The takeover in 2015 of the formerly sensible British Labour party
by the extremist
Jeremy Corbyn
and his anti-British, anti-American, anti-Israel,
fellow travellers
was a nightmare.
Corbyn is an old Trotskyist street agitator
who hates business,
hates the British military,
hates America,
loves Sinn Fein/IRA,
loves Islamic jihad and loves Britain's enemies.
What a disgrace for Britain that this man, who could be on a terror watch list,
got to be Leader of the Opposition.
Labour was never an extremist party like Respect or Sinn Fein.
But it is now.
Voting for Labour is like voting for Sinn Fein.
And yet millions of Britons voted Labour in 2017 and 2019.
The fact this is possible shows a sickness in British society.
After 4 years of terrible fear that this man could become Prime Minister,
the Corbyn project came crashing to the ground in
the glorious 2019 election.
Corbyn's Labour was annihilated.
Britain is saved.
What an awesome relief.
Corbyn finally left office in April 2020.
The Labour Party must now expel every last Corbynite and ensure this stain on British history never happens again.
"Labour of Hate"
by "Claire Voltaire".
"How many times does a person get to endorse, platform, and support Holocaust deniers, Jew killers, and terrorists before we can name him an antisemite?"
Jeremy Corbyn describes the racist terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah
as his "friends".
He says
that Hamas is
"an organisation that is dedicated towards ... bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region".
This video is under extreme censorship pressure.
Download a copy.
Long copy here.
51 times
Jeremy Corbyn
was no friend of Jews.
See full size.
From here.
Event celebrating the Iranian Islamist Revolution of 1979.
"The All-Encompassing Revolution", London, 2014.
Iranian regime fellow-traveller
Jeremy Corbyn spoke.
See video of his speech.
See full size poster.
From here.
See also here.
The Iranian regime helped kill and maim brave British soldiers in Iraq.
It is a fascist regime that jails and murders democrats, gays, atheists, Christians and liberals.
Anyone who supports Jeremy Corbyn has no moral compass.
Corbyn offers solidarity to Syrian butcher Assad in 2009.
From The Times, 29 Oct 2016.
Jeremy Corbyn on Iranian state TV.
Jeremy Corbyn appears here in 2010
on the state TV of the fascist state of Iran,
which denies the Holocaust,
executes gays,
sponsors terror worldwide,
helped kill and maim
British soldiers in Iraq,
and since 1979 has never held a free election.
Iran threatens a genocide of the Jews of Israel.
uses the fascist Iranian TV platform to attack Israel,
which is a liberal democracy
which has had
regular free elections
since 1949.
A man who wants to be British Prime Minister supported the Iraqi resistance forces who were killing British troops.
You could not make it up.
Open support for the Iraqi resistance from Jeremy Corbyn in statement before
Cairo conference
Dec 2003.
And no, that's not a non-violent resistance. Such a thing would be imaginary.
"The Iraqis themselves are now engaged in a titanic struggle to rid their country of occupying forces. The Palestinian intifada continues under the most difficult circumstances. The US administration threatens Iran and other countries on a daily basis.
Now is the time to draw together the forces of resistance in the Arab world and from around the globe. The Cairo conference will be a sign of the strength of that continuing resistance and of solidarity with those in the Middle East who are resisting globalisation and imperialism."
The Cairo conference, Dec 2003, makes it very explicit.
It issued
this declaration
openly supporting jihad against the Jews, the Americans and the British:
"Continue solidarity with the Iraqi people and its resistance against the occupation forces with all legitimate means including military struggle
and to support the Palestinian Intifada and its right to resist the occupation with all means including armed struggle."
In the previous Cairo Declaration,
Dec 2002
(and here),
before the Iraq war,
Corbyn supported the "right to resistance" of the Palestinians.
And no, that's not a non-violent resistance.
Jeremy Corbyn
with Hezbollah flag and
Ayatollah Khomeini
banner, London, Aug 2012.
This was just weeks after the
Hezbollah suicide bus bombing
of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria
that killed 6 in July 2012.
What an insensitive prick Corbyn is.
Hezbollah flag.
Pro-genocide banner. Neturei Karta
hate group.
Jeremy Corbyn
speaking at
the march.
See more videos.
UK Media Watch sums it up.
This was
"a well-planned and well-advertised demonstration by supporters of a fascist, terror-supporting and enabling regime
It wasn't supposed to be like this, of course.
Fascists - even just a thousand or so of them - were not supposed to have a free rein on London's streets
a mere 67 years after the defeat of the last regime which sought to 'cleanse' itself from the 'contamination' of Jews
living in the 'wrong' place."
With its support for Iran and Hezbollah, the march was
"a naked display of racist hatred and incitement".
Al Quds Day,
founded by the fascist dictator Ayatollah Khomeini,
is always like this.
It would be no surprise to Corbyn.
It always has Hezbollah flags
and Ayatollah posters:
Jeremy Corbyn at another demo pictured with another Hezbollah terrorist flag.
This is a
Stop The War Coalition demo, Jan 2012.
From here.
Another shot of
Jeremy Corbyn (left) and Hezbollah flag (right).
From here.
Another shot of
Jeremy Corbyn (left) and Hezbollah flag (right).
From here.
This video
pans from the Hezbollah flag to
Jeremy Corbyn on stage.
Jeremy Corbyn's speech at the event.
With extra Hezbollah flag!
See video,
where he speaks in front of a billowing Hezbollah flag.
"The Iranian regime's proxies in London".
The anti-regime Iranian-American Forum
attacks Corbyn's pro-Iranian regime march above.
Also in the crowd that Corbyn spoke to
was this Syrian flag with a portrait of Bashar al-Assad.
From video above.
There were also "God bless Khamenei" chants
and general jihad chants.
A banner opposing the regime was ripped up by the organisers.
The video has more evidence of links between Islamic terrorists
and Corbyn's pro-jihad "Stop the War Coalition".
Marxists either support jihad terrorism,
or, if they feel they have to oppose it,
they blame their own country for it.
Corbyn stands up shortly after the barbaric 7/7 bombing in 2005
and blames Britain for it.
He stands on stage with the open jihad terror supporter
George Galloway.
Corbyn fans sometimes claim that Corbyn hung out with the IRA
because he was involved in the Peace Process.
One problem is that no one claimed this before 2015.
This claim is discussed in the Sunday Times, 21 May 2017.
See parts
One and
In this, Seamus Mallon,
Deputy Leader of the SDLP,
Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland,
and one of the architects of the Peace Process,
"I never heard anyone mention Corbyn at all. He very clearly took the side of the IRA
and that was incompatible, in my opinion, with working for peace.".
No one claimed Corbyn was involved in the Peace Process
before 2015, when his fans started making up these stories.
In reality, Corbyn was just a bloodthirsty IRA fanboy.
Part of the problem, not part of the solution.
So deranged by Marxism that he supported people bombing his own country.
Mo Mowlam (Labour's Secretary of State for Northern Ireland)
wrote an autobiography covering all her work on the Peace Process.
Corbyn is never mentioned.
See index page
posted here.
Mike Gapes (Labour MP), says in Nov 2019:
"As a member of the Mo Mowlam team I can confirm that Corbyn made no positive contribution whatsoever to the Northern Ireland peace process or the Good Friday Agreement."
In 1984, just two weeks after the IRA killed Anthony Berry MP and 4 others
and tried to kill the PM in the
Brighton bombing,
Corbyn invited two members of the IRA to parliament as his guests.
From here,
which has lots more on Corbyn's support for the IRA in the 1980s.
Corbyn's lifetime of support for the IRA. Corbyn is excited, not repelled, by anti-British violence.
That's why he was attracted to the IRA, not to the SDLP.
Tory attack video:
"Labour: a threat to our national security".
Corbyn activists try to ban this video
The Tory attack video above uses a snippet of Corbyn taken by the hard left group
Counterfire saw their chance to use "copyright" claims to censor the video and protect their man Corbyn.
The video is obvious
"fair use"
of snippets of political videos
for political commentary.
But Counterfire succeeded in persuading YouTube.
The Tory video was
but Counterfire got it deleted.
So this is my copy.
You can download a
Jeremy Corbyn's election
is about the
of fascism, anti-semitism and Holocaust denial
into British politics.
It is a big breakthrough in making these ideas nearly respectable.
Corbyn is one step away from friends and allies who are fascists, anti-semites and Holocaust deniers.
And it does not seem to hurt him.
Imagine if someone on the right had such allies,
and appeared on fascist marches with swastika flags?
It would never happen.
It is, appallingly, the left that is mainstreaming fascism
into British politics.
Jeremy Corbyn
and Holocaust denier
Paul Eisen,
who says:
"I question that there ever existed homicidal gas-chambers.
For my money, a child of six can see that something's not right about the Holocaust narrative".
Jeremy Corbyn
and anti-semite
Raed Salah,
who promotes the blood libel against the Jews:
"We are not the ones who allowed ourselves to eat a meal based on bread and cheese soaked in children's blood."
Jeremy Corbyn
and Lebanese extremist
Dyad Abou Jahjah,
who praised the killing of British soldiers:
"I consider every death of an American, British or Dutch soldier as a victory".
The key questions Jeremy Corbyn must answer, The Jewish Chronicle, 12 Aug 2015.
"we are certain that we speak for the vast majority of British Jews in expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of Mr Corbyn's election as Labour leader.
In a nation where, thank heavens, racism and extremism are now regarded as beyond the pale, it is little short of astonishing that a man who chooses to associate with racists and extremists is about to become leader of one of our two main parties and could conceivably become Prime Minister."
Labour is dead.
No decent patriotic Brit could vote for this party now.
It is now the party of jihadists, Islamists, communists and terrorists.
That millions of Britons will still vote for this
is a great tragedy that makes me worry for the future of Britain.
Tom Rogan, 14 Sept 2015, points out that a Corbyn general election win would mean the US (rightly) drastically scaling back its security cooperation
and intelligence sharing with the UK,
leaving the UK far more open to terrorist attack.
Oct 2015: Corbyn appoints as his Director of Strategy and Communications
Seumas Milne,
a West-hating fanatic who supports the jihadi killers of British soldiers.
Any party that would give this guy a job is a sick party that no decent Brit could ever vote for.
Pro-Argentina, anti-British:
Corbyn's threats to the Falkland Islanders, Jan 2016, are too despicable to even reply to.
He is a disgusting man and
Britain should be ashamed of him.
British Jews abandon Labour:
2010 (before Corbyn):
31 percent of British Jews supported Labour. It was their no.1 party.
30 percent supported the Tories.
2017 (Corbyn):
11 percent of British Jews voted Labour.
67 percent Tory.
86 percent of British Jews say Corbyn is an anti-semite.
6 percent of British Jews support Labour.
64 percent Tory.
See here.
87 percent of British Jews say Corbyn is an anti-semite.
"Jeremy Corbyn - Antisemitism Road Trip".
From Milk Media.
See followup.
Jeremy Corbyn, Dec 2017, pretends he loves the British armed forces and does not want them killed.
Jeremy Corbyn,
Morning Star, 19 Aug 2008, says the British troops are "The enemies of Afghanistan".
This Britain-hating traitor wanted to be Prime Minister.
Brilliant video experiment:
When Corbyn fans hear what Corbyn has said and done,
but think Boris Johnson did it,
they say it is racist.
The WW2 veteran
Harry Leslie Smith
became a symbol of the sad Corbyn era.
Harry Leslie Smith
served in WW2, but in old age he became a Corbyn supporter
and he
attacked the missions of modern British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He wanted the poppy worn for his service but not for theirs.
He fought the Nazis during the Holocaust,
but in the modern age he
called for a boycott of Israel.
Sad stuff.
When he died in Nov 2018,
the Iranian regime, which helped to kill British soldiers in Iraq,
saluted him as a hero.
The above was from
Iranian regime TV.
Iran finally finds a British soldier they did not want to kill!
And indeed Corbyn finally finds a British soldier he does not want dead.
Corbyn is annihilated.
Tories have the most seats since 1987.
The highest percentage vote since 1979.
Labour have the least seats since 1935.
(I nearly choked laughing when they said "1935".)
What a fantastic, fantastic day.
Ordinary Brits have rejected terrorism.
They have rejected jihad.
They have rejected anti-semitism.
They have rejected communism.
They have rejected hatred of the army and police.
They have rejected working for Iran.
They have rejected treason.
And they have voted to leave the EU.
Well done Boris Johnson!
What a hero.
He has done a great service.
So relieved for British Jews, for Britain, for the West. A night to restore faith in humanity.
Corbyn is annihilated and I love the ordinary British voter. Well done.
On the celebratory side:
"Curb your Corbynism" videos
here and
here and
here and
On the mourning side:
Shockingly bigoted FRANCE24 report
has to be seen to be believed.
French journalist Taise Parente "monitors" Twitter for reactions
and only features anti-Boris reactions. Not one pro-Boris reaction!
It never occurs to the host that this little report does not represent the UK, since Boris, um, won by a landslide.
Labour needs to learn from Tony Blair:
Labour won the second 1974 election.
After that, it was:
Thatcher 3 times, Major, Blair 3 times, Cameron twice, May, Johnson.
5 Tory winners. But only one Labour winner.
Tony Blair is the only Labour leader to win an election
since 1974.
In 2024 that will be a 50 year period.
Gabriel Milland says
Labour must now expel the Corbyn disease:
"Fuck off back to your paper sales and meetings above pubs. Give politics back to decent people."
My reaction to the 2019 exit poll at 10 pm after voting closed, when we suddenly knew.
The Corbyn cult at Novara Media
see the exit poll.
Corbyn arrives at the count after the exit poll.
I could watch this all day.
Boris Johnson's election victory speech, 13 Dec 2019.
A postscript to Corbynism.
In response to the barbaric
Hamas massacre of Israelis in Oct 2023,
when terrorists killed over 1,000 Jewish men, women and children in the streets
and in their homes, Corbynites posted
solidarity with the terrorists.
Open support for the mass killing of Jews from
Michael Walker
of Novara Media.
Rivkah Brown
of Novara Media
joins in.
Also here.
After uproar, the sick Corbynite deleted these.
Her undeleted tweets
from that week
include: "I believe oppressed people deserve to fight for freedom in the ways that they deem appropriate."
The sewer of Corbynism.
A stain on British history.
Of course the vile woman blocks me now.
Corbyn on the Piers Morgan show, 13 Nov 2023.
Morgan does a great job of asking him:
(1) are Hamas a terror group, and:
(2) should Hamas stay in power.
Even after the barbaric massacre,
the despicable little shit refuses to answer either question.
"a despicable anti-Semite that peddles hate."
- Description of Corbyn by
Ilana Romano,
widow of athlete Yossef Romano,
who was
tortured, mutilated and murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics,
after she learned that Corbyn in 2014 attended a
memorial service
for her husband's killers.