You're missing the revolution guys
by Mark Humphrys Friday, Dec 19 2003, 8:05am

> & as is customary the comments will be deleted.
> bzzzzt.
> Sorry Dr H.

I never saw what you did since I've only just
discovered this thread.
I posted somewhere else.

Anyway, you're very brave "iosaf"
and "tsk tsk", you anonymous cowards.
Who are you?
There's no secret about who I am.
I have the courage to sign my name to my opinions.
Why don't you?

Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat,
but as one of the more sane posters above said, this is just a time
when people like me drop in to laugh at the freakshow.
It is a glorious day,
the best day in the world since
that fantastic day the Berlin Wall came down.

This is the greatest moment of the century so far.

You anti-American nuts have lost again.
You lost the Cold War.
And you're losing this war.

You're missing the revolution guys.
There's a great revolution for democracy and human rights
under way in the Middle East, and you're so consumed by hatred
that you're missing it.

I'll leave you with some Iraqi bloggers.
They understand what tyranny and freedom mean.
You spoilt, pampered, safe, western rich people don't have a clue.

Talk to you again when Iran falls.

All the best,

Mark Humphrys

The Mesopotamian

4:01 AM - PLEASE GOD LET IT BE TRUE - If the news we are just
hearing about the capture of the Monster is true then I thank God for
letting me live to this day to see this. Will report to you later.

6:50 AM - MOTHER OF DAYS - That I, and the Iraqi people should see
this day! This, surely, is the mother of all days for us. The heroes of our
valiant Pesh Mergas, and the heroes of the U.S. Fourth division have done
it. .... I am too overwhelmed with emotion to write coherently; please
excuse me. The foul mouths of the enemies of our people everywhere and
the neighboring vultures and hyenas be stuffed with dirt; we will come
after you; your time will come. Long live the great alliance of
Mesopotamia and the United States of America and her allies. .... God
Bless Iraq; God Bless America; God bless the Allies.

9:37 AM - you should all be here now. What fireworks! You should be
here. The Baghdadis are expressing what they really think again. Can you
hide this now CNN & others?

Iraq The Model

18:10 - The big brother in a small hole. Horrraaaaa. It's the justice day.
I'm speechless. I'm crying. The tyrants' hour has finally came. I went
down to the streets to share the joy with my brothers. This is our day, the
day of all the oppressed and good people on earth. Tears of joy filled the
eyes of all the people. .... It's indeed an inauspicious day for all the tyrants.
Let them know that their days are near too. This is the day of all Iraqi
martyrs who were slaughtered just to please his sick lust for blood. Rest in
peace my brothers. The paradise is yours and the disgrace and hell is for
all the tyrants on earth. Thank you American, British, Spanish, Italian,
Australian, Ukrainian, Japanese and all the coalition people and all the
good people on earth. God bless the 1st brigade. God bless the 4th infantry
division. God bless Iraq. God bless America. God bless the coalition
people and soldiers. God bless all the freedom loving people on earth. I
wish I could hug you all.

18:21 - The past 24 hours were full of joy and happiness beyond
description. Tens of thousands of Iraqis all over Iraq demonstrating and
celebrating the capture of the tyrant. For as long as that monster was free,
a lot of Iraqis were afraid of the tiny chance that he my make a comeback.
It seems silly and very coward to think like that. For me and you, maybe
it's, but for millions of Iraqis that wasn't so hard to believe. One had to live
those horrible 35 years to understand that. Now this illusionary danger is
gone forever and justice is on the way.

18:23 - Dear Arab and Muslim tyrants. Dear Bin Laden and Al-Quaeda.
Dear Ba'athists and fascists. Dear terrorists of the world. Dear al-Jazeera
and al-Arabia and all independent Arab media. All the truly evil people in
the world. All those who loved Saddam. All freedom haters. Please accept
my sincere and deepest contempt to you and your hero. .... May you follow
your Godfather through his glorious path to hell. .... May your idol rest in
hell. God curse you all.

p.s. People, he's talking about YOU.