His videos
are drivel.
The ill-informed rants of an ignorant man who has just discovered the Internet.
A British version of
Jim Corr.
But young people watch them.
Britain's Greatest Idiot in 2002 to 2012 was Archbishop
Rowan Williams.
But now, Britain's Greatest Idiot is clearly
Russell Brand.
Back in 2008,
I seriously thought this song was a parody.
I did not realise these are Russell Brand's
actual opinions.
Russell Brand's
hilarious song
"We've Got To Do Something"
by "Aldous Snow" (2008)
parodies (*) the world of the left.
The song takes
the piss out of (*)
many modern young people's
hopeless attempts to make sense of the world.
The ideas of many naive left-wing charities
and left-wing political parties
are really not that far from this.
See lyrics.
"You gotta do something,
We gotta do something,
Sometimes I sit in my room and I don't know what to do,
but we've gotta do something!
Because I don't wanna see another child crying,
I don't wanna see another dog dyin' in the street,
I can't see another homeless man, because it doesn't seem right to me,
He's got a home, he's not got a home,
What's the point in that?
Why can't we all just get together, in one big home,
and if I was in Government,
Then I'd Government things much more differentlier,
because it ain't the best way to government things so there's poor people everywhere"
He has no idea why the
Woolwich beheading happened, and doesn't want to know.
He says the killer is mentally ill
and compares him to loner
Mark Chapman.
If only he was a loner, we could relax!
But of course he is no loner.
Calling him a loner makes as much sense as calling IRA terrorists loners.
Brand claims
the Quran's main message is:
"be nice to each other because we're all the same."
He knows nothing about it.
He says Islamic anger is partly justified!
"all over our country, all over our planet there are huge numbers of people who feel alienated and sometimes victimised by the privileged and the powerful, whether that's rich people, powerful corporations or occupying nations. They feel that their interests are not being represented and, in many cases, know that their friends and families are being murdered by foreign soldiers. I suppose people like that may look to their indigenous theology for validation and to sanctify their, to some degree understandable, feelings of rage."
A disgusting slander on Britain and
an apologist for the Islamic jihadists.
Shame on him.
More drivel on the cause of jihad:
Russell Brand on the cause of ISIS, Aug 2014.
Apparently the US and UK are the cause of ISIS.
Muslims and Arabs have no moral agency, it seems.
Britain's Greatest Idiot says:
"It's always the people at the end of the line that get blamed. I'm not saying that ISIS aren't terrible.
That conversation -
We're not idiots. We don't need to have a conversation 'is beheading bad? Yes or no. We've had that conversation. Beheading is bad.
But it's always people that are at the end of the line - the people that smash a window, the people that pick up a brick,
the people that take drugs,
the people that are the consequence of this cultural imperialism and corporate corruption.
If you want that stuff to end, get the head of the serpent, stop going down these hopeless, pathetic tendrils.
Of course, you need to stop those kind of executions and brutality but don't put them people in charge - the people that benefit from it financially."
He does not identify what
"the head of the serpent" is.
Maybe because we would laugh at him.
Few people in the West know less about ISIS than Russell Brand.
The cause of poverty
Brand knows nothing about global poverty.
He blames third world poverty on the West.
He visits Kenya
and he sees terrible poverty.
He does not blame Kenya's
lack of economic freedom.
He does not blame Kenya's
lack of political freedom.
He does not blame Africa's poor embrace of the western scientific way of thinking that has made us rich.
No, somehow (it is never explained) it is our fault.
"The price of privilege is poverty."
Like all historical illiterates, he admires revolution and direct action,
and has contempt for voting and parliamentary democracy.
"I'd attended a few protests and I loved them. At a Liverpool dockers march, the chanting, the bristling, the ripped up paving stones and galloping police horses in Bono glasses flipped a switch in me. I felt connected, on a personal level. I was excited by the chaos, a necessary component of transition."
He excuses the 2011 England rioters, and we know that riot, theft and destruction would be excused
in his revolutionary "utopia":
"The London riots in 2011, which were condemned as nihilistic and materialistic by Boris and Cameron (when they eventually returned from their holidays), were by that very definition political. These young people have been accidentally marketed to their whole lives without the economic means to participate in the carnival."
He calls for revolution, not voting.
"I have never voted. ... I will never vote and I don't think you should, either.
Revolt in whatever way we want, with the spontaneity of the London rioters
Take to the streets, together".
Because policy should not be decided by the votes of the busy and elderly and housebound.
Policy should be decided by the violence of the idle and young.
Another dumb leftist with recycled leftist ideas.
He clearly has never read a book about communism.
He actually goes out on the street, leading incoherent mobs, rioting and vandalising:
Revolution by Russell Brand - the barmy credo of a Beverly Hills Buddhist. Nick Cohen, 27 Oct 2014, reviews Brand's "book".
"Brand might have designed the political programme that follows to discredit leftwing thought. The revolutionary state should revoke the charters of corporations with revenues larger than the nation with the smallest gross domestic product. According to the World Bank, that nation is Tuvalu in Polynesia with a GDP of $37m - which means that Brand wants to close all large and many medium-sized businesses. Food production must be localised and organic - which means Brand wants hyperinflation, starvation and the bankrupting of African food exporters. And personal debts should be abolished - which means that Brand wants to crash the credit system and return us to a barter economy."
He is a drug-addled Pol Pot.
Poor Moynihan
reads Brand's "book" and discovers that
authoritarian communist Russell Brand is a "big fan" of authoritarian communist oppressors Castro and Che.
No surprise.
Russell Brand leads a mob rioting against government budget cuts, London, Nov 2013.
Centuries of democratic tradition
say these are the kind of things that should be debated calmly and voted on.
But Russell Brand knows better.
Violence is how to decide these questions!
He leads an unelected, undemocratic, mob of rioters who think their views,
not the views of voters, should prevail.
They don't have the guts to stand for election.
Instead this mob of democracy-haters throws fireworks and bottles
and assaults the police.
Russell Brand addresses another mob, London, June 2014.
This mob calls itself "The People's Assembly".
Of course, elections are the people's assembly.
All other "people's assemblies" are self-appointed elites.
declared that members of the House of Commons "generally do not represent us",
despite the fact they were elected and he was not.
Who voted for him?
He never even had the guts to run.
Paul Sracic
explains why naive young people prefer demos and marches
to boring democracy:
"Occupations and rallies are fun. Electoral politics is hard. ... A gathering in the street has a lot in common with a party. Running for office and working for a candidate is like a 9 to 5 job.
And getting involved in the political process forces you out of your comfort zone. Instead of hanging out with a few hundred - or a few thousand - people who basically agree with you, you have to confront and perhaps persuade those who don't agree with you."
Of course, like every uneducated dumbass, Russell Brand is anti-Israel.
Uneducated man bangs on about Israel, July 2014, a topic he knows nothing about.
Israellycool, 20 July 2014,
gives the highlights, if you can't stand listening to incoherent ramble.
One sample of his ignorance:
"Palestinian sovereignty was agreed
and their borders have been continually impeached upon
since the establishment of Israel."
What's the bets this guy has never even heard of the Ottoman Empire?
Russell Brand reminds me of the people
Derek Hopper
talks about.
The Middle East in 1914.
Israel is just a region in the Ottoman Empire.
There is no country called "Palestine".
Syria, Jordan and Lebanon do not exist either.
All of these are recent inventions.
From here.
Pamela Geller
In 2012, Russell Brand had counterjihadist Pamela Geller on his show
"Brand X",
and he revealed himself to be an idiot.
I don't agree with all of Geller's stuff, but Brand was completely incapable of addressing the issues.
Episode filmed 26 Oct 2012, edited version broadcast 1 Nov 2012.
for clips.
The above is not the full thing.
The show set up a plant protester,
Jayel Aheram,
to hold a sign accusing Geller
of being a racist
and inspiring murder!
The edited show that aired was bad enough,
but Pamela Geller explains the unedited show.
"When I said I was not anti-Muslim, but anti-jihad, Brand responded, "What about Uncle Jihad?" That was the moronic level he wanted to stay on. I said we needed to fight against honor killing and child marriage, and he joked moronically, "Child marriage? Sounds interesting!" As I spoke about clitorectomies, honor killings, etc., he kept repeating, "Don't be so daft!" I asked him if he supported clitorectomies and honor killings, and he said, "Of course not." I said, "Then you're a racist.""
They edited out those bits, but the bits they did air did not make Brand look good.
Brand, like a real-life
Aldous Snow,
made a little speech saying:
"really it doesn't matter whether people are Christian or Muslim,
but there are just people with extreme views on either faction".
Oh brilliant, how long did it take you to come up with that wisdom!
Ironically, there was a real (unauthorised) protester
against how Brand was treating Geller,
Denise Bowen.
Brand shut her down and wouldn't let her speak.
Russell Brand's followers stage a protest.
This is
Student Grant.
Follower stats of Russell Brand v. Robert Spencer,
as at 2015.
The popularity of
Russell Brand is one of many signs
that, years after 9/11 and Madrid and 7/7,
the West still does not take Islamic terrorism seriously.
And so Islamic terror will not end.
Expect much more of it.
"liberal democracy, for all its discontents and frustrations, is still better than any of the plausible or previously established alternatives. It is certainly superior to what one imagines Russell Brand's utopia would look like."
- Alex Massie
on the ignorant commie Russell Brand.
"if I was in Government,
Then I'd Government things much more differentlier,
because it ain't the best way to government things so there's poor people everywhere"
- Russell Brand
in the song
"We've Got To Do Something".
I thought it was a parody,
but it turns out to be his actual opinions.