK, such as annulment of marriage, loss of access to children, and loss of inheritance."
- Again, Rowan Williams is an enemy, not a friend, of British Muslims:
"Embedding shari`a in British law will negatively impact many vulnerable members of the Muslim community: women, children as well as secularists and liberals. They will all face increasing pressure to comply with traditional shari`a norms. Once shari`a is in place, community and religious pressure will make it exceedingly difficult for them to opt to be judged by English law."
- And Rowan Williams seems to show little understanding of the church
he is supposedly a leader of:
"Furthermore for the many Anglicans and other Christians living in contexts where shari`a is being applied and causing untold misery and suffering, for example in parts of Nigeria and parts of Sudan, the Archbishop of Canterbury`s suggestions are not just unwise, but insensitive to the point of callousness."
- Heere Bigynneth the Tale of the Asse-Hatte,
Iowahawk's "Archbishop of Canterbury Tale".
Copied here.
- Sayeth the Bishop, strokynge his chin,
"To the Mosque-man, sexe is sinne
So as to staye in his goode-graces
Cover well thy wenches' faces
And abstain ye Chavs from ribaldry
Welcome him to our communitie."
- The pilgryms shuffled for the door
To face the rule of the Moor;
Britain's Greatest Idiot still supports sharia, Feb 2009.
Can we have a Christian in charge of the English church please?
Rowan Williams is
"International Dhimmi of the Year"
in the
2008 Jihad Watch awards.
From Dry Bones Blog.
There is it seems no topic on which Rowan Williams will not inflict his idiotic left-wing views on us.
For 10 years he has been reading some left-wing rubbish in the Guardian,
and then announcing it to the world as the position of the Church of England.
A society that does not allow crosses or veils in public is a dangerous one
by Rowan Williams, The Times, October 27, 2006,
shows he is an idiot on many more subjects.
He shows no understanding of Mao's China:
"The culture of total state provision collapsed during and after the Cultural Revolution; under Deng Xiaoping, the new tolerance of capitalist enterprise fostered a driven and selfish climate".
Um, the "culture of total state provision" killed
maybe 65 million people.
The state destroyed the economy and the food supply,
and there was apocalyptic, every-man-for-himself,
famine in which the starving Chinese resorted to cannibalism.
In fact, the "culture of total state provision"
caused the greatest famine in the history of the world (1958-61).
Is that of no importance?
- How many died of starvation under the post-1978 "selfish" capitalism
that this rich and foolish Westerner sneers at?
- Rowan Williams, 14 May 2008,
says that "before the Cultural Revolution" (i.e. before 1966),
Mao's China was
"essentially something which guaranteed everyone's welfare".
- Rowan Williams' partisan attack on the Tories:
- Rowan Williams, June 2011,
guest edits
the far left magazine, the
New Statesman,
and launches a
furious front-page attack
on the Tory-led coalition government.
"We are being committed to radical, long-term policies for which no one voted."
Why doesn't he stick to religion?
Why does he go on about politics?
Why does he only represent leftie Christians?
- Of course
17.5 million people voted for the government.
Who voted for Rowan Williams?
- Damian Thompson, 8 June 2011:
"The Archbishop of Canterbury's highly politicised and biased criticisms of the Coalition lessen the dignity of his office."
Prime Minister Cameron responds, Dec 2011. He accuses the Archbishop of failing to
promote Christianity, failing to distinguish right from wrong,
getting up to his neck in partisan politics,
and only representing leftie Christians.
Cameron really nails the clerical buffoon.
- Rowan Williams' statements on the 2011 riots:
- You don't expect serious moral guidance on the riots from the Archbishop of Canterbury. And you won't get it.
Rowan Williams, 5 Dec 2011:
"Too many of these young people assume they are not going to have any ordinary, human, respectful relationships with adults - especially those in authority, the police above all."
As Peter Mullen replies:
"So the rioters don't like the police much? Wow! That does come as a revelation. Violent lawbreakers resent the forces of law and order - whatever next? There is more of this sort of wisdom".
New Year's message, Jan 2012.
Instead of condemning the wicked, lazy, greedy, violent, selfish rioters, he said:
"The youngsters out on the streets ... are a minority of their generation - the minority whose way of dealing with their frustrations was by way of random destructiveness and irritability.
We have to ask, what kind of society is it that lets down so many of its young people? That doesn't provide enough good role models and drives youngsters further into unhappiness and anxiety by only showing them suspicion and negativity."
Yes, people, it is society's fault.
Sickening. No moral compass at all.
- Rowan Williams' partisan attack on the Tories over the EU:
- Yes, the Church of England even has a position on the EU.
Is there any topic on which Rowan Williams will not give the church's position?
Church of England attacks Tory government for not agreeing to EU fiscal union, June 2012.
Paper submitted to Commons foreign affairs committee by the Archbishops' Council,
headed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams
and Archbishop of York John Sentamu.
Britain is now
"without credibility"
because it does not agree with Rowan Williams' leftie opinions about the EU.
He demands that Britain sign up to fiscal union
"as soon as possible".
- Tory MP Brian Binley replies:
"The Church of England is not a political organisation and many members despair at the way it seems to be projecting itself.
The Church's position in society has diminished during a time when it has as its head a gentleman who seems to think his role is much more that of a national statesman than a religious leader. Perhaps therein lies part of the problem."
- The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu,
praises communist China, Jan 2013.
He claims that China - where Christians are persecuted -
is the happiest country in the world
because it is more equal.
"If you look at the figures globally, China is happiest, then Japan, then the Netherlands - because they are the most equal societies."
- Where does he get this from?
Googling does not reveal any such ranking.
- Tom Chivers, 8 Jan 2013, points out that China is not happier than Britain by any measure.
Nor is it even more equal than Britain.
Not to mention the fact that it is a communist dictatorship!
The long nightmare ends
Hope at last for the Church of England: Rowan Williams steps down, 2012.
I am not a Christian, but I would love if the
Archbishop of Canterbury
could be a defender of Christianity.
Now that Rowan Williams has retired, the title of "Britain's Greatest Idiot"
has probably passed to
Russell Brand.
"whereas on politics his statements display a passionate certainty that exceeds the amount of thought
invested in their construction, the opposite is true of his approach to church matters."
- The Times, leader, 9 Nov 2010, on Rowan Williams, the idiot Archbishop of Canterbury,
who spends all his time attacking Western democracies on political matters with his latest half-baked opinions
from The Guardian,
while largely ignoring the decline of his church
and the terrible persecution of Christians worldwide.
"More recently he has cultivated a special affection for one faith in particular.
Unfortunately it is not his own."
Daniel Johnson, July/Aug 2011, on the love of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, for Islam.
I am not even a Christian, but I wish that Rowan Williams would defend and promote Christianity.
How must actual Christians feel?
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The church and Islamism.