Of the many West-haters, Britain-haters and tyranny-worshippers
The Guardian,
Seumas Milne
has long stood out as one of the worst.
In Oct 2015, the new Labour leader,
the radical left
Jeremy Corbyn,
appointed Seumas Milne as Director of Strategy and Communications.
No decent person could vote for Corbyn's Labour.
Any party that would give Milne a job is a sick party that no decent Brit could ever vote for.
They can't see why they are hated.
Seumas Milne starts spewing anti-Americanism on 13 Sept 2001!
He can't even wait!
"Nearly two days after the horrific suicide attacks on civilian workers in New York and Washington, it has become painfully clear that most Americans simply don't get it",
says Milne, who does not get it.
"From the president to passersby on the streets, the message seems to be the same: this is an inexplicable assault on freedom and democracy, which must be answered with overwhelming force",
says Milne, proving that the passersby get it, and Milne doesn't.
"But any glimmer of recognition of why people might have been driven to carry out such atrocities, sacrificing their own lives in the process - or why the United States is hated with such bitterness ... seems almost entirely absent",
says Milne, who has never (then or now) shown any understanding of the belief system
that leads young, starry-eyed religious maniacs to carry out such acts
- the utopian revolutionary ideology of Islamism.
Seumas Milne defends and sometimes openly supports the Islamic jihad.
Seumas Milne publishes jihad apologetics
after the killing of Lee Rigby in Woolwich in May 2013:
If the whole world's a battlefield, that holds in Woolwich as well as Waziristan.
Milne, Dec 2013, is not in favour of the Rigby killing,
but he attempts some kind of depraved spin for Woolwich as "not as bad" as other Islamic terror attacks in the West.
"Rigby was a British soldier who had taken part in multiple combat operations in Afghanistan.
So the attack wasn't terrorism in the normal sense of an indiscriminate attack on civilians."
Mrs. Rigby should not demean herself by engaging with that wealthy fanatic.
The resistance campaign is Iraq's real war of liberation.
Seumas Milne goes fully over to the dark side, July 2004.
"The resistance war can of course be cruel, but the innocent deaths it has been responsible for pale next to the toll inflicted by the occupiers.
Jack Straw said this week that the resistance was "opposed to a free Iraq"
- but its campaign is in fact Iraq's real war of liberation."
He is basically supporting the forerunner of ISIS here.
It's Palestinians who have the right to defend themselves.
Seumas Milne, The Guardian, 20 November 2012.
The most pro-jihad newspaper in the English-speaking world does it again.
"Gazans are an occupied people and have the right to resist, including by armed force (though not to target civilians)".
Ha! As if Hamas do anything else other than target civilians!
The pro-jihad
Seumas Milne
attacks Israel at a demo, Jan 2009.
He says about the violent Palestinian jihad against civilians
that the Palestinians have "the right to resist".
He does not condemn their violence against civilians.
He supports failure for counter-jihad forces across the Islamic world
(Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan).
He cheers on Hamas.
He refers to their rocket attacks against civilians
but does not condemn them.
The fanatic Milne tells an anti-Israel demo that the Palestinians "have the right to resist", London, 24 Nov 2012.
Why would any liberal democrat read this newspaper?
Aug 2014:
Milne says Israel has no right to defend itself against Hamas rocket fire from Gaza.
"Israel has no right to defend itself from territories it illegally occupies. It only has an obligation to withdraw.
The Palestinians are an occupied people. They have the right to resist.
They have the right to defend themselves from the occupier.
It's not terrorism to fight back."
And here.
Frimet and Arnold Roth,
whose 15 year old daughter was murdered
by a Palestinian suicide bomber in 2001,
comment on Milne's video:
"The nauseating self-importance. The absence of any signs of doubt about the deadly incitement he spouts. The bigotry dressed up as passion.
Corbyn's man, for shabby political points, amorally justifies the murder of Israeli innocents (our daughter among them). And they applaud."
At a 2011 meeting
of "The Equality Movement"
with the theme
"What is Imperialism?"
Seumas Milne
described the "resistance" in Iraq and Afghanistan
as one of the "historic advances" of the modern age.
Now this "resistance" is the Taliban, Al Sadr
He is praising the enemy that killed British troops.
Labour is dead.
No liberal democrat could vote for the Labour party now.
The left has tried to censor this video:
The video is by the hard left group
They have been trying to use copyright claims to reduce the damage to Milne.
Commies use copyright law to protect powerful political figures from criticism.
Counterfire has left an extended 12 minute version online.
It is just the highlighted clip of Milne by his enemies that they issue copyright threats to.
This 2 minute clip (from 9:20 in the above) was formerly
posted here.
Counterfire got it
deleted to help cover for Milne when he got a powerful job with Labour.
So this is my copy.
You can download it here:
He tries to downplay the communist democide.
He refers to:
"a determined rewriting of history since the collapse of the Soviet Union
that has sought to portray 20th century communist leaders as monsters
equal to or surpassing Hitler in their depravity
- and communism and fascism as the two greatest evils of history's bloodiest era."
Um, yes.
What exactly is the problem?
He complains about
European imperialism
and colonisation.
This might be a major player in
19th century democide,
but it is not very important in
20th century democide.
Is there some reason why he doesn't like admitting that
communism is the greatest killer, not just in the 20th century,
but in the entire history of the world?
"It has become almost received wisdom to bracket Stalin and Hitler as twin monsters of the past century - Mao and Pol Pot are sometimes thrown in as an afterthought - and commonplace to equate communism and fascism as the two greatest evils of an unprecedentedly sanguinary era."
To my ears, he sounds like a Holocaust revisionist complaining that "It has become almost received wisdom that ... "
Milne says only 2.5 million people were in the Gulag.
Anne Applebaum
says more like 25 million.
I know who I trust.
Milne is just a commie version of the Holocaust revisionists.
In the modern era, Milne is a fan of the
Russian dictator Putin.
He hates democratic Israel, but loves the unelected Russian dictator!
Here is Milne with Putin
at a
pro-Russia event
in 2014.