With the retirement in 2012 of the incredibly annoying
Archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams,
there was a vacancy for some motormouth talking nonsense
at the top of Christianity.
Step forward the Catholic Pope Francis (2013 on),
a man who talks first and thinks later.
Evil is welcomed to the Vatican:
Tyrannies represented at the
inauguration of Pope Francis in Mar 2013 include
Bahrain, Belarus, Cuba, Russia and Zimbabwe.
In this video (at 0:52)
Pope Francis bows to the Zimbabwean butcher Mugabe at his inauguration, 19 Mar 2013.
A new start? Doesn't look like it.
A church that takes a stand for morality and against evil?
Doesn't look like it.
Pope Francis defends communism, Nov 2016:
"if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians.
Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide."
As if "the poor" and "the weak" get to decide anything in a communist society!
The Pope is simply a defender of evil.
Pope Francis in 2022:
"If I see the Gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a communist, and so too is Jesus."
The Pope's disgusting views on the Falklands.
As a Cardinal in 2012 he said at a service for Argentine soldiers who died in the Falklands War:
"We come to pray for all who have fallen, sons of the homeland who went out to defend their mother, the homeland, and to reclaim what is theirs, that is of the homeland, and it was usurped."
In 2009 he described the Falklands as:
"this land which is ours
... the native soil."
As an atheist with no interest in the absurd doctrines of Catholicism, I ultimately must agree
with a comment here:
"Well he's wrong about a lot of things, so it's no surprise he's wrong about the Falklands as well."
The Pope talks about "climate change" and massively over-generalises.
If you want left-wing politics and over-generalised slogans, the Pope is your man.
From here, 18 June 2015.
"The spirit of curiosity generates confusion and distances a person from the Spirit of wisdom, which brings peace, said Pope Francis in his homily during Thursday morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta."
The crazy holy man said it was wrong:
"when we want to be the masters of the projects of God, of the future, of things, to know everything, to have everything in hand ...
The spirit of curiosity distances us from the Spirit of wisdom because all that interests us is the details, the news, the little stories of the day.
And the spirit of curiosity is not a good spirit.
It is the spirit of dispersion, of distancing oneself from God, the spirit of talking too much.
And Jesus also tells us something interesting: this spirit of curiosity, which is worldly, leads us to confusion."
Ironically, without curiosity, Christianity would never have started:
In Acts 17,
the apostle
is in the great old city of
and discovers both scepticism and curiosity.
As he explains
the ludicrous new religion of Christianity,
"certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics"
mock him:
"What will this babbler say?"
But others want to know more,
because of that wonderful Athenian curiosity.
"For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing."
The credulous
Paul doesn't seem to admire that curiosity much.
Talk about ingratitude!
I also love the Pope condemning
"the spirit of talking too much".
The Pope!
The biggest motormouth idiot in Christendom.
He never shuts up!
In the same speech
as the previous (!)
he asks why didn't the Allies bomb the railway lines to Auschwitz.
With what?
I thought weapons were evil?
Make your mind up!
Pope Francis comes out against a US strike on Assad's Syria, 2 Sept 2013:
"War never again! Never again war!" I criticise the Pope
to his face:
"Are you the same fellow who defended the Falklands invasion by Argentina?"
I'm still waiting for a reply.
The Pope in June 2015 complains
that the Allies did not bomb the railway to Auschwitz.
But look at how he phrases it:
"The great powers had photographs of the railways that brought trains to concentration camps
But tell me, why didn't they bomb them? The great powers, they divided Europe like a cake."
What? This is the language of Russia Today, of David Duke, of conspiracy theory websites.
It is the morally deficient language of someone who does not recognise that the US and UK
spent blood and treasure for years fighting and destroying the Nazis,
and liberating as much of Europe as they could,
while your organisation, Pope Francis, your organisation was neutral.
Pope Francis continues his deep thoughts on war,
Apr 2018.
And again in Oct 2021.
The thoughts of a 12 year old.
Please Vatican hierarchy, please stop the Pope reading those conspiracy websites he reads.
Darya Dugina,
daughter of
Aleksandr Dugin,
was killed in Aug 2022,
by a bomb possibly meant for her father.
Both were prominent and enthusiastic supporters of the Russian butchery in Ukraine.
The Pope's sick reaction:
"I think of that poor girl blown up by a bomb under her car seat in Moscow.
The innocent pay for war, the innocent! Let us think about this reality and say to each other: war is madness."
Utterly tasteless.
Dugina did not give a shit about the innocent and wanted more of them to die.
After a year of brutal jihad attacks on Europe, the Pope
denies there is an Islamic terrorism problem.
He says all religions have terrorism.
And then his examples are things that are not terrorism:
"I don't like to speak of Islamic violence, because every day, when I browse the newspapers, I see violence, here in Italy
... this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law
... and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics! If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence
... I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists.
... I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence."
He denies the root cause of Islamic terrorism,
and also says that capitalism is terrorism!
"Terrorism grows when there are no other options, and when the center of the global economy is the god of money and not the person ... this is already the first terrorism! You have cast out the wonder of creation ... and you have put money in its place. This is a basic terrorism against all of humanity!"
What a confident, know-nothing idiot.
Pope Francis is truly one of the world's leading fools.
The Pope says poor people are potential terrorists:
Pope Francis, Feb 2017, says Muslim terrorism does not exist.
He says that Islamic terrorism cannot be linked to Islam.
It is caused by "inequality" or some such socialist bullshit.
"no people is criminal and no religion is terrorist. Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist. No people is criminal or drug-trafficking or violent. "The poor and the poorer peoples are accused of violence yet, without equal opportunities, the different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and will eventually explode.""
Got that? Poor people will suicide bomb churches. It's what poor people do.
They always do that.
Papal encyclical promotes Islamic extremist, Oct 2020.
A new low was reached in
the Papal encyclical
Fratelli Tutti, Oct 2020.
Five times the encyclical praises
Ahmad al-Tayyeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar,
a high authority in Sunni Islam.
Robert Spencer
points out, Ahmad al-Tayyeb is an Islamic extremist who says apostates from Islam should be killed.
Ahmad al-Tayyeb spoke at a rally against the Jews in Nov 2011:
"Spiritual leader Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb charged in his speech that to this day Jews everywhere in the world are seeking to prevent Islamic and Egyptian unity."
This is the kind of man who gets praised by Pope Francis.
As Robert Spencer says:
"This is what interfaith dialogue leads to, at least for the Christian side: total capitulation, the relativization of the faith, and the holding of contradictory ideas. The fruit of the dialogue between Muslims and Catholics has not been the protection of Christians in Muslim countries, but silence from the Catholic Church on this persecution. Bishops in the U.S. and Europe have now have been teaching for years that any discussion of such matters is "Islamophobic," and will harm this wonderful dialogue that actually has no accomplishments to its name."
Not all bad:
Pope Francis
recognized the Armenian Genocide
when he was a Cardinal,
and he caused uproar with the culprits Turkey by repeating that when Pope.
Not all bad.
Just mostly bad.
Pope Francis spreads lies about Israel,
Dec 2023.
He calls the Israelis terrorists.
Medieval Popes: Tell tall stories to whip up hatred against the Jews.
Modern Popes: Tell tall stories to whip up hatred against the Jews.
What a disgusting post by the Pope in Oct 2024
after one year of Hezbollah attacking Israel with rocket fire.
What is wrong with him?
Clue to my anger:
100,000 Israelis
have been forced to flee their homes, many for an entire year.
But he does not seem to care.
The Pope said:
"The freedom of expression ... Every one of us has not just the freedom, the right, but also the obligation to say what he thinks to help build the common good. ... We have the obligation to freely have this liberty,
but without offending. ... But, if Dr. Gasbarri, my great friend, says something against my mother,
he can expect a punch. It's normal. It's normal.
You cannot provoke, you cannot insult the faith of others, you cannot make fun of the faith. ... So many people speak against others' religions. They make fun of them. ... But they are provoking, and what can happen is what I said about Dr. Gasbarri if he says something about my mother. There is a limit. Every religion has dignity; I cannot mock a religion that respects human life and the human person. And this is a limit."
Shameful. What a disgraceful speech.
The sooner the church gets new leadership the better.
Mr. Deity
(Brian Keith Dalton)
responds in a video called
"Fuck The Pope!"
He is very rude, but the Pope is asking for it.
"Fuck you, asshole.
I not only can make fun of the faith of others,
I do it professionally, you sick, totalitarian bastard.
Your claim to be connected to some higher power gets you no pass from criticism, ridicule and mockery,
you self-important jerkwad.
So fuck you, Pope Francis, you terrorist sympathiser.
I will mock the faith of others all I want.
That is my right as a human being.
That's it. You stupid hat-wearing son of a bitch."
Placards at a disgusting
anti-Charlie Hebdo march in London, Feb 2015.
The Pope is now inspiring Islamic threats of violence.
Is this the worst Pope of my lifetime?
And we get no bullshit from Pope Francis about
"if [someone] says something against my mother, he can expect a punch."
Instead he condemns
the barbarian as "evil".